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2008-08-20 16:02:31
Last author: Araglas
Owner: Chimes
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Running Order: [Chimes], [Tyr and Zao Hawk], [Akayume], [Araglas].

Unchanged. One would think that the world had remained that way after the unexplained phenomenon that had occurred a mere few months before the day on which we sit. The technicolour star-shower was brought down to a trick of the light, a mistake made by the eyes of those who witnessed it. Some believed it. Some didn’t, but there was nothing that they could do about it. Some resigned themselves to that fact. Some didn't, but that is not what we are here for.

We are here to discover the truth, not dally around mindless superstition for hours on end until our brains fall out of our noses. For this to happen we must jump into this tale on a day which - to anyone on the outside looking in - would be considerably dull in comparison to what is sure to come, but everything must have a beginning. Everything must have something small and meaningless to set it off on a journey of spectacular excitement; maybe that will not be the correct term - time will tell. So join us now as the players in this tale begin their story, their inevitable connection, their last 'normal' moments. Enter now as the evening premiere at 'Il Teatro Di Bellezza' is about to commence.

Prepare yourselves for a show to remember...

The theatre doors opened allowing the eager crowd to enter - if that was what it could be called; stampede may have been a better word. Lorae was lucky, she had managed to get through the doors without being jolted by the mad rush. She was now comfortably perched on the bottom step of a large rounded staircase in the theatre's foyer. Somehow, she had maintained the uncanny ability to avoid being stepped on.

Thane, however, was not so lucky: first, he was being dragged to the theatre by his parents and that was never a good thing; second, he was constantly being pushed by an old woman weilding a walking stick, which is never good for the self image; thirdly, he was at a theatre. He had never been a theatre-goer by choice, oh no, his parents had always forced him using whatever means necessary. Tonight they had threatened him with the duty of looking after a visiting five year-old cousin - King, Queen, Prince and Princess of the brattish variety. He chose this. In short, he was not happy.

Vincent Miliani sat quietly nearly a row and a half behind his younger sister, who was busy chittering away with her several friends. As always, he was restricting himself from being too overportective in public by distancing himself from his prized sister. Had they gone alone, Vincent would've gladly taken a seat beside his younger sister, listening to her talk about how much she'd always wanted to see a play like this one, or how adorable she thought some of the actors were, but he had promised himself not to bother his sister's friends, who either found him disconcerting, or tried to hit on him. Neither behavior exactly pleased Vincent, so he resigned himself to the distance method of watching Jenna, his only family.

Creed sat down in his chair, however, unlike most of the interested and rather happy expressions that were lit around the room, his face was stern and somewhat troubled. He could feel it, uneasiness in the air; he furrowed his eyebrows and rubbed his temples as if trying to get a better grip with reality. Why had he come here? He didn’t really like plays, but something had forced him to come; it was like a tingle down his spine which refused to leave him, a gut feeling or an inner voice which told him he had to be here. He began to twiddle his thumbs nervously; something bad was going on. This room, the walls, basically screamed at him. It was awfully unsettling, but he was here now; he couldn’t leave.

Chi hummed as she took her seat in a placid manner. Nothing could damper her spirits, or... so she thought. In fact, Chi's spirits could be easily crushed, but she wasn't quite aware of that. Right now she was in a happy, care-free zone, one she often entered when visiting the theatre. Chi could not frequent the theatre as much as she'd like, so when she was able to go it was a pleasant treat, and one she rather enjoyed.

Alexis had managed to make it to a seat without being bruised or ruffled in anyway. He had never been to a play, he had been told by some stranger that it was a really good one. So, instead of spending another night alone, he decided to come and see it. His eyes kept glancing over the large room, taking in the elegant design, the dark wooden seating and walls. It was all very impressive to him. "I hope this is a good performance." He looked down at his program, reading the different names of the performers and stage crew.

Thomas stood towards the back of the theatre, feeling resentful that he had been forced into coming to this thing because his English Literature class required some kind of 'extra awareness'. Not only was the money for this thing coming out of his own pocket, but he then had to record all his thoughts and analyze the effectiveness of the language, imagery and tone of the performance of the play, a copy of which he also had to pay for. All of this was not setting him in the best of moods, so he took to leaning against the back wall with his hands in his pockets and a deep scowl on his face. "This better be worth what I had to pay for it." He said quietly to himself.

