2010-03-21 23:48:34
# of watchers: 2
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| D20: 19 |
Ryce Vander
Gender: Male
Personality: Ryce is much like the symbolism of his companion, the Owl Gram. He has spend mor then half his years studying the land and its people as to fulfill his duty as ambassador. However he has an easy going personality, and humorous out look on life. He is sweet and cunning, but deadly when pushed. He loves to take walks in the night, and very nocturnal.
Description (or pict): see picture below
Weapons: Long, thin Sword
Abilities: Telepathy, can see spirits, and pass in between the realm of living and death.
Race: Elf
Companion: Gram, the Owl
Occupation: Scholar/ Warrior
History: Unlike others of his kind Ryce allies him self with the rebellion. He was once the Ambassador between all races, including the king, and Elves, but the king wronged him, causing Ryce to join the Rebellion. He has been dispelled from the Eleven ranks, know thought of as a traitor.

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Character of Eyden
Owl Symbolism- (
http://www.whats-your-sign.com/animal-symbolism-owl.html )
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