Page name: Once Upon A Summer Moon Chapter 2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-02-18 02:33:16
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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Once Upon A Summer Moon Chapter 2

"The bard."

Ryiou smiled, and turned her around so that she could watch the bard. A man in his twenties came out and began to play for them.

She sat down and listened

The music was haunting and beautiful.

She smiled listening. She blushed a bit

"What's up sis?" her brother whispered to her with a smile.

"I...feel drawn to him..."

"Really? He is handsome..."

She blushed and nodded

The bard looked her way, smiling gently.

She blushed deeply

The bard began to sing a song of forbidden love.

She blushed even deeper watching him

He finished a set of songs, and took a break in his little corner of the tavern.

"Go... talk to him," whispered Ryiou.

"What should I say?" She asked shyly

"hello is a good starter..."

She blushed and went over to him shyly. " play...beautifully."

"Thank you, miss...." he said softly, smiling at her.

She blushed. "My name is Seanna."


She blushed and smiled. "It's nice to meet you.."

"It is nice to meet you too, Miss Seanna..."

She blushed. "How long have you been a bard?"

"My father was a bard... I was raised on the road..."

"Oh...I see. Do you like traveling?"

"Yes I do...."

"Where have you been?"

"I have been from Winter Haven all the way to the western coast of Bay Cove..."

"What is Bay Cove like?"

"It's beautiful with white sand beaches..." he said softly.

She smiled. "I'd like to see it..."

"Are you traveling?"

"With my brother..."

"Really, a woman of your beauty shouldn't travel alone... it is good that you have him..."

She blushed. "Thank I really beautiful?"

"Yes you are...." he said softly.

She blushed deeply. "w...would you like with my brother and I?"

"Really? We have just met..." he said softly, looking into her eyes.

She blushed. "I...feel...something..."

Cian looked about to say something, but then he smiled politely. "I have to continue my sets..." he said softly.

"Ok..."She said hurrying back to her brother and setting down

"What happened?" he asked with a smile as the bard started up again.

She told him still blushing

"You are blushing sis..."

" him..."

"I can tell..." he laughed.

She blushed deeper. "I...never felt it..."

"He's looking at you...."

She blushed deeper looking at Cain

Cain was indeed looking at her as he sang a song ballad, his fingers pucking the strings of a lap harp.

She smiled

"You... are in love badly..."


Ryiou smiled at her softly. "It's all over you face..." he whispered.

She blushed.

He hugged his sister.

She hugged back

"We have an early morning..." he said softly.

"I know..."

"Do you want to head with me to the rooms or wait for him?"

"Can I wait?"

"YOu can..." He told her the room she had, giving her the key. "Don't be too long..."

"Thank you. Goodnight."

"Night sis..." He walked off.

She watched Cain

Soon after, Cain finished his set. He put up his instruments and walked over to her. "What did you think?"

"Lovely. So...umm...will you travel with us?"

"I'd love too..." Cian said with a smile.

She blushed. "So...see you early in the morning?"

"Yes..." Cain said nodding.

She smiled and and blushed heading upstairs. "Goodnight,"

Cain softly kissed her cheek. "Good night..."

She blushed and smiled.


She went to her room and headed to bed after locking her door

She fell asleep dreaming of him.

She blushed

"Love you...."

"Love you too."

The dream Cain kissed her.

She blushed kissing back

Her dream slowly became a nightmare.

She bolted awake panting

She was alone in the room.

She closed her eyes to sleep again

Just as she was falling to sleep she heard movement in Ryiou's room.

She frowned setting up. She went to the door and knocked. "Ryiou?"

"I'm okay, Seanna... you should rest...." she heard.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes.... rest..."

She headed back to bed

She dreamed of the bard.

She smiled

His music drifted in her dreams.

She smiled. "Lovely."

She felt safe.

She smiled

"I love you..."

"Love you."

She woke up feeling like something is wrong.

She frowned and went to her brother's door knocking. "Brother?"

She didn't hear anything.

She knocked again more urgently


Jahariss fell to his knees and growled in pain. " just...a kid!"

His handler came up. "And will make a prefect gift for the princess... a perfect wedding gift..."

"You're disgusting!" He growled worried for the kid

The handler snapped his finger, and the guards picked up the boy. "Put him in a box..."

Kii moaned in pain. "Ysamia..."

Kii was thrown into a small box. The handler laughed. "We'll have to have a collar made for him too...." he said to Jahariss.

"Leave him alone..."He said trying to get up

the handler then fell to the ground. "Quick, get up..." the figure from before said. She quickly freed Kii.

"What about the boy's sister." He said picking Kii up.

"We have to get into the castle and free her..." the figure said.

