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2004-02-09 14:34:15
Last author: test_drive
Owner: test_drive
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You have chosen to come visit the Pantheon in Rome and you have chosen wise. Here, all the Gods and Goddesses reside.
   Tall, marble columns tower over you and the surroundings are much cooler. Large statues of the gods are everywhere, seperate alters for each and every one of them. Priests and priestesses walk around and make sure things are in perfect order to satisfy the gods.

Lucius finished muttering the last of his daily prayer to Jupiter. He looked up at the giant statue of Jupiter and sighed. How long until you keep me from my victory over Ikilios?
Lucius took one last glance at the statue and walked down the long hall to take a seat on a stone bench. As Lucius sat down, he took a glance around the marble temple, wondering if the gods were actually listening to him or not. Centuries had passed and never before had he failed on his faith...

Lucifer appeared behind Lucius, choosing not to let him see him. Emotions were too easy to mess with with these humans. He leaned back on the wall behind the man and sighed.

Lucius thought he'd felt a presence but merely thought it a silly notion, and that it was just his thoughts that made him think someone was there with him. Lucius' face hardened. Ikilios. He wondered what that silly boy was doing now. Getting up abruptly, he left the Pantheon and climbed in his litter, ordering the servants to take him back to Ikilios' palace, soon to be his own.

Lucifer, in interest, followed Lucius and exited in his own way to Ikilio's palace.

Suadela appeared in the hall and looked around. She saw no one, so decided to go to the Ikilios' Palace.
Voluptas appeared. Now, that's odd. No patheric mortals whinning about their lives today? She looked around. I'll just go play tricks on the little mortals. She vanished.
Ikilios arrived to the Pantheon from the palace and walked up the grand stairs. He found a comfortable bench to sit on as he stared up at the giant statue of Jupiter. Perhaps he was better off consulting the god of sleep, but Ikilios felt more comfortable talking to Jupiter. And was the god of sleep really the one giving him te nightmares? And did the nightmares really mean anything? Rome was perfectly fine, wasn't it? And he had Lucius beside him! who could have a better advisor than Lucius? Ikilios sighed and bowed his head. It was weary being Caesar and it made him feel old. He was getting lonlier and lonelier by the second as well...perhaps Leonor...

Lucius arrived rather quickly from the palace and took a quick scan of the temple. He then noticed Ikilios' bulky figure hunched over on a bench. His muscles tensing, Lucius walked over to him. "You called for me, my lord?" Lucius said.

Ikilios looked up at the sound of the voice. His face lit up. "Ah, Lucius! I'm glad to see you. I am in need of counsel." Ikilios said, standing up.

"I am at your service, my lord. What is it you wish of me?" Lucius asked, bowing stiffly.

"Lucius, I need your assurance that Rome is good, that Rome is in good hands and that I am being a reasonable and responsible Caesar to Rome. Tell me Lucius, and tell me honestly." Ikilios said, a gleam of hope glowing in his eyes.

Is he scared? How had the gods chosen this man to be Caesar?! Such a shame! "Caesar! Such things coming out of your mouth! perhaps you've spent too much time in the Pantheon and the incense of the temple is blurring your thoughts! Come along with me back to the palace, my lord." Lucius said falsely.

Ikilios' hand shot out to grab hold of Lucius' thin wrist. "No! Not to the palace. Perhaps...perhaps the Latium or the Colosseum...but i won't go to the palace...not yet." Ikilios breathed out.

Lucius raised a thin brow. He smiled widely. "Are you just lonely, Caesar? Shall I find you a mistress? A concubine? or perhaps you'd like a pretty wife instead." Lucius said.

Ikilios grew flustered. "Right then, onto the Colosseum we go, Lucius. We'll have no talk of concubines and wives." Ikilios said, calling for his litter again.

Lucius sighed. Next time. A mistress would've been good to distract Ikilios while he met with the others. "If you wish it." Lucius and Ikilios both exit the Pantheon to the Colosseum.
A small presence appeared in front of an altar, materializing very slowly, but bringing gentle light from where it stood. the presence shifted softly into the figure of a woman, too tall and too beautiful to be of mortal world. Yet she was not intimidating. She sat herself carefully atop the altar, thinking a moment. She slid off and began to pace gently about the Pantheon, the gentle light radiating off her being following her in little whisps. Small dewdrops began to form on the pillars and a faint mist appeared in the air, just as discreetly as she had appeared.
Minerva pressed her hand to her face as she watched the image of Melina  Silly child she mused as she watched the fake priestess move around the palace.
Venus appeared. How long it's been since I took time to enjoy the worship of mortals. I've earned a rest... Perhaps I'll reamin here awhile.
Sarconia walks into the Pantheon, and looks at the altar. She walks to the altar and places some incense on it. When shes done doing that, she leaves and goes to the Latium.
Discordia appeared in the Pantheon, and looked around for Mercury, Caius' other patron God. As if hearing her mental inquiry the greater God appeared next to her.

