Known For:
Ravenhēn is a young realm but it is known for it’s great
Highways, its wine, its rather large Army and its Religion.
General Geography:
Ravenhēn borders on the Ráshfort Mountains (
what they call the end of the Darkthorn mountain range), Tempus Sea, Nor, Atehna Nyavannië and the Plains of Endir.
Nomed River runs through it, near it’s eastern border and the great forested area in the realm, known as the
Ravēn Forests, are divided into 4 parts: Ne’Ravēn (north east), We’Ravēn (east), Hré’Ravēn (south east) and An’Ravēn (west), by the four great Highways. They are currently constructing the fifth which will lead them to the Ráshfort Mountains in hopes of commerce with the Drow.
It’s architecture is not out of the ordinary for homes of men in medieval styling. They use a lot of stone in the building of their homes and a lot of wood that they have gathered from the forest around them.
Tharn is the capital city in which resides Ravenhēn’s Lord and Lady.
Ravenhēn is home to the first
Temple to the One-God:
Löstchentãl. The High Priest of Löstchentãl, of the Seneschal and of that Religion, is an aging man by the name of
Traher Vanhe
Defenses/Armed Forces:
As a nation, their defenses lie in their numbers (they have a rather large force, known mainly for their infantry), their patrols and their stone watchtowers placed within the forest borders.
King ~
Queen ~
They currently have no children, the Queen is baren.
This realm is often plagued by
raids from the west by what they
think are Orcs.
Ravenhēn is a young realm.
There are also the
Ravenhēn Rangers which are people of a dark complexion being with dark hair and eyes. They are rather dangerous and are well trained with their weapons. Despite that they are small in numbers, they’re still a force to be reckoned with. The head of these Rangers is
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