"Let's hide the boy somewhere safe."

The figure looked around. "This place will be crawling with guards soon... he'd be found around here..."

"What should we do than?"

"I don't know... I normally work alone..."

"Can you save the girl and met up with me? I will get him to safety there has to be a place I can take him that they won't find. I am a risk to you anyway."

"The collar... I noticed... go quickly..."

"Do you know a place I can take him that we can meet up?"

"I have a camp site a good league into the forest..."

"I'll meet you there. Give me the directions"

"Head north east of here...."

He nodded and rushed off with Kii. "Good luck."

As he ran, he saw many guards started to wake up.

He hid in the shadows working on knocking them out with his magic

They started falling over again.

He hurried to the camp

He made it there.

He gently laid Kii down and treated his wound

He noticed that it appeared to be a well stocked camp, most of it seemed to have come from the castle, he even found a silver and blue cloak he had been missing.

He took the cloak and carefully covered Kii with it. He waited for her watching over him and keeping alert

There was russeling.

He tensed looking around

There was a deer standing there.

He watched it carefully in case it was an illusion

It looked at him, than leapt away.

He watched the woods carefully

He didn't see anything.

"Please hurry..."He whispered

The cloaked figure ran up with the young girl on her back.

"Is she alright?"

"They were starting to torture her in terrible ways..."

"Were to get to her before they succeeded?"

"Yes... I was..."

He made a makeshift bed for the girl too.

"Thanks..." the young woman said, as she moved around the camp pulling out supplies.

"This cloak...did you take it?"

She didn't look at him. "...its... mine..." she said softly, not really answering.

"It's actually mine." He said, he didn't sound angry at all. "Thank you for taking it, odds are they would have had it destroyed or sold since it is my favorite."

"I... liked it... that's why....I...."

"Took it?"


"I would like it back please."


"Thank you."He said

Kii moaned

She looked over. "He's waking..."

He nodded.

Kii opened his eyes calling for his sister

"Shhh..." the young woman said. "She is right here..."

"Is she ok?"

The young woman nodded. "Yes she is..."

"Thank you..."

She nodded. "How are you feeling?"

"Sore...are you going to return my sister and I?"

"Return you?"

He looked down. "we...never mind..."

"Where ever you are from, you left for a reason.... I don't plan to return you anywhere..."

"My father abused me...because..."His ears perked up as did his tail

The young woman nodded. "I won't take anyone back to that..."

"Thank you..."

"You are welcome..."

"Do you...think I am a freak?"

"A freak? No I don't..."


"You are not a freak lad. You were really brave back there trying to help your sister...was one of you adopted though?" Jahariss asked.

Kii shook his head looking down. "I...we were born twins. She was born normal...but I was born like this..."

"I am Silia..."

"My name is Kii."

"I am Jahariss."

"And your sister?"


Silia nodded. "She is a strong young woman......"

"She helped me escape."

"That's wonderful....."

He nodded. "Can we stay with you?"

"I travel alot... but I'm fine with it... it'll be like being back with my family's camp...

"Thank you."He said hugging her.

Silia looked at Jahariss. "You can join too..."

"Thank you."

Silia nodded.

"Where should we head?"

"Anywhere..." she said smiling.

"As long as it is far from them and their influence.'

Silia nodded. "Of course..."

He nodded and checked on Ysamia

"Brother...." he heard her mumble.

"He is here you both are safe."

Ysamia opened her eyes. "Kii..."

Kii looked toward her wincing as he tried to get up. "I'm here."

Ysamia moved, and hugged him carefully.

He hugged back. "They said we can travel with them,"


He smiled and nodded

She hugged him more.

"You ok?"

"Yes I am... I'm just glad we're okay..."

"Me too."

Silia smiled at the two. "Rest... we travel in the morning..."

He smiled. "Ok..."

Jahariss sighed. He wondered if he was trully free since he was still collared.

Silia placed a hand on his shoulder. "We'll get it off..."

"I hope so."

"Kii...Ysamia... you two may have the tent.... both of you need to rest...."

"Thank you." Jahariss helped Kii to the tent

Silia lead Ysamia into another tent.

Jahariss came out and sat. "Thank you for helping me..."

Silia nodded. "You're welcome..."

"I have o go though...If I stay they will find us, they probably have a tracker connected to this."

"'s better in a group..."

"But if they find us..."

"They won't...I won't let them..."

He looked unconvinced

She disappeared. I can place a dome around us... just like I'm doing to myself... She then reappeared.

He reluctantly nodded, "What if they counteract that?"

"We'll deal with it...then..."

"I hope we can."

She nodded.

He sighed. "Those poor kids."

"I know....terrible...."

