Page name: Orinthos [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-08-17 18:02:43
Last author: Erubeus
Owner: Vou
# of watchers: 5
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Orinthos, the opposite pack to Niveus. Gurei is it's Alpha, and leads it with pride.
He has only been Alpha for two and a half years, yet the rest of the pack have learned to follow his commands.
The pack is clean cut, and all of them work together as a team in the worst of situations.
But when Niveus are mentioned in just one sentence in a conversation..
each wolf changes. They loathe the other pack. They always have,
and always will. Perhaps. . .

Main Hierarchy
Alpha Male - Gurei
Alpha Female - Oki
Beta Male -
Beta Female -
Lead Hunter - Demona
Lead Healer - Oki
Pup Sitter -
Omega - 

Hunters and Warriors


Animal Spies/Comrades

Those without Rank

Back to The Wolves of Karn.

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2007-07-16 [Erubeus]: Pshyeah right! You are just blind to the truth.. Just wait till your birthday.. -nods slowly-

2007-07-16 [silent_voice]: O_o... why whats happening on my birthday?

2007-07-16 [Erubeus]: I really should tell.. but then again I'd disappoint Hige.. -could care less about anybody else-

2007-07-16 [silent_voice]: Hmm... O_o...

2007-07-16 [Erubeus]: Nevermind.. let Red or candy break the news to you.. one of them can't keep her mouth shut and the other just gets ordered aroud like a fucking poddle... >> -is obviously upset already-

2007-07-16 [silent_voice]: *blink blink* What the..?

2007-07-16 [Erubeus]: Erk! Nevermind, I'm upset thinking about the two.. D:

2007-07-16 [silent_voice]: aww *hugs*

2007-07-16 [Erubeus]: -grumbles-

2007-07-16 [Vou]: -hugs- Dun spoil it!! ><

2007-07-16 [Vou]: But, but, does this mean that you're feeling much betters Silent?? ^^

2007-07-16 [silent_voice]: Mucho betta!

2007-07-16 [Vou]: YAY!! :)

2007-07-16 [silent_voice]: ^_^

2007-07-16 [Vou]: -hugs-

2007-07-16 [silent_voice]: night night Yall!

2007-07-16 [Vou]: Night Silent. Talk to you later... tonight for me. And you'll have an awesome birthday!! -huggles- Happy 18th!!

2007-07-17 [Lin-tastic]: Hello, to all! ^_^ So, who's planning on asking someone to make a Beta Male?

2007-07-17 [Vou]: As soon as someone gets interested enough.

2007-07-17 [Lin-tastic]: -sigh- That could be a while...

2007-07-17 [silent_voice]: alright tomorrow I will write up a cool add ^_^

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