Page name: Ruin rp room [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-02-21 22:36:44
Last author: Zab
Owner: Talos Cyrion
# of watchers: 6
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D20: 12
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Novogrod, a city of islands. Modern and ancient archetecture sit right along side each other. Cannals criss cross the large land forms. The city has its' aristocratic, posh side, as well as the dark underworld and there are many places for this. Several of the large islands that make up this vast city, are entirely forested over, adding to the intrigue of the massive city. The main land by contrast is lined with a thin strip of high rise buildings. Behind this are the deep, dark woods.

Kage wandered one of the forested islands, the fresh breeze mixed with the distant smell of the ocean reached him yet another night in this great city he thought to himself.

Madaline(Maddy) Cornell made her way back up to the Lycan mansion. She had just finished a seven mile run, and felt sticky from the sweat. I wonder what I should make for dinner?

Kage wandered the forested island. Half human, half Vampire with none of the weeknesses of the Vampire yet all of it's strenghs. The curse being immortality, or at least to him how many years since? he wondered, remembering one of the many wars that had seen the planet changed so drastically.

Maddy after her shower went into the kitchen to start dinner. hmmmmmmmmm. Lets see I have pork or red meat, which should I use? she thought. She opened the fridge ad decided to go with the pork.

Kage paused at the bridge, a low moaning soon turned to a roar as a group of twenty humans turned zombie from being bitten by a vampire charged him. Kage smiled, pulling two .50 calibre pistols "Lets dance" he said softly, squeezing off two rounds and dropping two of the creatures. Kage was impartial to any of the mythical races, he had only one rule don't try to kill me and i won't do the same Zombies, being the only ones that never adhered to this rule where the only things he really hated. Each pistol roared as he fired both once more.

As Maddy finished dinner, enought to feed fifteymen, but ten Lycan, She decided she would go search for everyone.

Kage emptied both ten round clips, leaving twenty dead Zombies before him "This is the begining of the Lycan cluster, what are vampyric Zombies doing here?" he reloaded both pistols, and holstered one. A growl made him look up. A huge Lycan stood inbetween two trees across from him. He was by now well across the bridge. The great wolf snarled at him. He leveled his gun at the wolfs head "Don't do it, i don't intend to harm you Lycan" The wolf snarled, crouching "I am not the master of those creatures back there" Kage was calm, his pistol loaded with his particularly nasty brand of ammunition. An explosive bullet, designed to inflict catastrophic damage on living targets.

Maddy swore she heard gun shots go off as she wondered the mansion. She quckly opened the door, stripped, and shifted. She ran offf into the black forest.

Kage calmly stood before the huge wolf, his gun now lowered. He turned as another lunged from behind, letting himself fall on his back before kicking both feet into the wolfs stomach and catapulting it towards the larger animal. He drew his weapon again, keeping the barrel at hip level. He knew better than to turn his back "I'm not the one who unleashed those Zombies onto your territory, i'm a hunter. Meaning i don't give a damn about the wars between Vampire and Lycan, only that balance is maintained and all out war is averted" he spoke slowly, calmly and deliberately.

When Maddy arrived at the scene were she heard the shots two Lycan had a man cornered. She let out a huge growl, meaning What the hell are the two of you doing She eyed the man, and knew he was n;t a threat. She walked over to him, and head butted him. She wanted him to follow her.

Kage followed, he sensed another Vampire near by. He kept his gun out, switching the mag clip for one with a silver tiped warhead before returning it to a chest holster instead of the one at his hip.

Maddy Walked all the way back to the mansion with the man behind her. She could sence the other vamp, but could careless. she hated the fighting and most knwe that so the left her alone. When they reached the mansion she stoped and glared at the man. stay she didn't like the idea of someone other than a lycan watching he shift back naked.