"I wonder...if they are twins why is he a werecat, and not her?"

"A gene?"

"I don't know..."

"They must be confused by that too...."


"So...are you staying?

"For now."

She nodded. "Rest well....til the morning?"

"You too." He said laying down


"Just my little love..."

You're pet?

"Not you of course.... my little kitten..."

What kitten?

"I know she is around her somewhere.... the sun will kill her..."

Why? What is she?

"Pet!" he called out ignoring her.

She pecked him

He grabbed her and throw her from him.

She quaked in pain

"Kitty... here kitty...."

She got up and shook herself off watching him angrily

He headed towards the house.

She followed worried and hoping the girl was hidden well

He headed inside. "Where oh where are you, little pet?"

She followed. Why would your kitten be in here?

He laughed. "You must have spent some time with my pet..."

She looked at him quizzically. Why do you say that?

He ignored her. "I will kill your new friend if you don't show yourself...."

She glared at him. Don't...he won't do it because he wants to marry me She said toward only the girl

He looked at her. "Marry me!"

She jumped in shock. Will you remove your enchantment from your pet and me?

"On you, my pet has not earned her freedom..."

From both of us.

"My pet has not earned her freedom, and will never earn her freedom..."

Than I will never wed you! She said in anger

"Then I will kill your new friend...."

You will not touch her!

"Then MARRY ME!"

Turn her back

"You don't know at you are missing with..." he growled.

A bastard! I will marry you if you turn her back and leave her alone...

"She still owes her time..."

She is only a child why does she owe you?!

He glared at her, storming off.

She glared after him

"Is he gone?" came a whisper.

She waited till she was sure he was and than nodded

The girl came out of hiding but stayed in the shadows.

She flew back inside. Why does he hate you?

"I don't know..."

I will protect you

"Thank you...."

she nodded

The child hugged her carefully.

Thank you angel

She nodded.

Are you hungry?

She nodded.

There is food in the cabinets help yourself.

"Thank you..."

OF course

The child went over to the cabinets trying to get into them

There were all sorts of bottled and stored foods.

She pulled out some food, eating and giving some to her too.

She thanked her and ate

She stroked her feathers.

She closed her eyes in relaxation

the little child fell asleep in a shaded corner.

She went over and pulled a blanket over her.

She curled up closer into a ball.

Use the bed in the bedroom angel

She mumbled in her sleep.

She nudged her awake.Wake up little one, the bed is more comfortable

the girl rubbed her eyes. "I...thank you..." she mumbled. She moved slowly to the bed.

She tucked her in as best she could in her present form and lay on the bed next to her. Sleep well


Of course

The girl hugged her, falling back to sleep.

She closed her eyes too

She fell to sleep.

She snuggled closer

She woke up near sunset.

She looked at the girl

The girl was slowly becoming a kitten again.

She closed her eyes as she turned back

the kitten curled up more.

When she was turned back she gently stroked her fur

She purred.


Morning... the kitten purred.

She smiled and worked on breakfast after carrying her into the kitchen

((Remember... the little girl is human during the day and a kitten at night....))

What are you cooking....

"Eggs, toast, and a special fruit drink"

That sounds good...

SHe smiled and dished out a plate for each of them and poured cream for her as well

The kitten started to lick up the cream.

She smiled and ate

Thank you again for stopping him....

"I won't let him touch you."

She licked her hand.

She smiled stroking her fur

Can't we escape somehow?

"I can't leave the glade..."

The kitten curled into her.

She held her close

You're so strong...

"Why do you say that?"

Because you stand up to him...

"He wears at me..."

But you continue to fight against him...

She nodded

She licked her hand.

"Thank you angel"

That's my name.....

"Your name is Angel?"

The kitten nodded.

She smiled. "Mine is Celestia."


"So is yours little one."

She blushed nodding.

She stroked her fur


She jumped. "Hide." She whispered and hurried outside.

He grabbed her as she came out, and forcefully held her against the wall, and just as forcefully kissed her.

She bit down as hard as she could bringing her knee up hard

He backhanded her. "Bitch! You belong to me!"

She yelped in pain trying to get away. "I don't!"

He grabbed her by the throat, slamming her against the wall. " do!"

She choked and struggled tears running down her face. ""She coughed


"I...c...can't breath..."She managed as her legs buckled

He let go. "You belong to me forever... in what way is still up to you!"

She slumped trying to catch his breath. "What do you mean in what way?"

"Either as you are or as my bride!"

"I would rather change every night than marry you!" She said with a glare

He backhanded her. "You will have sealed not only your's but that of your little friend..."

She glared at him in anger. "You said you won't change her back."


She giggled. "You will do as I tell you or i will kill your little friend..."