Having gracefully gotten through the doors of the Auditorium - as well as finding her seat with ease - Lorae was sat. She looked around at the other members of the audience as they filed in, a permanent smile gracing her features. She found it all very exciting. The people, the sounds, everything. She had heard good things about this performance. She was sure it would be perfect. Well, not completely sure - that would be pretentious. She found herself giggling slightly as she saw a young man nearly being knocked down the stairs by a woman with a walking stick.

That poor young man happened to be Thane. Yes, he was still being battered by the all-too-eager old woman. It was definitely not his lucky day, he blamed it on the bad night's sleep he had had. He had been having such a strange dream that it caused him to wake in fright. It was completely unreal, of course, but it was enough to make one grouchy. It was also enough to make one have a bad day, it seemed. He finally reached his seat which, unfortunately for him, was the seat directly in front of the old woman. He was surely going to have fun. He let out a sigh before slouching and folding his arms.

Jen chatted away with her friends as they waited, discussing things like school, boys, and, of course, what they hoped to see in tonight's performance. One of the girls had never been to the theatre before, so Jen reassured her that "It's simply spectacular. There are better things out there, of course, but it's still amazing how well they do everything." After which, she proceeded to talk about how beautiful some of the actresses were, and about how she wanted to do something like them one day. To anyone who didn't know Jen, they'd think she was talking too fast and far too often, but they'd be wrong. This was Jen when she was slowed down with her friends and they were talking.

Vincent looked over at Thane as he sat down, moving his arm to allow for him to use the rest as he pleased. It was something that the majority of people called 'politeness,' but which Vincent only considered to be natural. The kid seemed like he was having a rough time anyways, and he didn't want to make it any worse by disallowing him the privelege of using the armrest between them when he didn't really need it himself.

Sileas walked in, arms crossed, head down, her grandparents had shoved her through the door, looking around in awe while smiling and chatting about just how long it had been since they had seen a play. They wandered off by themselves, handing Sileas her single ticket, leaving her a little bit like 'only the lonely’ standing in the center of the stairs, getting in everyone's way. She moved only when a man tapped her on the shoulder and gave her a quick push to get her started. She walked down the stairs, trainers squeaking a little on the metal edges, causing her to blush a little with embarrassment as a few people turned to look. She sort of dived at the seats, swinging and slamming down next to Thane, eyes wide and looking around as if people were muttering and talking about her. She sighed a little, and leaned back in the chair to get comfy, she leaned her elbow on the side and rested her chin in her palm letting out a long, bored yawn. Damn, she hated this sort of thing. She began to play with a bit of her hair twirling it around her finger, letting it loose, and then doing it again.

"I'm sorry if I'm... bothering you." Chi said to Alexis, blushing a bit. She had stopped humming, worried that she would be a bother. She ran a hand through her hair, hoping she wasn't bothering him by speaking to him either.

Alexis looked at the girl who had talked to him, she seemed a pleasent enough girl, "It's no trouble at all, in fact, your humming was quite nice, are you a singer?" he asked, though he kept his voice low.

Thomas looked around at the vast crowd that had drawn to watch the show. Well, I guess I don't need to worry about anyone questioning whether this show existed or not. An unusually eager teen of about 13-14 rushed past and tripped over Thomas's feet, falling flat on his face. Thomas, barely concealing a laugh, thought he should say something on the matter. "Nice trip, kid, but watch where you're going next time!" He bent down and hooked his arm under the kid's, pulling him up with relative ease. He winked at him and ruffled his hair. "On your way then!" The kid's face was scarlet with both embarassment and anger from the mocking comment, but he wisely sized up the odds and stalked away.

Lorae sat up slightly as the lights dimmed, signaling that it would start soon. Her eyes lit up as the remaining people took their seats and a notice - that warned people of the strobe lights that would be used - was sounding throughout the auditorium, first in Italian and then after in English, French and German. The woman's voice then wished them a pleasant viewing and then was gone. That was nice of them. she thought gleefully to herself.