THe Vampire appeared behind Kage "Traitor" the icy voice cut through the air. Kage calmly turned "You forget, as do the others of you kind that have died before you. I am not one of you, and now you will die" he raised his pistol to her head. The Vampire laughed "You can't kill me with a gun foolish one" Kage smiled "Really?" he slipped a silencer on. Squeezing off a single round. The Vampire lurched back, a bleeding wound in her head showed. She reached for it only for her head to dissolve in a fountain of gore as the round exploded. Kage shook his head "Maybe some day this world will know somthing other than dissparing war"

"Was there no ther way." Maddy said as she came out of the mansion, clothed.

"If there was then i wouldn't have shot her. I killed twenty of her Zombie slave earlier...she didn't look mature enough to be able to infect more than that, though the Humans are going to want blood....which means another thankless night of keeping an all out war from stewing" Kage sighed, he knew this time he'd probably have to kill humans and Vampires alike just to prevent a war "I wonder, should i let them have at it, or should i do what needs to be done and spare an untold number of lives?" He had several human friends who lived on the centre island, either way he looked at it; he'd be getting himself involved.

"What ever you do I wish you luck, and may it be the road were you have less blood on your hands." Maddy said. "come on in, I just cooked dinner and you look like you could use something to eat. And no one else is home if that bothers you."

"The only thing that bothers me are Zombies" Kage said with a soft smile "Thank you"

"Your welcome." Maddy said. "I spend most of my time alone so it's nice to have company every once en the while."

"I'm sure" he slid the clip out from the huge pistol, loading it with a standard one before putting it back in the holster at his hip.

She made her way back to the kitchen, and the pork soup she made still sat on the stove. "Take as much as you want, I tend to make more than needed."

He poured himself a bowl before perching in a window sil. He took a bite, only to devoure the rest in short order "It's very good" Kage said with a smile before turning to look out in the direction of the centre island "They've probably already begun attacking the Vanguard islands, i just hope my home is still intact" he said softly. As if in answer to his musings, the low thuds of artillery sounded from that direction. The Humans had begun their attack "The elves had the right idea when they dissapeared over the mountains, but i wish they had left some of their insight intact...or maybe their research on reversing the Zombie effect..."

A ruckus outside broke the air. It sounded as if a branch of the fighting had spilled over and found its way onto the mansions lawn. There appeared to be five figures in the yard. One suddenly drew two handguns and easily dispensed of what appeared to be zombies before the last figure tackled him and pinned him beneath its weight. A flash of fangs was seen as the assailant lunged forward for a bite as the bottom person fought it off with his hands around its throat.

Kage glanced outside the window "Is one moments respite to much to ask of this God forsaken world? Shut the hell up!" he belowed out the window, sending a round through the head of the creature on top of the human. The Critter looked up, aware only for a split secound what had happened before its' head exploded.

Takato was up again picking off the remaining laggers who had just meindered from the dark. "Eleven chased after me...four here, just killed seven. That should be it for the ones who followed me." He mumbled to himself. He holstered his guns and waved a thanks to the figure in the window.

"How bad is the war for the Vangaurd islands?" Kage hailed him you may want to leave this island soon boy, the wolves here are protective of their they should be

"You can tell the man he can eat here to. This is my hime, and no matter what my father says all are welcome here." Maddy said as she put more food in Kage's bowl, and pulled another out.

Kage looked out the window "Hey boy, you're welcome to come in for dinner if you like...and no you're not on the menue" Kage couldn't help adding that last phrase.

Maddy snickered in her hand. "I've missed good old humor. You'd be surprised by how feel Lycans have any."

"Because a Lycan is least tainted by Humanity, the beast within the man and the animal bond to create a creature that is truelly the most honest, and therefore has little need for humor" Kage toyed with a lock of his long white hair.

"That's were your wrong." Maddy said with her elbows on the kitchen island. "Yes, we are honest, but because we see so much of the truth, of the horror we can't be blinded to, that humor is needed to keep us sane, or at least to keep a little brightness in our hearts"

Kage smiled "As would anyone, by the way my name is Kage" he didn't tell her his full name, he knew he wasn't well recieved in many places on account of his work, which for so long had been maintaining the fragil balance of peace, and this had often requiring the death of anyone member or members of a given race.