He growled in anger not sure what to do. I...mate life...

"Then I will have you forever..." she giggled.

He growled in anger. ((she doesn't know it but she won't be able to mate with anyone either if she does it with him))

A knock came at the door. "WHAT?!" she screamed. She quickly left the room.

He trembled in relief but was still scared

He heard the scream again.

He roared in rage

His room echoed back at him.

He roared as loud as he could

The echo rang in his ears.

He quieted worried about the girl

He didn't hear any more screams, and only heard passing footsteps out side the room.

He lay there in anger

Something started to scratch at the door.

He tried to get free of the chains

The chains won't give, and he saw the something crawl under the door.

He stiffened in fear

A mouse scurred on his chest. hi.... came the girl's voice. The mouse had bloody patches.

Are you alright?He asked in concern

I... yes... She jumped, shifting back. She was bleeding from cuts and whip marks that were all over her body.

You don't look alright...Just go get free...leave me ok?

"No..." she said, and pulled a pin from her hair, and started to pick his chains, til... *click* ... he was free.

He shook himself off. Thank you.

She nodded. "We have to go..."

He followed her

She started down a hall, cautiously looking around corner.

He followed doing the same and keeping alert

She turned the corner, looking into rooms to find a way out.

He did the same

They found a room with a window. She pulled him into the room. "You can fly...I can too... come on..." she whispered. She ran for the window, diving out.

He followed

She shifted into a sparrow, flying away.

He followed still in wolf form

To the woods...

He followed swiftly

The sparrow dove into the trees.

He followed

She shifted back as she came close to the ground. "Freedom...."

He shifted back. "I know..."

"Miki..." she said softly looking at him.

Is that your name?



Miki nodded. "Thank you..."

"and thank you for helping me."

Miki nodded.

I...don't know where to go now...

"I just want to get away from want to come with me?"

"I have nowhere else to go and we can watch each others backs."


He smiled. "Lets get going before they give chase."

Miki nodded smiling. "Do you ride?"


"Yes... do you know how to ride?"

"I don't understand..."

Miki shifted into a horse.

"I...never rode before..."

Hop on... I'll keep you from falling...

He carefully did as she asked

Just hold onto my mane....

He did as she asked

She started off, trotting through the woods.

He held on trying not to lose balance or hurt her

He found that he was doing well.

This isn't as bad as I thought it would be...

I'm glad...

He smiled looking around. I never knew freedom...

You will now...

Thank you.

They moved swiftly through the woods, near sunset Miki stopped near a stream.

He carefully got down and took a drink

She shifted back, getting a drink herself.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome..."

"I wasn't tiring was I?"

"No... you weren't..."

"Thank you again."

"You are welcome..."

He looked around taking in a breath of fresh air

"It's so nice out here...."

"I know...It is so fresh out here..."

She nodded. "I agree...."

He closed his eyes savoring the fresh air

Water hit his nose.

He jumped and looked

Miki giggled. "I'm just trying to make you laugh..."

"I...don't know how..."

Miki nodded sadly.

"I was born in captivity."

Miki hugged him. "You'll get use to it..."

He nodded

"Knowing freedom, you will be able to fight more to keep it..."

He nodded. "Thanks to you I can taste it...were you free before?"

Miki nodded. "For a short time.... when I was younger..."

"Was it nice?"

"Yes...until an illness swept through my family, and I woke alone... before I was captured..."

"I am so sorry, I never knew my family..."

Miki nodded.

"what happens now?"

"We travel as far from here as possible...."

"Than what?"

"I don't know..."

He frowned. "What did your family used to do?"


"What is that?"

"They're like hunters..."

"What are hunters?"

She explains.

"Oh...could we do that?"

"Be tracker?"

He shrugged. "It was a thought..."

Miki smiled. "I like the idea..."

"You do?"

"Yes....I do...."

"Will you teach me?"

"Yes I will..." she smiled.

he smiled a little

"Do you want to camp out here or go on?"

"Go on."

Miki nodded. "Ride or walk?"

"Walk, I don't want to wear you out."

Miki nodded. "Alright...and thanks..."

He smiled and nodded walking

Miki hummed as they walked.

"What is that?"

"An old song my mother use to hum to me..."

"It's pretty."

"Thank you..."

"What's it mean?"

"I don't really know... I've never understood the was in a language I haven't heard since...."

"I am sorry..."

"I have my memories...." she said smiling.

"I wish I knew a life outside of there..."

" will now..."

"Thank you."

Miki smiled. "Oh look, a cave... let's stay in there tonight..."

He nodded.

Miki lead them over to the cave, heading inside to its concealing darkness.