Thane glanced at the people either side of him. Trust his parents to get seats as far way from him as possible. Though, it wasn't as if he minded, he was quite happy to be away from them. They would only be whispering in his ears constantly about the wonderful effects and storyline. It was better this way. He felt a jab in his back, this certain jab felt exactly like the end of a walking stick. "Down in front!" The elderly snaggle-tooth growled, for an old woman she was quite forceful. With a grumble Thane slouched into his seat a few inches further. 

Vincent turned and looked at the elderly woman, a bit displeased by her attitude, and none too afraid to show it. "Ma'am, I ask that you please be a bit nicer with your comments from now on." It was quite possible that his protective side was kicking in because of Thane's weakness, but, at the same, simply felt that she should learn a bit more respect, no matter her age. The show may have been starting, but quick lessons were better than none.

Sileas raised an eyebrow too, also turning around to look back at the old lady as if staring her down. She smirked a little as the old hag got put in her place, and then returned to looking at the stage. She slouched down a little in her chair, so much so that the bottom of the preformance was cut off by the person's head in front on her; she didn't really care. She crossed her arms and closed her eyes, opening them again after a moment. This was about as much fun as watching paint dry.

Chi blushed. "Oh! No, not really," she admitted "I mean, I sing for fun, but I'm not in musicals or movies or on cds or anything."

Alexis frowned at the old lady with the cane that was above him, before turning back to Chi. "Your voice sounds really good, maybe you should try out for some... musicals, I mean. I was in a couple, they are alot of fun. It's like being in a giant family."

Thomas smiled at the old crone who had poked that guy in the back. Miserable old bat, guess she's just jealous because she doesn't have kids of her own. He was beginning to regret his decision to stand at the back as he began to doubt he would be able to hear anything back here, and his legs were already beginning to ache.

The curtain rose. Music began to play, strange music, dark in tone and somewhat chilling in nature. Lorae leant forward slightly as a woman in black moved onto the stage in an almost dance-like manner. She kept pulling her finger to her lips as if telling an imaginary voice to quiet down. The stage lights were dim, an off-green in colour. More women in the same black, medieval clothing came to the stage from an assortment of different places. Some even sprung from the audience.

"Thank ye." Thane whispered to the pair on either side of him. Their concern was not something he would have expected, though he didn't expect anything due to his strong motto. He looked towards the stage, raising an eyebrow slightly, this was not what he was first expecting. He assumed it would be flowers and twinkly sounds but this was considerably different.

Jen was enthralled. The sudden start had made her nearly jump, but then she immediately became captivated by the dark, mysterious tones and colors emenating from the stage. It was magical to her... simply amazing in comparison to anything she'd ever seen before. There was something in the air.

Vincent too, found himself oddly captivated by the stage. In his mind, the motions of the performers flickered in and out of his head, like a far off memory more than something that was happening right now. He couldn't quite place what it was, or why it was there, he just watched.

Sileas seemed to match Thane's somewhat shocked stance, she too sat back up looking over the audience. This actually looked weird, and she liked weird. Her eyes scanned over every figure on the stage, taking in their outfits, their expressions, and the over all tone of the theatre. It was, enthralling to say the least.

Chi sat back in her chair, watching with rapt attention. Chi loved anything original, and this certainly was something she hadn't seen before.

Alexis turned his eyes towards the stage, immediatly he was drawn in by the music and sounds. He could only watch as the play went on. This... is really good...

Thomas raised an eyebrow at the appearance of the show. He was honestly not expecting anything quite so pseudo-gothic. Yet, something about it compelled him to keep looking anyway; it happened to be interesting enough.

Elegant notes were sung in a soprano voice, they did not form words. They were just ad-lib type sounds. Gradually the other women joined in with the first, each forming part of a complex harmony. The lights flashed brightly and they froze, staring out at the audience. Men now came from the wings, weaving around the women with a sinister sort of grace. Lorae tilted her head, it looked almost like a ritual. It was enthralling, to say the least, especially when the women began moving again. They entwined with the males in their dance, each pair in canon.

The flash of the lights had surprised Thane somewhat. Not so much that he had jumped unlike the woman behind whose walking stick connected with his head. He frowned and rubbed his head. He was too interested in the performance to care for the ill-doings of an old woman.

