Page name: Peral script [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-07 01:21:59
Last author: Diiwica
Owner: Diiwica
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Lots of exploits use perl.
First step, download Active State Perl

Copy the source code of the perl code into NotePad and save it as, to your C:/ Drive.

Go to Start>Run. Type CMD and hit enter. You should now be in the Dos command prompt.

Now, go to My Computer>C: . Locate your perl file.

Drag that file into your Command Prompt. The command prompt should now say


Now hit enter. Normally It should display the usage, eg: [Target] [PathetiC] [member_ID] [Version]

So your screen should look like,

C:>"C:/" /ipb 1 2

Notice the spacing.
Hit enter now.

Wait for a while, it will begin to preform its task. The rest is up to the script. hope this helped. If you have any questions, post them here.

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2006-07-07 No that was not suppost to show up with user names in it... just ichnore them

2006-07-07 This does take a good deal of time to install... But it is worth it

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