He followed looking around in interest


Merak looked at them both particularly Kyonu with a blush. "Why are you following her?"

"It's business...." Kyonu said softly.

Merak shrugged. "She said I was close to her lands."

Erra frowned. "Well...Kyonu, we need to kill this boy and go after her, he knows too much."

Merak stiffened. "You can try." He said his voice going deadly

"No... don't..." Kyonu said before he could stop himself.

"Why?" Erra asked curiously.

Merak looked between them still on edge.

"I...that feeling... him...."

Erra looked at him in surprise. "Oh...well...I'll go after her you deal with him than." She said as she raced off in the direction of her pull.

"Feeling?" Merak asked

"I..." Kyonu started, blushing looking down. "I feel... drawn to you..."

"I...feel the same." He said with a blush

Kyonu blushed, and quickly kissed him.

His eyes widened and slowly he kissed back

"I...I'm sorry..."

"D..don't be."He said kissing him back

Kyonu kissed back. "I'm sorry about... my friend...."

"It's ok...I really don't know much about what is going on with you and the other two..."

"We're.... tracking her..."

"Why?" Merak asked as he slid off of the pegasus

"It is our assignment..."

"are assassin?"

He nodded.

"Why? Do you...enjoy killing?"

"I don't know about her... but's family trade..."

"Why not leave it?"

"It is my guild..."

" don't mind killing...goodnight..." He said sadly as he remounted

"I don't just take random assignments.... I...kill those that have killed and the authorities can't do a thing to stop them...." Kyonu said softly, a tear started to run down his cheek, then he started running.

Merak tried to grab his arm. "Please...don't run..."

"Why...? You don't want anything to do with me...."

"I didn't...say that. I was afraid you killed for sport..."

"Yeah... that's what all... assassins do..." he said softly.

"Do you?"

"I... whatever I say you're just going to ride off...." he whispered.

"I...don't want to..."

"I am an assassin... you don't like that..."

"If you kill for pleasure..."

"I already answered that..."

" do?"

"I had said before that I have only killed those who have killed by the authorities couldn't do anything about them...."

" know you..."

"Ok? you would have just left if I did...." he whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek.

" did what?"He asked concerned

Kyonu shook his head. "I...I'm an assassin.... you hate that...."

"Only if you kill innocence..."

Kyonu turned away and started to walk in the direction Erra had. "I'll....go... you confuse me...I can't win either way.... you want to know me if I didn't kill innocence, but you'll just leave ignoring this feeling in our soul that I think you feel if I have...." he whispered.

"Fine! If you think I will judge you so easily than I will leave...I...what's the think I got my hopes up...I always will be alone than..."Merak whispered the last part as tears rolled down his face. He looked down. "You might want to do as your friend suggested and kill I don't tell..."

Kyonu looked at him as if he had been slapped. "I..." He had never thought he'd ever feel this way for someone. "I...I...but you had started to leave before... that's why I said that... you had remounted... I.... I....I..." Kyonu fell to his knees, bent over, shaking.

Merak went over to him and hesitantly put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't...I...thought you killed for fun..."

"I...I'm.... worthless....." he barely whispered, still bent over.

"Than make something of yourself like I try to do..."

"I am an assassin... I'm worthless because... am a failure to my father... I'm pushing the one person I feel....."

He hugged him

Kyonu froze. "'re....hugging....? I... you...I...." He wrapped his arms around him.

He blushed. "I...feel something for you..."

Kyonu nodded into his shoulder.

" sorry if I am causing you grief..."

Kyonu shook his head. " you...." he blurted out.

he froze. ""

Kyonu looked at him, blushing.

He looked surprised and was blushing. " one...has ever said that to me..."


He looked down and nodded. "They only care about me because they think I am sent from the gods..."


He took off his shirt revealing his chest which had the mark of the gods on it

Kyonu eyes widened, and he pulled his shirt back down. "YOu shouldn't just flash your mark...."

He frowned. "Why? I don't believe in it..."

"Because there are those that do..."

"What's the point...I am an object to everyone...some treasure that must be guarded and protected..."

"I don't think you're an object...."

" don't?"

"No... I don't..."

He fell to his knees tears in his eyes as he hugged him. "T..thank you..."

Kyonu hugged him.

"Why do you care about me?"

"I feel something for you...."

"I...feel something for you too." He whispered.

"You do?"

He blushed nodding and hesitantly he kissed him

Kyonu kissed back.

He blushed

He blushed too.

"I...have never kissed before..."

"'re my...second... Erra had kissed me to bring out the Black Rose..." he said softly.

He looked a little jealous but nodded. "Was I...better?"

"Yes... because I feel something for you..."

He blushed and hugged him

Kyonu hugged him more. "Please don't leave me...."