"This had better be good Discordia, I don't have all day to sit and chat, I have messeges to deliever, the Gods and Goddess are getting restless a rebellion is on the way. And that means more correspondents."

Discordia sighed, "So people keep telling me, say, have you any idea whose rebelling?"

Mercury shook his head, "Can't say, but you can place your bets among his loyal servants, its what all the other Gods are doing... some of them have quite a bit of money on your Caius too."

Discorida laughed, "He's your favored as well, don't blame me, I only cause the disorder around him, you're the one that takes it from place to place."
Sarconia walked into the Pantheon, the sound of her sandals hitting the flooor echoing throughout the whole of the building. She walked to an altar that was off to the side, her silk robes making slight noise. She knelt, putting her hands together. Mighty gods and goddesses.. she prayed...please watch over me, for I shall be needing your favor. She lit some incense and put it on the altar.
Aurora turned at the scent of the incense. Seeing the mortal at the altar, she hid herself in a less dramatic way. She stood off a ways and simply watched and waited.
Sarconia remained knelt, breathing in the incense, please... I need your guidance! she prayed, crossing her feet behind her.
What is your need? Aurora's thought quietly appeared in the mortal's mind, not in any way strange or obtrusive.
Sarconia felt the presence of the goddess, I'm seeking revenge of my family, and I'm about to plan to take it. Sarconia started to get teary.. but she bit her lip to stop from crying...I have to ... Im planing to get into Caesars inner circle..I just cant figure how to... She clenched her hands.
----- pay back for a death? Aurora thought to herself, then to the mortal. I will guide you. All things you commit in the morning will be of good tidings to you. Beyond that, I have no control.
Sarconia sighed, thank you Goddess, you have aided me more than you know. I will do what you bid for payment of your guidance... just tell me and I'll do it.
Aurora smiled kindly. I have no immediate need of assistance as it is, but you swear to do my bidding when the time comes. and with that, the thought left Sarconia's mind.
Sarconia smiled and whispered "thank you goddess" aloud. She stood, and lit two more cones of incense. She stood, smiled and bowed at the altar. She turned and walked out of the Pantheon heading towards the Latium.
Mercury nudged Discordia who had been watching the whole thing play out, "See? I told you theres mischief in the air, you should be thrilled."

"Mercury my dear, I cause confusion and discord, I do not do mischief. Most of those mortals don't get it anyhow." She shook her head, annoyed. "Now if you'll excuse me theres an interesting scene between a young madien and a man in teh Latium I'd like to add my touch in." And with that she dissappeared.

Mercury sighed. "Theres nothing for me to do around here. It's so boring being a messenger, no one's needed me for a while." He sat down. 'Well if they need me, they always know where to find me.
Fortuna appeared in a puff of shimmering smoke next the a column near one of the fountains at the entrance to the Pantheon. She took one look around the large temple and her jaw dropped. "I cannot believe that a Temple, let alone the Pantheon, would be THIS messy!" She started walking around picking up trash, throwing out burnt out candle stubs, and sweeping up incense ashes off the white marble floor. "There are old prayer slips all over the floor, and Insence ashes all over the place! Don't these mortals know that some of us Gods are Obsessive Compulsive about the cleanliness our living space!" She finally finished cleaning up a good bit of the wax that had dripped all over Venus's altar cloth. "This is ruined..." She said as she shook her head. "Where are the servants that are supposed to be taking care of the Temple!" She started fuming again. "Their all betting their Denar at the Colosseum, I know it...I should go over there and tell them what I think about all this...irresponsiblity" She scowled, then sighed and disappeared in another puff of shimmering smoke, on her way over to the Colosseum.
Cupid flew into the Pantheon lazily, mumbling things. He was bored out of his mind. He want mischief! He sat on a perch, swinging his legs back and fourth.
Venus continued her silent observance of the many plots unfolding...

