Page name: Oriana de Lioncourt [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-04-27 07:30:46
Last author: Frivalicious
Owner: Frivalicious
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Oriana de Lioncourt

Name: [Frivalicious]
Characters Name: Oriana Saberhagen
Year: Fifth
Wand: Unicorn Hair, willow, 10 inces
House: Slytherin
Peronality/ History: Kind and gentle, smart and has a huge temprament pluss a dose of weird humor. She is a pure-blood, but don't give a damn what you are and where you come from.
She's also a beater on the slytherin quiddich team, a dangerous one too
apperance: 1.75, platinum blond hair, green eyes, ivory skin, thin, high cheekbones and quite beautiful.
skills: Like mentioned, shes a beater on the Slytherin Quiddich team, she is currently studying to be an animagus and very gifted witch in defence agains the dark Arts and Charms.

Her name is Oriana Saberhagen. She took her mothers last name,Saberhagen, died when Oriana was a little girl, brutaly murderd by the deatheater named Avery. Oriana's mother went to school with Potter and his gang, but she was a slytherin. She used to hang out with Draco, but later became good friends with Potter and Weasly. She also became a loyal member of the Order of the Phoenix. Due to this, Oriana grew up with Albus and Sirius.

Oriana loves Hogwarts, is her beloved home. She spends all her time off at Hogwarts. She can't stand being at home, she has a dreadful relationship with her father, Gavin. After Helena, Oriana's mother died, her father started drinking and spending a lot of money on women and alcohol. Because they are pure-bloods the Saberhagens has a huge fortune, several mansions, good investments, a privat Island and a lot of powerful acquaintances. Gavin supplies Oriana with a lot of money as an atempt to try and reach his daughter. 

Oriana her self is a very nice and charming girl. She is a pure-blood and she has been raised by her father to believe muggle borns are mudbloods. However, she couldn't care less about that matter.
Oriana really enjoies playing Quiddich and spending time outdoors. She's an active girl and loves to have fun, even if it's not totaly legal and according to the rules.
She favourite class at Hogwarts is Defence Against The Dark Arts, but potions is also one the top five.
Her last exam result was following:

Pass Grades: Outstanding (O)
       Exceeds Expectations (E)
       Acceptable (A)

Fail Grades: Poor (P)
       Dreadful (D)
       Troll (T)


Astronomy:           E
      Care of Magical Creatures:   E
      Charms:             O
      Defence Against the Dark Arts: O
      Divination:           A
      Herbology:           E
      History of Magic:        A
      Potions:            O
      Transfiguration:        O

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2005-12-10 [sequeena_rae]: Oriana are you going to be active? *feels like a bitch*

2006-02-27 [Frivalicious]: yes, yes.. I'm just a little slow, I'm comming soon!

2006-02-27 [sequeena_rae]: Wheeee! *huggles*

2007-05-22 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: i like you ptrofile,and the dividers

2007-05-22 [Frivalicious]: Thanks!

2007-05-25 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: no roblem^^

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