He blushed deeper. "You...want me to stay?"


He blushed deeply. "How? You are an assassin and I am the archmage's apprentice..."

"I...I don't know...."

He looked down not sure what to say.

Kyonu hugged him.


He stiffened and looked

He saw priest coming through the area.

Kyonu looked at him worried. "What's going on...?"

He stood. "One of the priests..."He whispered.

"Let's go..." he whispered back.

"I...can't...I will get in even more trouble..."


"Can here again?" He whispered with a blush. ((you did read about his secret? He likes being dominated lol))

((Yes I read that))

Kyonu nodded. "Okay..."

He looked like he didn't trully want to leave


He looked up. "Y..yes?"

"Why did you run? YOu must come back to the temple..."

He stood up and looked down. "I...wanted to get away for a bit. All I do is study..."

"You know your duties..."

"Maybe I am happier out here. I even met someone who treats me like I am a person!" He said stepping closer to Kyuno

"You are coming back to the temple right now..."

"Go..." whispered Kyonu. "I'll follow....."

Merak growled and followed angry at being caught

The priest lead him back to the temple. "head to your room, the high priest will wish to speak to you..."

He went to his room throwing himself on the bed

Something hit his window.

he got up and looked

He saw Kyonu hanging from windowsill.

He let him in.

Kyonu climbed in. "Hey..."

He hugged him. "Let's get out of here."

He hugged back.

there came a knock.

He hid him in his wardrobe and put a finger to his lips closing it. He went to the door and opened it

"The high priest wishes to speak to you..." said a priest.

"He can come here to talk than."

"No he wants you in his room..."

He growled and followed reluctantly. He didn't trust the head priest he made him uneasy. He knocked when he got there

"Come in..."

He hesitantly entered. "You called?" He said staying in the door.

"What do you think you were doing? Running off like that..."

"I wanted to ride. The lessons are boring and monotonous. Now if you will excuse me." he turned to leave

"You will not do that again... I will not have it..."

He flipped him off


He started to walk out with a smile of triumph.

The high priest grabbed his wrist. "You are not going anywhere..."

Merak winced in pain. "Let go...or will you touch the one sent by the "gods" He said mockingly

"You must learn to respect your elders...."

He looked at him. "Make me." He growled trying to break free.

"The Gods are the high elders...disrespect us here, you disrespect the Gods as well..."

"You aren't gods."He said in anger

The pull took Erra farther north.

She followed it

She saw a great lake ahead.

She snuck closer looking for her

She saw ripples on the surface of the lake.

She looked closely

She saw someone walking on water, under the water.

She carefully looked

It was the cloaked figure.

She watched her carefully.

She was walking on the surface of the water, yet under it.

She hesitantly reached for her

Her hand didn't get wet.

She tried to gently grab her

She ended up falling in, landing on dry land.

She rubbed her knee and looked around

The world had a tinted blue/purple look to it. "What are you doing here...?"

She spun to look

It was Her.

"I...came to find you...what is this place?"

"My home..."

"But...the colors..."

She walked over to a field of midnight blue roses.

"They're beautiful..."

"They are...." she said softly.

"May I...see your face?"


"I...feel something..."

"As I for you..."

She stepped closer

The Black Rose stepped back. "Do not get involved with this..."

"Why? I think it is too late to tell me that."

"It is never too late..."

"I feel something toward you..."

"And as I had I do too... but I can't let you get involved..."

" I to forget you and pretend I don't feel things for you?"

"I..." she looked unsure. "I can't put you in danger..."

"I live a life of danger as soon as I became an assassin."

"You have never seen this danger..."

"What danger?"

"A danger that will destroy the world..."

"What are you talking about. If that is the case I am involved,"

"Damn it..." she mouthed.

She frowned and hugged her

She froze. "Why..."

"I...feel something. Let me help you."

"I don't want to get you killed..."

"I'm not afraid of death. Whatever you are facing you shouldn't face alone."

"You know not what you are saying..." she whispered.

She kissed her

She started to kiss back.

She slipped a hand around her waist

"Wha... are you doing?"


"I... yes..."

She deepened the kiss

She was pushed down into the field of roses, as the Black Rose deepened the kiss even more.

She blushed and kissed back just as deeply. One of her hands slid up the Black Rose' shirt

"What are you doing?" She asked slowly.

She blushed. "Getting...closer."She whispered removing her hood and trailing kisses along her neck. She studied the Black Roses face. Her hands gently caressed her skin.

She was a beautiful woman with midnight blue-black hair and purple eyes.

"You are beautiful..."She whispered kissing her again.

The young woman blushed. "As are you..."

"What is your name?"