Vincent and Jen, though rows apart, stared at the stage with the exact same look on their faces. It was a look of both bewilderment, and excitement; a mix of emotions that the pair rarely experienced, because so many things could only ever incite one feeling, or the other. They didn't necessarily notice the flash, the way the dancers moved, or even the songs, they noticed all of it at once, in a single mass of experience that made their senses tingle.

Creed's expression hadn't softened since it had begun; in fact, he looked possibly more confused and uncomfortable. His hands tightened their grip on the arms of the chair, his eyes skimming over the stage taking in every face of the dancers. He looked around to see if anyone else shared his discomfort; no one, everyone seemed into the play. He sighed and tried to pass his uneasiness off to just bad vibes in the air, but he just couldn't shake the coldness that ran through his mind.

Sileas had now grown a bit bored of it all, she thought that dancing was 'ok', but it was a bit strange. She had figured maybe there would be men and women dancing to jolly upbeat songs, a rather sterotypical view of theatre. She leant on her palm, bending to the side and out into the aisle to get a better view, frowning a little.

Chi's eyes were still glued to the stage, and her jaw had dropped slightly in awe. This was... amazing in her eyes. She hadn't ever seen anything like this before.

Alexis could not believe what he was seeing, or hearing. Shivers were traveling up and down his spine at a constant speed. With each chord or note struck, it was like a cool breeze through his mind; it was intoxicating. His eyes took in as much as they could: the stage, the people, while his ears registered the sounds, taking it all in.

Thomas was starting to grow bored with the performance so he took to looking around the room for some hot girls. So far, he was having no luck. "Tsk, what pretty young girl in her right mind would come to this thing anyway." He shook his head and sat down, no longer interested in the play any more. "I don't even know why I have to do this, all they're doing is bloody dancing!"

A loud noise, sounding like that of a grandfather clock, errupted throughout the auditorium. The actors stopped in their tracks, appearing to be stunned the sudden noise. Lorae frowned, counting the chimes in her head: Nine... Ten... Eleven... Twelve... Thirteen... Wait, thirteen? The walls seemed to shake as the chiming ended. Everything went dark.

Thane's eyes grew wide as the room went dark. However, what was more surprising was the lack of people screaming. He looked to the row in front finding what he saw shocking. His eyes widened further. "They've turned to stone..."

They have been chosen. The clock has struck thirteen. The darkness waits...

Once he'd heard Thane, Vincent didn't exactly wait to see what was going to happen next, he leapt up and over the next few rows, grabbing Jen by the arm. "We're going."
Normally, even Jen would've disagreed with her brother about wanting to stay and see what happened, because she hadn't noticed the stone figures. There was something in her older brother's voice though that she just wasn't going to argue with. "Okay."
He found it odd that no one else seemed like they were in a rush to get out. What is WRONG with people?

Sileas had bolted upright in her seat when the lights had gone out, smacking her side on the arm rest of the chair. She made groaning noise, and sort of bent over clutching her side which would most definitly bruise. She was still bent forwards, looking up, waiting to see eyes looking at her in an odd manner for reacting in such a way, but there were none. She raised an eyebrow and stood up fully, looking around. The person next to her also seemed to be moving, but the head in front... she poked it slightly, and when it didn't move even an inch, her finger pressing against the now hard material, she let out a shriek. "WHAT?!" She panicked and jumped out of her seat into the aisle.

Creed was still seated, but very aware of the sudden change in audience. His eyes darted around the room, it seemed there was a small group of people like him, all seemingly confused. He looked on either side of him, eyes holding on the stony struck expressions of his neighbours. He muttered a small prayer, hand rising to his chest to clutch at his rosary.

Chi was finding it hard to breathe. A normally happy and bubbly girl, Chi's eyes were now wide, and her hands were clutching to the arm rests of her chair. "Wh-What's going on!?" She thought, hyperventilation creeping up on her. Chi's delicate level of balance had been disrupted, and she wasn't reacting very well at all to her current situation. 

