Page name: Orinthos [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-08-17 18:02:43
Last author: Erubeus
Owner: Vou
# of watchers: 5
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Orinthos, the opposite pack to Niveus. Gurei is it's Alpha, and leads it with pride.
He has only been Alpha for two and a half years, yet the rest of the pack have learned to follow his commands.
The pack is clean cut, and all of them work together as a team in the worst of situations.
But when Niveus are mentioned in just one sentence in a conversation..
each wolf changes. They loathe the other pack. They always have,
and always will. Perhaps. . .

Main Hierarchy
Alpha Male - Gurei
Alpha Female - Oki
Beta Male -
Beta Female -
Lead Hunter - Demona
Lead Healer - Oki
Pup Sitter -
Omega - 

Hunters and Warriors


Animal Spies/Comrades

Those without Rank

Back to The Wolves of Karn.

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2007-07-14 [Vou]: lol. I like it though.. Phant.

2007-07-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: Good! Cause if you didn't I'd smuther you with cuddles until you did! *Giggles*

2007-07-14 [Vou]: XD

2007-07-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: Can I give you cuddles anyways?

2007-07-14 [Vou]: Yeah. :D

2007-07-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: *Squeels and gives Phant lots of cuddles* MY MASTER!!!!

2007-07-14 [Vou]: ^_^

2007-07-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: *Giggles* I'm being silly aren't I? I sowwies, I just couldn't resist! Juu is soooo cute!!!!

2007-07-14 [Vou]: -blushes- Uhm, you are quite mistaken. D: I'm not cute..

2007-07-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: Nu uh! You are! You are! You aaaaare!

2007-07-14 [silent_voice]: Yesh Phantey is cute ^_^

2007-07-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: Silenty!!! *Pounces and clings to* GIVE ME DA HUGGLES!

2007-07-14 [silent_voice]: *huggles AA*

2007-07-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: Yeah!!!!

2007-07-14 [Lin-tastic]: -giggles immensely- You guys sure do get busy when a girl leaves...XD

2007-07-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: It wasn't like that!!!!

2007-07-14 [Lin-tastic]: -giggles more- I didn't mean it like that, dirty minded AA...

2007-07-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: *Blushes* So?! I love my dirty mind! It gets me into all sorts of naughty trouble!!! *Sticks her tongue out at Candycane*

2007-07-14 [silent_voice]: *Yawns*

2007-07-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: *Stuffs a bite of home-made apple carmel cheesecake into silentys mouth as he yawns* Hush and eat the cheesecake I made sleepy!!!

2007-07-14 [silent_voice]: *Chokes*

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