"My name is Erra."

Rael nodded, and pulled her close.

She kissed her

She kissed back.

"What is it you're trying to fight?"

"An evil that can destroy the world..."

"What evil is it?"

"An evil that has no form..."

"I want to help you."

Rael nodded.

"Tell me about it."

"The evil is reaching out, strangling the world..."

"But what is it? How can we fight it?"

"I don't know..."

She looked worried

Erra hugged her. "That's why I didn't want to involve you..." she whispered.

she kissed her. "I won't let you face it alone."

"I..." she nodded. "Thank you..."

she nodded and kissed her again

Rael held her close.

She kissed her passionately

Rael deepened the kiss more. I love you....

Love you She said a hand slipping beneath her shirt and teasing a nipple

Rael gasped. "Oh...Erra..." she purred.

She Smiled. "I love you."

"Love you...." she whispered.

She sat looking around. "This is a pretty place."

"Thank you..."

"Did you make it?"

"I was born here..."

"Oh...where is this?"

"Another realm..."

"so you are not from my realm?"

"No I'm not..."


"Does that scare you?"

"No, it's just confusing..."


"Is the evil threatening this realm too?'

"Yes...from yours..."

"From my world?"

She nodded. "Yes..."

" Why?"

"There is a magic in this world that is stronger than any in your world...."


Rael nodded.

"And it wants this worlds magic?"

"Yes.... there is a magic here that can affect the world even to complete destruction...."

She shivered

Rael nodded.

she hugged her

"You should get back...."

"But why?"

"You're friend..."

"He will be fine."

"We still should get you back..."

"But I...want to be with you..."

"I will be heading back with you..."

"Will you stay with me?"

"None may know that I am with you....I have work as the Black Rose that I must do...." she said softly.

"When can I see you again?"

Tarsas headed toward the capital intent on courting princess Harasia

He saw the castle up ahead.

he smiled and urged his stallion to a trot

"Halt! Who goes there!?" called a guard from above the gate.

"Lord Tarsas. I came to speak to his majesty."

The gate opened wide.

he entered and dismounted handing the reigns over to a stable hand. "Tend to my horse."

"Yes sir..." the hand said, leading the horse off.

He headed toward the castle

"Welcome sir, how may a help you?" asked the king.

"I came to ask for your daughter's hand. Your majesty."

"Which one?"

"Harasia my lord."

"Really now?" the king said. "I am sorry sir, Harasia is already engaged...."

"She is?"He asked in surprise. "But...who?"

"To Lord Jahariss..."

"I see...what of your other daughter my lord?"

"She's to be married to Lord Guiless..."

His shoulders slumped. "I...see. Thank you my lord..."He turned to leave

"However Lord Tarsas you have come yet Lord Guiless has not..."

He turned looking hopeful. "I would be honored for her hand my lord."

A guard ran in. "My Lord... the princess Seanna and the prince Ryiou have disappeared.


Tarsas looked between the king and the guard. "When?"

"They have a days start my lord..." the guard said.


"I will try to find them and bring them back your majesty."

"Very well..."

He nodded. "I will set out immediately. Any idea what direction?"

The guard looked at him. "There are horse tracks heading west..."

"Are you sure they are theirs?"

"They head off the road into the woods..."

He nodded and headed to the stables going after them

He found the signs of their trail.

he followed on horseback

Near dark, he came up to a cave and it appeared may have been slept in.

He looked for their trail

The trail picked up heading away from the cave towards a field, the sun had set.

He smiled and urged his nightmare forward, its true nature showing as the shadow of night fell on them

The nightmare followed the trail.

He smiled urging him forward.

The trail became faint.

He frowned smelling the air

He needed to head to the north some.

He did so

He came up to another forest.

He frowned and smelled the air

The forest was dense with moister.

"Damn..."He used his abilities trying to locate them

He seemed to feel them off another day away.

He went in that direction urging his nightmare to a gallop

He felt drawn in the direction he was going, as if pulled to someone.

He frowned but followed it

He started to get stronger.

He hurried

He came up to a tavern, and he felt drawn to something in the upper floor.

He headed inside after stabling his nightmare

He felt drawn up the stairs.

He headed upstairs

He was lead to one of the rooms.

He hesitated and listened

He heard the soft breathing of someone inside.

He silently picked the lock

He got the door opened.

He silently slipped inside.

He saw the sleeping form of a young man, fitting Prince Ryiou's description.

He smirked. And slipped over to the bed He covered his mouth as he pinned him and kissed him removing his hand. Found you

Ryiou's eyes flew wide, struggling, yet after a few moments kissing back. I can't go back....

"Why?" He whispered looking into his eyes

"Because I will not be married to that shrew..."

