Page name: Rome [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-02-19 13:13:54
Last author: test_drive
Owner: test_drive
# of watchers: 11
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Rules before you start!!!

1. PLEASE BE SERIOUS ABOUT THIS GAME! first timers are more than welcome (im one myself) but please take this game seriously. It helps the game feel more real and its just more fun! If you are one of those ppl that dont sign in for a week, you're going to be left behind! if you're gonna go on a vacation or something, please dont leave us hanging and waiting for you to come back to continue our parts!
2. foul language is not necessary. Please hold back on them. it only shows us your incapability of vocabulary.
3. absolutely no power playing! you may not, i repeat, not control other people's characters without permission!!!
4. It is preferrable that you type in past tense, but if you're not comfortable with it, i'm not forcin ya
5. please don't fight over the edit button! take turns! call it! something!

Really important rules before you start!!!

-This RPG is seperated into different parts. Rome will be split into different areas and you will have to know how to get around. so, for your benefit, and for others, please read these carefully!!!

1. Whenever you leave or enter a place, please state it so that the other players don't get confused. When you leave, state where you're going to so that we know where to find you, ehehe
player A enters the palace. he looks around and finds it empty but decides to stay to wait for someone.
Player B enters the palace. She sees player A and they chat.
Player B leaves the palace, onto the colosseum.
2. Please restrain yourselves from using the < hr > code. This will only be used to show that one day has passed! If you want to separate paragraphs to play in the same area but different part of that area, use the "-"
player A went to his bedroom to get some rest for the night.

the sun rose early and player A woke up reluctantly.
player B walked around the palace wondering if player A had woken up yet.

new rule!!!

3. Please put your exit/entrance in bold so that it is easier for everyone else to see where we can find you! apparently, some ppl havent been writing their entrace/exit so its confusing some of the players! your cooperation with this new rule will be infinitely appreciated! (wow, i used some big words there! *grins proudly*)
Player A walked into the Pantheon. He looked to the benches and sighed to find it empty. Where was player B? Player A left to Latium in search.

4. and remember; HAVE FUN! this is supposed to be a fun n unique RPG, so dont think this is some person with no life commanding u what to do!!! if you have any suggestions on how to help this RPG work out better, leave it in the comment box or message [test_drive]!!

Note to Gods and Goddesses! you can choose whom to associate with, you can switch sides whenever you want, you can go anywhere you wish, appear to anyone you want to appear to....BUT REMEMBER ONE THING! unless you are Jupiter(Zeus) ur not an almighty god/goddess! please keep to what your powers r limited to! n be logical...dont raise someone from the dead jus cause they asked.


the Colosseum -- games and entertainment available daily to entertain the people of Rome!
Colosseum 2

the Pantheon -- the gods and goddesses dwell often in this large temple built for all of them. They are there to listen to what you have to say or to receive a sacrifice you are willing to give them.
Pantheon 2, Pantheon 3, Pantheon 4

Ikilios' Palace -- Caesar Ikilios' large and beautiful home built in the heart of Rome. Here dwells most of his loyal subjects and the caesar himself.
Ikilios' Palace 2, Ikilios' Palace 3, Ikilios' Palace 4, Ikilios' Palace 5

Latium -- the rural areas of Rome. This is the city itself, built near the Tiber River. Here, civilians live their lives day by day in their homes, restaurants, inns, and markets.
Latium 2

Scrolls of Rome -- this is where you'll find the records of the going ons in Rome, basically what's happened so far in the will be updated as often as possible.....i haven't even started it yet...lmao...

Roman Terms -- you can see some Roman terms in here to expand your knowledge of Ancient Rome!

back to the Powers of Old

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2004-02-06 [Kaye]: Can you see it?

2004-02-06 [test_drive]: so i have to put it like that?

2004-02-06 [Kaye]: What do you want centered?

2004-02-06 [test_drive]: on the very top "Rome"

2004-02-06 [ShiftySkillet]: hey hey cookimonster?...are we starting with the morning? meaning Lucifer has to bring in the day?

2004-02-06 [test_drive]: well, Lucifer can bring the day in if he wants...if that's how you guys want to start it ;D

2004-02-06 [test_drive]: k, well, i'm going to start it in Ikilios' palace with my character! *goes running off squealing with joy*

2004-02-06 [ShiftySkillet]: lol, not sure how i can do that....=^_^=

2004-02-06 [superbazorro]: go lucifer!!!

2004-02-06 [Kaye]: Well, I kinda fixed it...

2004-02-06 [test_drive]: YAY! that's good enough. thanks! well, u can be like "Lucifer walked onto the streets of Rome and the city woke up to the new day"...or something liek that...hehe

2004-02-06 [Kaye]: There! I did it!!!

2004-02-06 [superbazorro]: yey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yey for kaye! hey that rhymes

2004-02-06 [Kaye]: Har har har (hack cough cough..)

2004-02-06 [ShiftySkillet]: ohh...want some water?...Oo

2004-02-06 [superbazorro]: lol

2004-02-06 [ShiftySkillet]: lol do ya huh?

2004-02-06 [superbazorro]: i think she does

2004-02-06 [ShiftySkillet]: *points to a waterfall nearby* heh too lazy to get a cup..

2004-02-06 [superbazorro]: she can get it herself...she is a big girl

2004-02-06 [ShiftySkillet]: ^__^

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