Alexis had flinched when the lights had gone off; he had always hated the dark, because he had always been alone in the dark, and it scared him badly. When the lights didn't come back on, he noticed none of the audiance were making any noise, save for a few people that were moving around or making exclamations of shock at the now stoney appearances of the rest of the audience. Alexis turned in his seat as he heard the girl next to him start to breath rather irratically. He couldn't see anything, but he moved his hand slowly till he felt the warmth of her arm, and found her shaking slightly. "Miss, are you ok?" he said this softly, and soothingly, hoping to calm the girl's nerves before she started to hyperventalate.

Their stony companions sat almost like gargoyles in the gloom. Each face mimicked the next: terror. Their forms hunched, as if ready to scream. Lorae's eyes were wide as she stood from her seat, her hands clenched into fists and pulled to her chest. She was right in the middle of a large group of stone-encrusted victims. The only way for her to get out would be to climb over them. A last resort.

Thane leapt up, moving towards the place he had expected his parents to be sitting. His guesses were right, and his suspicions were confirmed. They each wore the same panic-stricken masks, it was almost as if something had stolen their screams, along with turning them in to the cold, hard rock that they were now. His features contorted into a mixture of grief and anger. 

Vincent was helping his sister over several of the statued bodies, not bothering to worry about exactly why they were frozen as they were, or what to do about them. The single thought that ran through his mind was getting Jen to somewhere safe where the same thing couldn't happen to her. There was no telling how much time he'd need to do so, or how much time he had in which to complete this mission, but he had to try.

Jenna, meanwhile, was slowly regaining her sense of self, and started to formulate ideas as to why the audience had turned to stone, and why she hadn't. Even during a time when panic should've gripped her heart and mind, she found herself thinking about somehow being special, different from all the rest. Or maybe her life was turning out to be one of those movies and she'd finally meet some sort of prince, or a knight, or even just a hero to sweep her off her feet.
She felt she could afford to think about all this only because her brother was there. Vincent had always protected her. What reason had she to believe that he wouldn't be able to do so now?

Chi put her hands on either side of her head, squeezing her eyes shut and she attempted to calm herself. When she opened her eyes she found that they had adjusted to the darkness. This would usually be a good thing, but in this case it was terrible, for now she caught sight of the statued bodies. Chi was frightened by the loud scream she heard, but was even more frightened to find it was she who had let it out.

Alexis's ear drums reverberated from the scream the girl beside him let out. He turned in his seat so that he faced her and gently placed his hand over hers and gave it a squeeze, "Miss...not stone...please..just breathe...c'mon...lets get to the lounge of this place, maybe..we'll find you think you can walk?" he asked softly, hoping she would respond.

The first of all will take a bow and begin the entertainment...

Not being able to stall any longer Lorae leapt over the statues landing in a heap in the aisle. She sat for a few moments, pulling all of her thoughts together. Assessing the situation. While most of the audience had turned to stone some had simply disappeared. There was no way of telling how or why it was a mystery with no answer. Or none that she could currently let herself think of.

Thane turned, beginning to stalk up the aisle he stopped, it was almost as if he could hear something. Maybe something that wasn't even there. Or maybe he could hear nothing at all. His senses were on overdrive. Any normality had faded. He was scared but he would not, could not, show it.

After reaching the aisle, Vincent yanked his sister along as quickly as he knew her feet would carry her. His heart was racing and pounding through both his chest and head, pumping the adrenaline through him, and making his thoughts clearer. Vincent was one of those people who thought more clearly when worried, because he had to in order to ensure Jenna's safety. He hit the back door with his shoulder, ramming it in order to open it as quickly as possible, but found himself with a sharp, crushing pain throughout his entire right side instead. With a sharp gasp he reeled back a step or two, eyes closed tightly due to the intensity of the feeling that a nearly cracked bone can give. It seemed that getting out this way wasn't an option anymore...

Chi nodded her head quickly, rising to her feet. Her heart was thudding in her throat, in her ears, and in her chest. The thuds made it hard for her to focus, and set her even more on the edge. She looked to Alexis, afraid that he'd leave her. Right now, more than before, she was afraid of being left in this scary situation all alone. Her lower lip trembled as her head whipped back and forth, her eyes scanning for some way out of this hideous theatre.