"It' nice to meet you Kage. Mt name is Madaline, but most just call me Maddy" She didn't think she needed to tell him she was the alpha's daughter.

"Nice to meet you as well Maddy" he sighed "What a nice place here, far nicer than the city, and lord does it smell so much better" many had told kage that he was an elf at heart on account of his dislike of cities, but this wasn't true. No, it had to do with his long stay in Japan and the love he lost there "This place reminds me of Rhiaka" his voice sounded far away.

The boy finally found his way to the kitchen. He was not used to being invited into domiciles before. As soon as Takato crossed the threshold his keen nose picked up the trace smell of wet husky...a werewolf, normal humans could not pick up the scent but his training recognized it immediatly. That brough the joke into perspective. He walked in time to catch the introductions. "Kage? Well that explains why you put a bullet in the vampires head and not mine. Your reputation precedes you in our line of work." So she must be the werewolf, well this is irony, a human, and bloodsucker, and a shapeshifter. He turned his attention to the girl, "And this charming hostess isMaddy i have it?"

Maddy Smiled at him, and handed him the bowl. "That's me. What a strange par we all seem to make." She looked at the two of them. "You both can have a room if you needed it, but you should be gone by noon the next morning. I don't think you are going to want to be around for when every one gets back from their Full moon hunt."

Kage shot the boy a glare "Like i said, i don't at all mind wolves...but that doesn't mean they don't mind me....i have few friends courtesy of what i do, and after Japan that list extended to wolves" he sighed.

Maddy shurgged her shoulders. "Your choice." She grabbed a container from the pantry and started to clean the kitchen. "But I don't think you want to be here when the intire lycan pack gets home."

"I'll be gone well before morning" Kage said swiftly "This war that the humans are now waging i doubt will be contained on Central Island and the Vanguard islands"

Takato nodded in appreciation. "I will be taking my leave shortly as well. My job is done so i have no need to hang around. A gun for hire is a quick job." He dusted his hands off in courtesy. "Kage, where will oyur next job take you?"

Kage stiffened "I am not a mercenary, contrary to popular belief. I go where i feel i must or where events would otherwise place me, and for me that is Central Island, as i'm sure the Humans have made a fine mess of things"

Takato's eyebrow twitched. "Not all humans are to blame. The overzelous witchburners fan the flames. Just as the vampires have their bad lot." He kept his attitude in check, picking a fight would only lead to a dragged out bloodbath. "I take the jobs that keep the fight fair."

Kage sighed "I've only recently come to realize this, it's taken four thousand years but none the less i've realized that no matter how hard you try, somone will always find a reason to start a war" he paused, kicking himself for revealing so much.

"Well at least theres some common ground." Takato Ran his hands through his hair. "So anyway, thanks for your help." He glanced to the side, seeing as how he could find no more reason to stick around.

"Perhaps there is, i may see you in Central island. I'd advise you stay away from there though unless matters see to it that you otherwise can't avoid it" Kage's voice was calm.

Takato cocked an eyebrow. "Ironically i must be there to mediate a half cocked ceasefire, of course half the population will pay it no mind. Its simply a congregation of optimists." He smiled, this job sounded fun when he first took it.

"I'd like to help if I could." Maddy said.

Takato half chuckled. "A representative protector on behalf of the furry ones wouldnt hurt, they might be personally affronted for havingone but hey."

Kage shot him a warning glare "Forgive him, he has no etiquete whatsoever. If you wish to help Maddy then i trust you can keep the Lycans out of the fray? I doubt they will get involved, but still. Also are you good with a rifle? If so then i could use your help elimanating a few individuals whose abscence would make peace easier to come by"

Maddy looked at them in horror. "I wont even touch a gun, my hand are enough of a weapon. Secindly I can keep most out of the war, I have influencial power among my people." Maddy wondered what they would have thought if they knwe she was the Alpha's daughter and the next Alpha for the females.

