Page name: puppy division [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-04-18 16:52:27
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
# of watchers: 18
D20: 17
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Brought to you by [Linderel]

Everyone knows the irresistible, heartwarming cuteness that is a cold, wet nose, soulful eyes and a wagging tail. Called a man's best friend, they certainly know how to make a claim and conquer us in just a few short moments.

So, what do I want? Photos of your baby dogs, that's what. The subjects may be adults if you don't have actual puppies at hand - just as long as they can be deemed adorably puppy-like.

1. Photos must be taken by you.
2. Images must be uploaded to Elftown.
3. Up to five (5) entries per participant allowed - each picture counts as one entry.
4. Have fun!

Three (3) winners will be selected by a public poll. All winners will receive a badge.

Deadline is January 30th, 2009. So get out your cameras and surprise your puppies in the middle of a nap or a friendly tussle!

Here be the winners!

3rd place: nr. 25 'We Play NOW!' by [Skydancer]
2nd place: nr. 19 'Knocked Out' by [FamousPanda]
1st place: nr. 21 'Tranquility' by [FamousPanda]

Claim your Puppy Badges.

Entries here, divided by the <hr> line.

1. [Chrysilla] - Priska

2. [moira hawthorne] - 'Puppy Smiles'

3. [moira hawthorne] - 'Daddy Is Expected Home Soon'

4. [Kuramasgirl] - "Bat Dog"

5. [Kuramasgirl]- "Treats, please?"

6. [Kuramasgirl]- "Teddy Nose"

7. [Kuramasgirl]- "Teddy Pant"

8. [Tynuka-Rhytishy] - 'Orderly Fashion'

9. [Tynuka-Rhytishy] - 'Ears'

10. [Tynuka-Rhytishy] - 'Beauty'

11. [Tynuka-Rhytishy] - 'Dog Play'

12. [Tynuka-Rhytishy] - 'Guard'

13. [Vou] - 'Pretty Eyes'

14. [Vou] - 'Whaddya mean I'm too big to be a lap dog?!'

15. [Vou] - 'Lazy Furball'

16. [Vou] - 'Watchu looking at?'

17. [Vou] - 'Test Dummy Puppy'

18. [Triola] - 'Top Model'

19. [FamousPanda] - 'Knocked Out'

20. [FamousPanda] - 'Up Close and Personal'

21. [FamousPanda] - 'Tranquility'

22. [FamousPanda] - 'Golden Eyes'

23. [FamousPanda] - 'Innocence'

24. [Chrysilla] - 'Puppy eyes'

25. [Skydancer] - 'We Play NOW!'

26. [Morphea] - Baby Girl

27. [moira hawthorne] - 'A Boy and His Dog'

28. [moira hawthorne] - 'Puppy Pile'

29. [moira hawthorne] - 'Loki and Baby'

30. [FlowerGirl21] - 'Whatcha say?'

31. [FlowerGirl21] - 'I can seeeee youuuuuuuu!'

32. [Kahri] - 'Going for a Ride'

33. [Kahri] - 'Try Not to Fall Off!'

34. [Leb] - 'Crusin' on the Boat'

35. [Leb] - 'My Two Boys'

36. [Leb] - 'Happy Dog!'

37. [Leb] - 'Cross-Legged'

38. [Leb] - 'Laying in the Sunshine'

39. [Alexi Ice] - 'Meeting the family'

40. [Alexi Ice] - “I’m not a hambone, mama, I have a hambone”

41. [Alexi Ice] - ‘Titan from above’

42. [Alexi Ice] - ‘What is that?’

43. [Alexi Ice] - ‘Curious cases’

44. [Vampire Princess]-Baby

45.[Vampire Princess]- Baby's puppies

46. [Xuan.]-Jack-a-poo: Doodle

47. [Xuan.]- Cinnamon

48. [Xuan.]-Chuck and Norris

49. [Rainbow Dragonflies] - Lovely Eyelashes!

50. [Shjahjdahdvwa] - Colly

51. [Shjahjdahdvwa] - Ninfa

Username (or number or email):


2008-12-04 [Triola]: Hope you don't mind :3

2008-12-04 [Linderel]: Not at all :D
It would have been a problem for me since I don't have any puppies handy :P

2008-12-04 [Triola]: I figured :P

2008-12-04 [Linderel]: I might have attempted to take pictures of Laura's dogs a couple of weeks from now, but those two never stay still long enough to get any really good shots... <_<

2008-12-04 [Triola]: Dogs usually need to be bribed to stay still :P

2008-12-04 [Linderel]: Haha, yeah :P

2008-12-04 [Skydancer]: Ah well, no doggies.... will be fun to watch though!

2008-12-04 [moira hawthorne]: my dog is almost 9... he only thinks he is a puppy

2008-12-04 [Linderel]: Yay, entry! :D

2008-12-04 [Skydancer]: Awwwwww. PUPPY!! :D Really cute

2008-12-04 [Kuramasgirl]: I was wondering, does the dog have to technically be a puppy? Or can it be an adult dog that's just adorable? xD Just wondering. It's hard for me to tell in the picture that's up.

2008-12-04 [Linderel]: Eh, they can be adults too. Just as long as they're adorably puppy-like.

2008-12-04 [Kuramasgirl]: I think I have one that fits the description. :3 I'll see what you think as soon as I get it uploaded.

2008-12-04 [moira hawthorne]: can you please say that up in the description so that when these comment move others will know

2008-12-04 [Linderel]: Aye. Was going to do that anyways.

2008-12-05 [Kuramasgirl]: Are these sufficiently adorably puppy-like?


2008-12-05 [Linderel]: Quite :D

2008-12-05 [moira hawthorne]: I didnt know we had to ask permission in comments... are mine two sufficiently adorably puppy-like?

2008-12-05 [Kuramasgirl]: I don't think we have to. xD I just wanted to be sure. And thank you, Linderel. :3 I'll put them up then.

2008-12-05 [Linderel]: If they weren't, I'd have made a note about it. No worries. :P

2008-12-05 [Vou]: Does it have to be a puppy puppy?

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