He kissed his neck. "Marry me than." He murmured slipping a hand beneath his shirt, the other hand pinning his wrists

Ryiou breathed in deeply. "'re... so fast..."

"But you like it don't you?" He murmured kissing his neck

"I..." he shivered. "Y...yes... I do... this is so fast....please...."

He stopped. "Will you return with me and your sister?"

Ryiou pulled away quickly. "We are never returning..."

He pinned him and kissed him

Ryiou slowly kissed back. I won't return there....I can't return....


"Ryiou?" Came Seanna's voice in concern.

"Tell her you are fine." He whispered

"I'm okay, Seanna... you should rest...." he called out to her. You don't know my father when his wishes are disobeyed...

"Are you sure?"

Will he hurt you?

"Yes... rest..." He will hurt all those involved....

What if I say you were forced to leave and I rescued you but the kidnapper escaped?

"Ok..."Seanna said

And then I will return to being forced into a marriage...

"What if I asked for you?" He whispered kissing his neck

Ryiou shivered. "You... will be refused by... my father....."

"Why? Because I am a male?"

"Yes... and father wants the arrangement...."

"What if we were secret lovers?" He murmured slipping a hand between his legs and massaging

Ryiou gasped. "I... please...we cant' go back... I'll be your lover... just please.... we can't go back...."


Ryiou looked at him. "Just please...." he begged.

He kissed him

Ryiou kissed back slowly. Please...

Ryiou heard a knock from his sister's room

Ryiou pulled back. "Yes?" Please don't take us back... I beg you...

"I feel something is wrong are you alright?"

"Yes... I'm fine....." Please...sir...

She started to open the door

Ryiou's eyes widened, as he looked from the man to the door.

seanna froze her eyes gong wide. "Ry...?!"

"Seanna...I..." Please...don't take us back... he begged in the mind of the man.

The man grinned toward her. "hello beauty, I was just planning on giving your brother a lesson in anatomy." He said with a smile.

seanna rushed forward and pushed at him trying to get him off.

"Seanna... I... feel something for him..." Ryiou said jumping up.

She looked at him than at Tarsas, "But he was going to..."

"Fine. I won't take you back Ryiou." He said rubbing the back of his head a little from where it struck the wall.
He rushed forward and grabbed Seanna who screamed and vanished. I will come back to you Ryiou.

Ryiou jumped up, rushing from the room.

He noticed the doors to the stable were open

"Crap..." Ryiou grabbed his horse and headed back home.

He saw in the distant a horse galloping

Ryiou hurried on.

He saw it take to the air


He thought he saw a flash of red as the horse had red eyes

"Hell...." he gasped, rushing the horse more.

He noticed he was fading into the distance

He started heading another way to him back to the castle.

He was making progress but it still looked like they would beat him there

He kept going.

He noticed a fallen tree ahead

He turned the horse to ride past it.

Something darted in front of him

Ryiou looked off to the where it had gone.

He saw nothing when he looked back he noticed he had lost sight of Tarsas and his sister

"Damn it...." He continued to ride back to the castle.

He noticed what looked like him land than enter the gates

Ryiou continued up to the stables of the castle, quickly getting off and handing his horse off to a stable hand, before rushing up the castle steps, heading inside.

Some of the servants looked surprised to see him

Tarsas appeared in the stables with Seanna and jumped into the saddle holding her. She struggled as he galloped toward her home.

A cloaked figure started to follow him.

He growled going faster. He knocked Seanna out and tossed her headdress at the figure

The figure caught the headdress, and continued after them.

He asked his steed to take flight as he held onto his reigns and Seanna

The steed did as told.

The rider continued to follow from the ground.

He cursed going as fast as they could. Travel by air would be quicker

He lost sight of the rider on the ground.

He smirked continuing the way he needed to

Seanna woke. I'll save you... She heard in her mind.

Tears ran down her cheek. "Please...let me go..."

"I think you will want to stay up here, it is a long way down."

I will save



I...can't see. He took my headdress

You're headdress helps you to see? Then it is good that I grabbed it up... blind.

I have it... I'm following you...

Thank you

Tarsas landed close to the castle and urged his steed into the gates. He carried her inside heading for the throne room. "I brought your daughter back." He said with a bow.

Seanna trembled where she stood

"Seanna... come here.... where did you go? Why did you run? Where is your brother?" Her father said walking over to her.

Tears ran down her face. "I...don't want to marry someone I don't love. And He is safe."

Tarsas watched silently.

"You all will marry as I see fit for the good of the kingdom..." Tarsas noticed there was something more in the king's eyes.

He studied him carefully to figure out what it was.

"I love someone else..." Seanna whispered

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