"I meant no offense, i only asked because wolves make excellent snipers on account of their keen senses" Kage smiled "Well that's good, call me a pessimist but i doubt these cease fire talks will do anything but piss off everyone else and delay the fighting"

"Well arent you a sensible one?" Takato brushed his hair back. "Your absolutly right, this wont do much in the way of good, but a job is a job even if its to be a bodyguard. I take it you will be attending?" He asked Kage

Kage smiled "Oh i'll be there, but not out in the open and not before a little present is in place that'll serve as an insurance policy in case things go sour at the peace talks...which i know they will..lets just say the room rigged to become fourth of july" he sighed "And why do i know they'll go sour? Because each of the parties involved have insured it" he didn't sound at all like he wanted to, more like he was just doing his duty.

"Explosives you say?" Takato sighed. "Ill make it out..dont think the representatives will though." He smiled. This was going to be interesting, very interesting.

"I've seen to it that the faction leaders from each respective side will be there, so their removal will mean that there will be infighting an minimumal fighting between the two sides. And when i mean infighting i mean politiking, so maybe one or two heads role before it all calms down...." he paused, realising what he was saying i've been at this to long

Takato smirked. The veteran was expertly detailed in his ways. He stepped foward offering his hand. "Well i look foward to seeing you there." With that he turned and strode out of the mansion. "I kinda want to fight that guy now." He mumbled to himself.

Kage smiled "Unfortunately for you boy i never reveal what i'm up to till it take place" he said quietly after Takato had left.

"So what are you up to?" Maddy asked. "Or should I just hold my hackles and wait to see?"

Kage paused "Well, he failed to ask just who was going to get offed. Truth is the politicians aren't the movers and shakers that they think they there are two powerful organizations, one fore each side that are the real players...and i intend to see to it that they are no longer such" he whached Takato go "There are two meetings taking place soon, the public one which is just a load of shit, and the one everyone else won't see but in reality it will be the one deciding everything. So do you want in?"

"Yes." Maddy said with out hesitation. "Thui war eeds to stop, but you also need to know a few things. One, my father wants me at the second meeting as an observer so I'd be ther any way. Two, I'm a tracker not a murder."

"Neither am i, the only reason why these people are getting it is because they refuse to have it any other way...chances are the whole will dissolve into all out war again before we even get there" Kage said slowly "An i don't plan on using a bomb, just knocking off the two leaders so hopefully the politiking that will take place over the next couple of months will allow people to wake up an see what's happening"

"Well I guess we should get this show on the raod." Maddy said. "I'll met you out front before day break."

"Very well, you don't mind if i sleep in the window sill here? Or would that cause problems?" Kage allowed himself to yawn.

"It doesn't matter, actually it might be even better that way you can run if needed be." Maddy said. "Night." She walked up to her room for some shut eye.

Kage laughed to himself "Night" He doubted this pack numbered more than the one in Japan Stop thinking about it Kage, it won't do you any good laddy the voice of an old friend surfaced in his mind. He nodded off, making sure to shut the window so he would at least have some warning.

After he decided he was close enough to the meeting place he stopped. With a simple flick Takato flicked out his trusty hammock and slung it between two trees. His nose picked up no hostile smells and felt no eyes watching him so he figured it was a pretty safe little cove of trees. He laid back and started to nod off. "I hate houses anyway."

Maddy hummed to her self as she went t bed, wondering what tomarrow would hold. "I do winder if i should bring peppers and galic with me for food." She was always the cook.

"If you wish" Kage yawned.

Krystal Palenstar entered the tavern early the next morning, and walked up to the bar counter. The lady there was quietly washing dishes, and she hadn't bothered to look up when Krystal entered. This was just fine to her though, and she sat down quietly.

Only then did the lady look up at her. Her hands paused suddenly while washing a plate, but her eyes showed no recognition whatsoever, and she immediately resumed washing.