"Hello dear Venus." Cupid said. "Having fun watching the mortals plot to kill eachother?"
"Truely, I do not quite understand the fascination of violence and chaos." Aurora sat atop a broken pillar, looking down at it all. "Mortal reasonings confuse me greatly." All light, save the candles, ceases to exist. Aurora, somewhat confused for a moment, sighs irratively, muttering, "Damn Lucifer. Can't he control himself for even a day?" Light radiates softly from herself. The light flickers back on after a few dozen seconds. "Bastard."

Faunus enters the Pantheon. He looks wildly around, then calms down and strolls towards a corner. He sits down and starts playing his flute.

Vesta continues to watch her fellow gods from her spot near the hearth. A smile flickers briefly over her face at the melodious sound of the flute. She goes back to stirring her pot, watching over the mortals in their homes. Her Vestal Virgins continously watching her fire.

Bacchus suddenly stepped around in the Pantheon. He merrily jumped up on the statue of himself. "Hello everyone? You all enjoying yourself? How's the mortals doing?"

Bored by the dull atmosphere in the Pantheon, Bacchus left for the palace.

Faunus looked after Bacchus and smiled for him self. He played a little more on his flute, then left for the palace

Discordia appeared next to Mercury, laughing her head off. "I don't know why these god bother playing with the mortals, confusing our own is just so much more fun!

Venus turned to greet her male counterpart. "Hello Cupid. Shouldn't you be off seducing virgins or something?
Somnus, finally waking up, appeares suddenly, leaning on a pillar, wishing there was someone to converse with

Luna appeared next to the pillar that Somnus was leaning on. " Hello."

"Ah, hello Luna. I hope you are *yawns* faring well." said Somnus

" I am well. How are you?" Luna replies then notices the man before an altar." Look Somnus... I wonder what news his brother told him... I think I'll ask him.

"hmmm... the matters of mortals are most interesting. I to wonder what news he was given, though I suspect it will occupy his dreams for the next while," mused Somnus, "I do so love looking into mortal dreams."
Kaeso entered the Pantheon quietly and lit some incense. Whichever gods and goddesses are there to hear my prayer today, please take pity on a humble subject of Caesar's. My brother, Caius has brought me troubling news today, and I am worried for my lord.

What news has troubled you so? a female voice said into Kaeso's head.
Malekith enters the pantheon "I petition the gods," he prayes," and Somnus most of all, my lord ceasar has had trubling dreams of late. I do not wish to know his dreams, he will reveal them if he wishes. I meerly ask that you might rid him of these troubling dreams if they mean nothing. If they hold importance, I ask you show him what they mean."

be at ease, Malekith. I hear your concern for you ceasar. his dreams are but nightmares. talk to him about them, perhaps he shall tell you what visions he sees in the night. replies Somnus

"I thank the gods for putting my heart at ease" prays Malekith. with that, he turns to leave for the palace, but overhearing what Kaeso is praying, he kneels down, pretending to be praying, all the while listening intently on what Keaso is saying
'My brother speaks of unrest among his friends, and I fear he may be in some plot to upset the Caesar's thone. He often becomes to absorbed in politics to understand what they mean entirely. I don't think he realises the threat on both his life and the Caesar's that is present. I fear for my brother but more for Ikilios.' Kaeso responded to the voice

If your brother is plotting against the Ceasar then he knows his life is at risk. You are right the Ceasar is in danger but from what direction we are unsure. The gods can only meddle so much at some point free will takes over and you make your own choices. I know of some one that may help you... but it will be dangerous and you will need to be careful. Are you up to the challenge to find out the plot involving the Caesar? was the responce to Kaeso.
Cupid laughed at what Venus said, "Yes but it's more fun fooling with the sappy Caesars heart!" He said laughing. "Im off to the palace to see what I can stir up... I hope Trivia wont yell at me again.." and with that Cupid leaves for the palce
'I highly doubt my brother is involved in the plot against Caesar, but he is in the employment of the Caesar, as a messenger and thus could get himself into trouble. Messeges often have double meanings and he could find himself transporting rebel messeges without knowing it. I fear it could bring him harm. I do wish to help reveal the plot against Ikilios, and I am willing to sacrifice what I can, including my own life... please, if you can help me whomever you are, or know of someone who can, let me know, I beg of you! Kaeso prayed
Sarconia enters the Pantheon from the palace and walks to a side altar. Lighting a cone of insence, she knelt.Suadela, please I beg you, hear my prayr. I need your help of persuasion more than ever. She started. A great task is ahead of me... and I need to feel confident before I do it. She pleaded to the Goddess...
Melekith, noticing Sarconia's entrance, loosenes a dagger in his boot. I don't trust this one he thinks to himself,perhaps if I knew what side she is on. mabey this one is worth following
Sarconia felt unwanted eyes watching her. Please excuse me Goddess... I shall be back to finish my prayrs. She stood, her silk robes rusteling. She turned, scanning for the owner of the stare. She found him, in a secluded corner. Malekith. she said to herself.He was in the palace last night..Thats where I've seen him! She stood there,looking at him, her blue eyes passive. Not knowing what to do, she just stood there, looking at him.

