Page name: Ruined City [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-02-18 14:14:05
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This Was formerly the City where the neriks resided before the gore drove them out,its buildings are burned and faling down the gore never rebuilt once they conquere the city Warlord ragek kept it in its ruind state as a constant reminder of their conquest

Atop one of the few buildings that remained unscathed by the Gore Destruction Stood a man his black cape flowing Gracefully in the wind and a cruel sneer on his handsome features as he looked out across the Ruined city remembering that day when his master plan came to fruition he could see the whole city from his perch The warlord was always happiest when he was remenicing his conquest of the neriks

Zataria walks up from behind him, a cold smiles playing along her lips, "Wonderful, isn't it?"

Ragek`s sneer grew even deeper as he nodded "indeed it is,Zataria"He made a sweeping moion with his right hand across the city"All this,Mine"he smirked as he looked out across the city,a Troop of ten or so Tanarukk marching through patrolling the streets below

"True..." Zatarua murmers quietly, staring out into the distance, "But I'm getting bored without all the fighting..." chuckles

Ragek nodded frowning slightly"yes,"he said nodding a solemn look on his face as he put his hand behind his back"That is the one drawback of Complete Domination"he smirked showing he was not really sad "No opposition" He laughed"sometimes i hope that there are surviving neriks,who are as we speak building up for a rebellion"e smiled looking off into the distance"The tanurukk grow restless with so much inaction."

Zataria glances at him, "The tanurukk!?!? How about me!?!? I want blood...and I'm almost out..."

Ragek smiled slightly"i Know,Zataria"He turned around so he was facing her"maybe we will get lucky,and come across some opposition"

"I hope so.." Zatara looks slightly annoyed as she stares into the distance her fingers suddenly moving quickly throwing a dagger and pinning down a a rabbit that was running past, the rabbit died instantly the dagger through its skull

Ragek sighed the rabbit being stories below where they were standing on to of the uilding"are you going to go all the way dwn there to get that?"he smirked loking back at the city below"or leave it for the tanarukk?"

Zataria looks down thoughtfully, then snaps her fingers. The dagger dissolves into shadows and drain the rabbit of blood then start drifting up the build, climbing fairly slow because its so heavy with blood

Ragek smired and watched the dagger drift uwards tward them as a yong tanrukk grabbed the bloodless body of the rabbit and ran off back twards the tanarukk encampment"i forgot about that"Ragek smiled watching the dagger

Zataria smirked and held up her hand as the shadow coiled around her arm and took the shape of a glass vial, filled with blood. "I love my shadows." She said adoringly and put away the vial.

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2011-02-18 [Lirerial]: lets see if this will get things started lol

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