Page name: O RLY Contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-06 19:21:05
Last author: Nocternity S.
Owner: Konobi
# of watchers: 7
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O RLY Contest!

Welcome to the photography/art contest dedicated to the O RLY Owl!

Hosted by: [Konobi]

This contest is dedicated the the humor of the O RLY pictures found all over the web! Perhaps..

Do you have an O RLY idea!?

Now's your chance! Take a photo of yourself or something you've seen, or draw a picture of something related to O RLY! You can make up some corny phrase, or use one of the many ideas out there! Just try to make it LOL! (Haha, I'm already fitting the theme.) Here are some guidelines:

1) Absolutely NO nudity.
2) Keep it tastefull! You can use slang-ish terms like "I'd hit that", but try to avoid cursing.
3) This MUST be done by you! No theft of other pictures online or from other users. Follow the AUP.
4) Photoshop allowed, but NO EDITING of photographs. You MAY NOT use photoshop to edit your contest photographs. Only drawings may use Photoshop.
5) And of course, Have fun! If you don't follow this rule, I'm afraid you'll be banned from the contest.

Winners will receive house badges drawn by me! Of course, they're not made yet, but they will be! There will be six badges: First place receives a colored badge, second place receives a green mono-colored badge, and third place receives a black and white badge. There will be two sets; one for art and one for photography.

Deadline: March 14th 2007

O RLY Photograph Contest

O RLY Drawing Contest

If you want, submit your name if you plan on entering!

1) [skittels]
2) [Deleted001]
3) [sequeena_rae]
4) [Nocternity S.]

Username (or number or email):


2006-11-16 [Konobi]: Wee! =D

2006-11-28 [Ocean Soul]: Bwahaha xD This sounds like a fun idea :D

2006-12-02 [Subject37]: what is O RLY?...

2006-12-02 [Ocean Soul]:

...owls mostly.. and other stuff ;)

2006-12-02 [Ocean Soul]: <img:> ;)

2006-12-27 [shadowfire09]: lol that's brilliant!!

2006-12-29 [Konobi]: So, I hope you guys will enter then...

2007-01-01 [Konobi]: Haha, you made that?

2007-01-01 [Elftown has failed The emo kids have won]: with help, yeah.

2007-01-02 [Konobi]: Nice...

2007-01-08 [Deleted001]: Loreabellum: I didn't know MSpaint supports psuedo transparancy!, You must rock in paint...bieing able to make transparant layers.=p,
I entered with my pussy, My hairy pussy I might add.

2007-01-17 [lraina]: Loreabellum how did you do that with MSpaint? O.O

2007-01-17 [Deleted001]: She didn't, Its impossible to do so,Paint doesnt support layers and/or transparancy.

2007-01-20 [Elftown has failed The emo kids have won]: no, i missunderstood the question, i didnt make the picture, just the macro... actually i suck with mspaint, which is why it took so long... :(

2007-02-25 [princess_ of _darkness]: that picture thing is cool ^_^

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