Alexis gave Chi a reasurring smile and rose with her, he kept his hold on her hand, so that she would not worry about him leaving. His eyes looked around as he searched for a way to the lobby. His eyes settled on a path beside them. "This way, stay close." he managed to say it loud enough in a confident voice. He gently led her a little way out to the end of their aisle.

A childish giggle sounded. Shrill, untamed. It grew louder, until it was almost deafening. It was as if it came from all around them, echoing from every corner. Almost as quickly as it started, it stopped.

Lorae pulled herself to her feet, eyes wide. This was too close to living inside a horror movie for her liking. Why are there always creepy little children? Could it be...? She cut off her own thoughts before she let herself entertain the stories she had heard when she was younger. It would not do. She couldn't think about it, not yet. She breathed deeply, she had to keep her head. Who knew what could happen if everyone was panicking. It could be the death of all of them for all they knew. She looked towards Alexis and Chi, seeing where they were heading she raised her voice. "You wont get out..."

Thane jumped at the sound of laughter. He moved backwards until his back met a wall. This couldn't be happening. It wasn't possible. It couldn't be. People don't just turn to stone - at least, that was what he was telling himself. Self-persuasion had never been this hard. His rational side was telling him that he was dreaming. Now, Thane would not usually have such a hard time believing but this was different. It was more real than anything else he had ever had troubles with even if it was too fantastical to be reality.

Vincent and Jen stood at the doorway, both of them unsure of what to do, or even what was happening anymore. Vincent was so preoccupied with the door problem that he actually nearly missed the piercing giggle until it was almost over. Not good. The words trigged in his mind like fire flashing across the sun baked plains of Africa. His sister was a long, limping gazelle, and he was her lion protector. But how did you fight against fire when all your paths to the watering hole were blocked by rhinos fallen elephants? He swore that, upon getting out of here, he was never coming back to this theatre again...

Chi clutched to Alexis' hand so tightly, she was afraid that she'd hurt him. She squeezed her eyes tight for a moment, chanting softly to herself. "This isn't happening. It's all a bad dream. This isn't happening. It's all a bad dream..." She opened her eyes again, peaking from behind her lids. She let out a shaky sigh. It hadn't worked- she was still there.

Alexis turned his head towards Lorae's voice, "Then we'll stop at the door, but I don't think my friend here will be able to calm down until she is at least away from the statues." He led Chi down the aisle to the large doors at their end. "Ok, we are here." He saw two others at the door, another guy and girl, "It's ok, don't worry, I'm right here, and not going anywhere."

Lorae nodded slightly. "Sensible..." Walking up the aisle she kept her gaze away from the statues. Their fear-contorted faces only made an intense feeling of hysteria rise within her and that certainly would not help matters. She moved next to Alexis, her eyes looking between the pair. "Try not to be too scared, it might feed on fear..."

Thane, still struggling with his mental turmoil, slid down the wall. It was as if something was slowly stealing his rationality and he didn't like it. He was starting to believe in the impossible, in the completely irrational. It wasn't like him, he was changing. Well, that was untrue, he wasn't. He was just awakening a part of himself that he thought he had laid to rest.

"What might feed on fear?" Vincent shot at Lorae, not liking how calm both she and the boy seemed to appear in such a situation. Admittedly, he wasn't one to appear out of it either, but he never had. Seeing the quality in anyone else disturbed him in a way he couldn't describe. "Do you know something we don't?" No matter how Hollywood the thought of a conspiracy dealing with them was, it was the first theory that made sense, especially in such a situation as they found themselves in.

Chi took a shaky sigh, then whispered, "I want to go home." She looked over to where Vincent was, frightened by his tone. She clutched to Alexis' hand, glad that at least someone cared about her.

Alexis nodded at Lorae not really understanding what she ment, but his flickered to Vincent for a moment, then back to Chi, I have to stay calm, if I don't this girl is going to have a panick attack, and I don't know how to stop one or even how to help her if she does, he shook his head and gave Chi's hand a reassuring pat when she squeezed his. He then turned his attention back to Lorae, "Do you know something, that we don't know miss?" he asked, softly and politely.