"ah sarconia. always a pleasure. but why do you interupt my prayer?" responded Malekith to Sarconia's stare

Sarconia walked to Malekith, "Indeed Malekith, it is always a pleasure." She said curtsying. Her tight blue toga shinning in the light. "But perhaps you forgot, you interupted my prayer." She said. "Maybe you should be answering that question."

"How can I interupt a prayer with a glance?" question Malekith, "but that is beside the point. I was interested in you entrance because of you involvment in our little situation at the palace yesterday. Tell me, just what was your business at the palace?"

Sarconia smiled, "That is true.." She said. "I went to the palace becuase I heard of the magnificence of the palace, and I wanted to see it for myself." She said, her eyes level with his.

But how did she get past the guards a voice said into Malekith's head

I do not know replied Malekith, but I am confident that I can handle any situation that arrises in the palace

Really then why or how did she get into the palace. I suggest you ask her. the voice replied.

"Well Malekith, I must be going. As for you, you can get back to your prayer. It was a pleasure." Sarconia said, curtsying. "We'll see eachother again, I promise." She said, and with the Sarconia walked out of the Pantheon towards the palace.

Your getting slow Malekith. You used to be so supicious... how did that change. the voice said to Malekith.

I do not know. I despise myself for it. I suppose it is the privilages I recieve in the comfort of ceasar's palace. I must go back to my old self again though. someone conspires agianst the ceasar. thought Malekith, but I must ask, with which god do I now converse

*Laughter* I am not a god. I am Luna godess of the night. I believe if you knew what was happening now at the palace... you would be displeased Luna replied to Malekith in an amusing tone.

Sarconia! thought malekith, what is it she does now... is it she who consipires agiants ceasar. I doubt she is the only one...

What has that woman to do with anything i am refering to the Ceasar... and with the final remark Luna faded from Malekith's head.

"ceasar!" yells Malekith suddenly. with that he dashes off to Ikilios' palace
Luna you are tredding on very thin ice my dear. Cupid said to Luna as he entered the Pantheon.Arent the mortals supposed to fight their own battles? He said in her mind.

Oh cupid i was just having some fun. He will i was just putting him more on edge. Luna replied to Cupid, searching around for where he was.

Im glad to hear that Luna. Atleast someone is having fun around here. Ive dancing, getting told my ...*cough*.. my uh... well we can skip over that part. Im glad someone is being mischievous. He said back to her. Flying towards the "sound" of her voice.

" Oh cupid where are you?" Luna said so that no mortal ears could hear her.
First you need to push your love for your brother aside. For he may be... involoved in something he has not nor will tell you about. Do not be blinded any hand is capable of weilding a weapon. As you said your brother is in the Ceasars employ but that does not mean he likes the Ceasar. Be brave... search out one know as Venator he is a legionaire. Tell him Selene sent you. You are young and vunerable, hide your feelings and suspicions well. If you are in need again return here at night when no one can overhear and we will talk again, if Venator asks about our conversation tell him as much as he needs to know. Until we meet again... with that the godess withdrew from Kaeso's mind but she left the feeling of a smile with him.

Kaeso sighed, much relieved even if the news the goddess brought to him was concerning. Making up his mind quickly, he set off to find the mentioned Venator and went to the palace
"So, Luna. Just what news did this mortal recieve?" asked Somnus.

" His brother Caius told him of the turmoil in the palace. The poor mortal didn't believe that his brother told him this from first hand knowledge. He loves the picture his brother presents he doesn't see that it is just a picture. So we have our first player in the turmoil of rome Caius." Luna said in a contemplative mood.

"Hmmm... another mortal, Malekith I believe, was saying something about the ceasar having nightmares as of late. Perhaps these things are related." replied Somnus.

"They could be... Cupid is here...somewhere." Luna replied to Somnus.