"A glass of milk and a loaf of bread, ma'am," Krystal said respectfully. She was quite grateful that this woman was treating her just like any other customer, instead of fawning over her because of who she was.

"No need to call me ma'am, miss - that just makes me feel old," the lady said, and Krystal saw a twinkle of humor in her eye. She finished washing the rest of the dishes, before heading quickly into the back and bringing out a large loaf of bread. She put it on a plate, stuck a bread knife next to it, and got a bit of butter for Krystal to spread on the bread while she ate it. She put the plate in front of Krystal, then got a glass out and poured some milk into it. She handed this to Krystal as well, then started going about wiping down all of the tables.

Krystal sighed in silent relief, and gave a grateful glance at the woman before starting to eat her measly meal.

Kage wandered into the bar, looking around leisurely.

Nathel was sitting near one of the walls, eating a simple meal while he carefully kept an eye on the people around him. He didn't trust them, and didn't really want to get noticed by them either. He was trying to figure out how he would spend the day, he could use another nights rest in a bed after all time sleeping in the open lately.

Kage took a seat in a corner booth that commanded a veiw of both doors, ordering a drink and dismmissing the flirtatious waitress.

To avoid a table with some drunk - and possibly unpleasant - people, Nathel chose another way than the closest when he decided to leave which made him pass by Kages table. He managed to trip on something on the floor and stumble straight into Kages table, tipping it over. "Ouch.." he got up again, slowly and trying to feel if he had managed to break an arm or something, but he was just bruised. "Uhm..sorry.." He looked up to see what reaction he'd get from the stranger.

Kage was roused from deep thought "No worries" he realized his drink had been spilt. Ordering a new one which he put more to the center of the table.

"I' for that.." Nathel offered despite being a bit low on money. He needed a moment to gather himself, he had expected to be yelled at at least.

Back to:Ruin rp

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2010-01-03 [Eyden13]: noooooooooo. If you want to do what we did in Tyradias you can send me it in a message.

2010-01-04 [Talos Cyrion]: well so far my comp is surprised

2010-01-04 [Eyden13]: ^-^

2010-01-04 [twitchboy]: my character is up. permission to post?

2010-01-04 [Talos Cyrion]: uh sure lol

2010-01-04 [Eyden13]: night^-^

2010-01-04 [Talos Cyrion]: awwww, darn it...there goes my evening :p

2010-02-06 [Talos Cyrion]: oi....this rp keeps dying! darn it!

2010-02-06 [Eyden13]: *Tear*

2010-02-06 [twitchboy]: Come on guys

2010-02-07 [Talos Cyrion]: im just waiting for people to post

2010-02-07 [twitchboy]: me to

2010-02-08 [Eyden13]: sorry i didn't seethat it was my turn

2010-02-08 [twitchboy]: mow we need a new day from the rp master

2010-02-08 [Eyden13]: yup ^-^

2010-02-18 [Yume Youki]: Rather than trying to apologize for not doing anything for so long, I decided to just post something, and something really, really long, to make up for, well, not posting anything before. XD

Anyway, hope nobody minds the fact that I put a divider in - I did it out of habit. :p

2010-02-18 [Zab]: hm.. you want a new player? :) How forgiving are you with newbies? xD

I made a character..>_> I can juyst use him somewhere else if you're already full here.. nathel

2010-02-19 [Talos Cyrion]: no far from full, and feel free to join. I'll have a look over the character an leave a comment.

lol don't worry about being a newbie

2010-02-19 [Zab]: ok :)

2010-02-20 [Zab]: Yes, Nathel is a bit clumsy at times, be nice to him :P
I won't be here again untill tomorrow so you can skip my turns a bit if you want, as long as it's not too late for him to respobnd again..>_> Would be silly to humiliate the poor guy like that just to find him standing alone in an empty tavern next time I log in :P

2010-02-21 [Eyden13]: can I jump right back in?

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