Page name: Obsidian Mist [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-12-13 03:16:25
Last author: Lirerial
Owner: Lirerial
# of watchers: 2
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Character name: Obsidian Mist

Allegiance: The Lich

Race: elf/ elder dragon hybrid

Age: very very old, kept alive by an elixer made by Stiro when she was a baby but doesn't need it now

Gender: female

Rank: princess/ assassin for her father's "special" missions

Appearance: Obsidian looks alot like her mother, but she has gold slit dragon eyes, she has the same talent for shadows and black scales scatter over her skin. She can shapeshift into a wiry black dragon that is built for speed and stealth rather than strength.

Weapons: Chains with a spear head attached. Darts and bow and arrows. She hates close combat although she is somewhat decent at it.

Armor:Black leather armor

Abilities: She can shapeshift into a black dragon, She has limited use of shadows, defensive and intelligence purposes only. Also, due to her "father's" experiments she can heal from most wounds by drinking blood.

Personality: Obsidian is devoted to her "father". She very curious about almost everything but harbors a deep disdain for the games her "father" plays. She also has a superiority complex and is very proud, she refuses to mingle with "commoners" and the only thing that relieves her boredom is her rare assassinations that Stiro sends her to acomplish.



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2010-12-13 [Talos Cyrion]: good, only thing i'd change really is that she was kept alive in her infancy by the elixir, but doesn't need it now.

2010-12-13 [Lirerial]: ok :)

2010-12-13 [Lirerial]: Do you think it would be better if she were completely spoiled... like didn't know how to fight or anything because Stiro has kept her sheltered all her life?

2010-12-13 [Talos Cyrion]: Hmmm, well on the one hand you have a psycho who gets what he wants but is tortured over the fact it led to an unintended death.....maybe spoiled but practiced in her arts as Stiro would most likely have indulged her in order to keep her in the dark about her past

2010-12-13 [Lirerial]: Hmm kk :)

2010-12-13 [Lirerial]: When will the rp start again?

2010-12-13 [Talos Cyrion]: we can go ahead. I think it will be awhile before Elwyne gets her comp fixed

2010-12-13 [Lirerial]: kk :) do you wanna post first?

2010-12-13 [Talos Cyrion]: already done

2011-12-13 [Lirerial]: When does this rp start again? lol

2011-12-13 [Talos Cyrion]: Gonna start this weekend for sure. Gonna re-write the front page story and besides that it's all good to go

2011-12-13 [Lirerial]: ok, awesome :D

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