Page name: Orinthos [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-08-17 18:02:43
Last author: Erubeus
Owner: Vou
# of watchers: 5
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Orinthos, the opposite pack to Niveus. Gurei is it's Alpha, and leads it with pride.
He has only been Alpha for two and a half years, yet the rest of the pack have learned to follow his commands.
The pack is clean cut, and all of them work together as a team in the worst of situations.
But when Niveus are mentioned in just one sentence in a conversation..
each wolf changes. They loathe the other pack. They always have,
and always will. Perhaps. . .

Main Hierarchy
Alpha Male - Gurei
Alpha Female - Oki
Beta Male -
Beta Female -
Lead Hunter - Demona
Lead Healer - Oki
Pup Sitter -
Omega - 

Hunters and Warriors


Animal Spies/Comrades

Those without Rank

Back to The Wolves of Karn.

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2007-07-13 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: Still dosn't mean I can't be annoying >.< I already promised Silenty I'd bug him!

2007-07-13 [Vou]: Okies.

2007-07-13 [Lin-tastic]: Hey, question!!! After we get a Beta Male and like two more males, can we make second characters?

2007-07-13 [Vou]: I'm not sure yet.. still thinking about it. I know I said there could be two characters, but... I don't want it to get too big... D:

2007-07-13 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: *pounces Phantazzm* RAWR!!!!!!!!!!

2007-07-13 [Vou]: ._.

2007-07-13 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: =^.^=

2007-07-13 [Vou]: o.o; -runs away-

2007-07-13 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: *Chases*

2007-07-13 [Lin-tastic]: But after we get the needed amount of people, to fill up the main roles (Alpha Male, Alpha Female, Beta Male, Beta Female, Lead Hunter, Lead Healer, Pup Sitter, and Omega) then they can create extra characters, you know, to play the pups and the mother...^_^" Just a few lesser characters that play a part in the whole of the

2007-07-13 [Vou]: Ah, yes, of course... they can be like side characters then.

2007-07-13 [Lin-tastic]: -nods- Which requires a side character sheet. Something simple, though.

2007-07-13 [Vou]: I'll make it when the time comes.

2007-07-13 [Lin-tastic]: M'kay. ^_^ <3

2007-07-13 [Vou]: lol You're very silly.

2007-07-13 [Lin-tastic]: Nah, just strange on a high level.

2007-07-14 [Vou]: Silly. >.O

2007-07-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: *pounces Phant while no one is looking* GOTCHYA!

2007-07-14 [Vou]: Wow.. Phant.. that's new. :D

2007-07-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: I'm lazy!

2007-07-14 [Vou]: lol. I like it though.. Phant.

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