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2005-04-12 [Vampyre Wolf]: LP> You dont know her well enough *Whispers so AoM can hear* SHES CRAZY!!!!
2005-04-13 [Lethargic Panda]: Alrighty.
2005-04-13 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: *Raspberries* I'm gonna bite you VW. Just because I'm crazy doesn't mean you have to tell everyone!!
2005-04-13 [Vampyre Wolf]: I do too! Otherwise how would they know? Dont want everyone to learn the hard way like myself! (Oh BTW Neya is stuck in the hospital til friday poor her!)
2005-04-15 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: People don't need to know that I'm crazy... :P I can hide it... just as well as I'm going to hide Boner's body if he doesn't stop acting like a fuckhead! (BTW: Speakin' of Neya, what happened w/ the baby and all?)
2005-04-16 [Vampyre Wolf]: Neya is now on bedrest for the rest of her pregnancy (meaning no seeing me in the hospital :( ) pooh...but otherwise she is fine.
2005-04-16 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: That's good to hear... and BTW: Future refference... NEVER let Eric call me from your phone... I don't wanna talk to him... especially when I'm around alot of people and even more so one of those people is Boner. (I'm not yelling at you, OK?) Eric is just annoying. >.<
2005-04-18 [Vampyre Wolf]: I had no idea you were ignoring him. *shrugs*
2005-04-19 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Next time he calls, I'm letting Boner, or Jayme or one of the guys answer the phone... (Preferably Boner.. ~_^)
2005-04-26 [Na no da!]: This wiki has been nominated for TWOT Wiki awards voting will take place after nomnations, or you could go and nominate some more wiki's , good luck!
2005-05-03 [Vampyre Wolf]: AoM I was thinking of getting a picture of Sparky up here, cause you know as well as I he was put to sleep...what do you think?
2005-05-10 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: That's great, I've got a couple good pics of him, just send me whatever info you want... (It's easier for me if you just type it up and send it as you know I'm very busy)
2005-05-16 [Vampyre Wolf]: well i sent it now im waiting to see results!
2005-05-16 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yea, it takes me forever to get anything done on ET. I know. -.-
2005-06-07 [Vampyre Wolf]: STILL NO SPARKY!!!!!!!!
2005-06-08 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Busy... haven't even really been on the computer let alone ET that much lately.
2005-10-18 [Vampyre Wolf]: When i have access to Erin and a scanner i wish to place Gaia on this. Sjhe died October 13th of the Parvo Virus, she was born around July/August and was 3.5 months old at passing....she was a pain in my ass but gods i miss her.....Also on her page i want the pink A-B-C blocks from accesseries
2006-04-09 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I have about 5 more additions to make to RB, I just don't have the time to get them all done, three of my own, (3 Cats), One dog...Gaia for VW, and a hamster.... I will get them up in time... I PROMISE!!! Our prescious fur-babies will not be forgotten!
2007-06-06 [Naome Sayuki]: -Blinks- I saw the pic of Mr. Sneakers today and almost cried seeing that he had died a while ago.He was SOOOO CUTE!!!
2007-06-06 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: He's been gone for some time now... about 2 and a half years actually... Will be 3 years in September. I still cry when I think about him.
2011-06-15 [moira hawthorne]: April 26th 2011 Loki Died
sorry to say Loki finally passed on... he got a soft tumour growing on the outside of his bladder and urethra and it was blocking him peeing... the vet put him down I got to stay with him and he was happily eating cookiee in my arm right up to the last second...
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