"Well, I thank you for th conversation an information. I much desire to look into this matter of ceasar's nightmares. anytime there is potentiol for someone coming to me with their sleeping problems, I always watch them as much as possibe." with that, Somnus dissapears in a burst of sand, leaving for Ikilios' palace

Cupid flew up behind Luna, "Why Luna." He said in a romantic voice. " I didnt know you cared." He put his hand to his heart and put a sappy look on his face.
Aesculapius enters the pantheon
He glances about looking into the shadows. He begins to walk about. Its has been a while since hes had the leisure of visitng this pantheon. "A doctor is always on duty" he thinks to himself and smiles
Apollo enters the Pantheon "Good day Gods and Goddesses." He says as he flys to a perch and sits there.

Mercury looks up at Apollo above him, "Hello Apollo... where have you been all day? You've missed some interesting going ons here. Apparently theres a rebellion in the midst. What do you make of it?"
Demeter appears in a whirl of wind. "Good day, everyone," she said, her voice sounding like a breeze through a meadow. Though there's nothing good about it. I sense trouble.

"Why Cupid... i didn't know you cared enough to care." Luna said placing her hand on her heart and slowly turning around.

Cupids eyes twinkled. He got to one knee grabbing Luna's other hand and kissing it. "Be my valentine?" He said softly.
Apollo jumps down to where Mercury is and says, "I've been out and about today." Then a look of trouble came over his face. "The attack on great Caesar?" He asked.

Mercury looked surprised, "An attack is being planned? Well then. I have only heard speak of a discontent, nothing of a backlash. Please, fill me in."

Apollo looked confused. "Sorry Mercury, all I've heard were rumors.. nothing more. And the rumors arent from very reliable sorces." He said grinning. "Drunks mumbling in bars arent very reliable." He laughed.

"Ah well some things can't be helped" Mercury chuckled as well.

Discordia who had been lazying around the Pantheon all afternoon strolled over, "Good afternoon Apollo, Mercury." She nodded at Mercury but turned back to Apollo, "So have you heard that my dear Caius seems to be involved in all this mess as well. What a nightmare." She batted her eyelashes at him. Behind her back Mercury was mimicking her and rolling his eyes.

"He is? Thats just horrible dear Discordia."
Apollo said, "I'm sure Mercury and I could help cheer you up." He said, throwing her a grin to remember.

Discordia sighed, "Oh yes it's just so terribly, weighing on my heart that he's involved."

Mercury was trying hard not to snicker too loudly...

Apollo wraped an arm around Discordia. "I bet you must be suffering immensely." He said, his deep voice soft and sweet.

"Oh yes, Caius is like a brother, or a son to me. It hurts me so that he didn't tell me or that he may be in danger!" Discordia mentally reminded herself to thank Caius later.

"Oh you poor thing!" Apollo said hugging Discordia tightly. "This must be aweful for you. " He said, his arms still around her.

"Terrible, just terrible! I'm completly distraught"

Mercury couldn't contain his laughter any longer and let out a huge guffaw, drawing Discordia's attention.

"Well fine, If you're going to be so rude about it Mercury. At least there are real gods around here, like Apollo, who care when a goddess is in distress."

"Yes Mercury!" Apollo defended Discordia. "Have some compassion! Cant you see this beautiful creature is distraught?" He said, one arm still around Discordia's waist.

Discordia blushed prettily, "Oh you are too kind Apollo!"

"Nay sweet Discordia, I just speak the truth." Apollo said, his eyes warm and sweet.

Discordia batted her eyelashes again, "If only the other gods were as sweet as you Apollo. You must have all sorts of goddess swarming for your affections. And I am but a minor godess." She sighed softly and looked up at him.

"But again you are wrong sweet being! For you hold my heart in your hand, you are what makes the sun rise, your beauty surpasses every living thing on this earth!" He said,taking her hands in his and looking into her eyes. "Your lips are like rose petals, soft and sweet. Your voice, is the thing that makes my heart beat! O Discordia I'm..." His voice came to a whisper..." I'm compelled by your essence." He said, his voice soft.

Discordia sighed dreamily, "You are making me the happiest goddes in all of Rome right now Apollo. Your words are beautiful, if only..." she trailed off

Apollo put one hand to his heart, looked her sraight in the eyes and said softly. "But they are true Discordia.."

At this wonderfully perfect and romantic moment, Lucifer pops in right behind the caressing couple. He leans on Discordia's shoulder, putting on a mock manly voice he whispers, "Oh Discordia! I want you like no other goddess that I have ever loved! Which is probably every single one!"