"I'm working with stories, there have been many among my family about happenings such as this. I had pinned them down to being myth, made up to scare children into being good for their parents. Maybe, I was wrong." It was a lie - or at least part of it was - but it had to be done. Lorae looked directly at Vincent, she could tell that he needed the answer more than the others. She shifted her gaze to the floor, she had played this wrongly and she knew it. She should have left them to think about in their own way - telling them too much could have been dangerous.

Thane stood, his eyes fixed on the center of the stage in an expression of both confusion and horror. This couldn't be real, there was nothing there a moment ago what had changed? He shook his head, yet it was still there, "Uh... Am I the only one that's seeing this?" 

A small child stood centerstage watching them, a grim smile spread about its lips. It flitted between being male and female as if deciding which would be best. All could see it, if they looked. It made sure of that.

Vincent glanced towards the stage, and immediately positioned himself between the figure and Jenna. Whatever it was Lorae's relatively cryptic message had meant it just wasn't as bad as this new threat. What is it with today? The thought slipped through his mind, rather unexpectedly. Every day was different, but this day had been rather unique. He didn't really waste much time n thinking about it, logging the thought away for another time, when protecting his little sister wasn't such an immediate concern. The others weren't as much of a concern to him, nor could they ever hope to be.

Behind Vincent, Jenna had gotten the entire story down. Everyone in the theatre that night, besides her, were all actually part of the new, interactive experience of the theatre. She'd heard rumors of things like 'crowd involvement' in plenty of other places and things, like museums, for example. It was all so exciting to be happening in a theatre, especially since her brother had obviously planned it all to amuse her. Of course, she was a bit too clever for him this time, and hid her giggle to make sure not to spoil his fun.

Shifting her gaze back towards the stage, Chi's mouth opened into a silent "o" of surprise. Poking at Alexis' shoulder to get his attention, she found it hard to move her eyes from the strange child situated on the stage.

Alexis turned his eyes toward the stage and had to do a double take, "Wha..." he could not make another sound as he tried to find the words in his mind to speak. This child like being was, it couldn't be real, it was almost Cherubic, and he didn't know if he should say something or stay silent. He didn't know if it was nice or not, so matching the movements of Vincent, he moved in front of Chi, but he did it so smoothly no one was for the better. He had an odd sense that this thing wasn't like anythign he had ever read in any book.


Back to Portal.

Username (or number or email):


[Rice]: On what?

[Tyr and Zao Hawk]: On why you're still here?
Why she's not talking to you?
The proportionality constant of how many words are in a sentence vs. how many words there should be in some posts?
The meaning of life?
Why you changed your screename when the other one was perfectly good in comparison?

[Rice]: I am still here because I'm talking to you.
I'm not her so I wouldn't know, maybe she is in a mood with me??
I think the meaning of life is different for each person, for me the meaning of life is to learn.
I changed back to an older username because I get bored of user names easily and change often.
I like raspberries, but not as mush as strawberries of cherries.


I'm part of the roleplay <.< duh.
She IS talking to me.
It's obviously weasels.
The meaning of life is: noun. 1. The state of being alive. 2. What living beings have. 3. Motion, Reproduction, Breathing, Movement, and Bagels.
I changed mine for a much better reason.
<3 Raspberries...

[Tyr and Zao Hawk]: *completely uninspired currently, will post tomorrow*

[Chimes]: It's my turn anyway :P

[Araglas]: *is running around in massive circles, burning off energy*

[Chimes]: I'll be editing soon... I want to finish my layout before I do though.

[Araglas]: ok ^_^

[Chimes]: It is progressing.

[Araglas]: lol yay! ^_^

[Chimes]: And it is done...

[Araglas]: yay!

[Chimes]: Sorry for the Hiatus, it isn't dead, I promise. I am just concentrating on getting back into the swing of college for a bit and applying to universities. When I am done applying this should live again. :]

[Araglas]: YAY!! ^_^ I Was worried!

[Akayume]: Alright! :D

[Araglas]: *grabs two feather dusters and starts to dust the rp* Messy messy much dust...

[Chimes]: Sorry... but life stuff comes first.

[Duke Devlin]: Quite right.

[Araglas]: Very understandable!! and I agree! lol I was just looking for something to do, lol I hope I didn't make anyone upset

[Akayume]: Naw, it's alright. :D

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