(OOC: For those who want to view the other funny, but slightly out of hand version that has been edited out for you you can go here: god fight)

Discordia looked back and forth between the two handsome gods, "I-- I--"

Lucifer laughs, "Don't worry honey, I wouldn't take something that Apollo wants....although I could." he winks at her and taps her on the butt before walking over to his little statue.

Discordia let out a yelp and smacked Lucifer's hand away.

Venus drifted over to the gathering of gods and goddesses. "Discordia my dear. It's been too long since we've spent time together. How have you been getting alone lately? I've seen much evidence of your work."

Discordia looked hesitantly over at Apollo, sure the god would go running off to flatter Venus. "I've been well my dear, causing discord" she shrugged airly, "It's only my job."

Venus had to laugh. "Your job, your pleasure, your life. Like love to me. Can't help what we are I suppose. And why would we want to? I must say though, people haven't been in the most romantic of moods lately. Gods however..." she let her words drift off, looking pointedly at Apollo's close vicinity to Discordia. "I do believe I'll go visit the others. You two stay out of trouble."
Aurora watched this all atop her pillar, a soft smile of amusement dancing on her features.
Apollo laughed at what Venus said, "Us? Stay out of trouble?" He asked putting his arm around Discordia. "Never." He said grinning. Then he looked up, feeling the presence of another Goddess. nothing from you He said in Auroras' mind playfully.
Aurors's eyebrows shot up and her grin widened. I didn't say anything.
Discordia looked after the goddess of love, did she just leave her with Apollo?! Discordia giggled and snuggled closer to Apollo.

Venus winked at Discordia, and said for only her ears, "He's all yours for now. Enjoy him, he does know how to worship." Having done her good deed for the day, she happily sauntered off, heading after Lucifer to his statue.

Lucifer waved happily to Venus. "Look at this statue! They have a little pathetic blaze of light covering my face! This...this is an insult." He shoved at the statue and turned to Venus. "Wheres yours? I'm sure it is a thing of beauty, just like who it is rendered after."
Apollo snuggles closer to Discordia and says to Aurors mind you didnt have to

Venus smiled at the flattery. "I'm almost afriad to show you. It's beautiful, but extreamly inacurate." Sauntering over to her own statue, she grimaced. "See? No resembalance at all."
"Why Cupid one so hansome as you has no Valentine... I am flattered that you asked me so yes i will be your valentine." Luna said in a playful voice, a bit uncertain about Cupids motives.

Cupid grins and picks up Luna, spinning her around in circles. "That just made my day sweet Luna" He said laughing.

"OHH!" Luna said then laughed a crystal laugh that was both sweet and aluring." Why were you valentine less my dear?"
Lucifer follows Venus to her statue and stands behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and leaning his head on her shoulder. He smiled at the gorgeous statue which looked exactly like Venus. "Absolutely extraordinary...and the statue is OK to..."
"Becuase Luna, I've been waiting to ask you." Cupid said grinning.

"But why me my dear Cupid?" Luna asked placing her arms around Cupid's neck.

"Becuase I've been rather fond of you for a while Luna." He said sitting down, her still in his arms.

" But Cupid moonlight, me, and romance are not that far of a leap. So...why did you wait until now?" Luna said a smile on her face.

"Would you believe me if I said I was afraid to until now?" He said, a smile on his face.

" What am i ugly was that why you were afraid?" Luna asked tears forming in her eyes.

"Are you serious? Your beautiful Luna!" Cupid exclaimed. "I was afraid to ask you.. becuase I thought you would say no.." He said.

"But what reason would i have to say no to as hansom a god as you? Don't be worried i said yes didn't i." Luna replied resting her head on Cupid's shoulder.

"Well good! That makes me the happiest God in Rome then!" Cupid said standing up, and spinning Luna around in circles.

Diana arives in a swoosh of leaves. She looks around and notices her brother, Apollo finally decided to join them. She also notices who he has with him. Diana comes up behind him and puts her arms around his neck. " You know if all you needed was someone... to pull you away. I would have tried harder. Nice to see you brother."

"SISTER!" Apollo yelled, pulling his arm off of Discordia and threw them around Diana, hugging her. "Nice to see you too!" He grinned, "Discordia... my sister Diana.. I'm sure you two know eachother." He smiled at both of them.
" But Cupid what made you ask now?" Luna asked while laughing and clinging tightly to Cupid while he spun her.

"I guess the moment seemed right" Cupid said to Luna.
please continue at the Pantheon 2 due to length of page!

You can go to Ikilios' Palace, Ikilios' Palace 2 or the Colosseum, Colosseum 2, or Latium, Latium 2
back to the Powers of Old

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