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2016-04-13 [ancienteye]: You aged them up?
2016-04-13 [Painted Autumn]: Just a year. They felt too young to have the careers and backgrounds they do. Now they have a year more experience.
Besides, I'm fond of an age gap.
2016-04-13 [ancienteye]: XD That works.
2016-04-13 [ancienteye]: Now Tilly's not the oldest! Just the tied-with-Saba
2016-04-13 [Painted Autumn]: She can be older by a few months if you like? Also, Teos is oldest.
2016-04-13 [ancienteye]: It's fine either way. :P
....Oh, yeah. XD
2016-04-13 [ancienteye]: But, nah. I just made Tilly the oldest and Hroda the youngest 'cause I don't like making all my characters in their early twenties.
2016-04-13 [Painted Autumn]: A long time ago I remember losing patience with an rp because it was fairly large and fairly serious but every. single. person. kept making their characters in what I called the "sweet ages". 16-26. Very frustrating.
2016-04-13 [ancienteye]: It's annoying. XD When I first started RPing I actually made a point of making my characters "undateable". Like, grossly undead or way too young and stuff like that, just because everyone else's were inhumanly gorgeous and...yeah, at the "sweet ages". XD
2016-04-13 [ancienteye]: Backfired a bit...One character was basically made of acid and almost literally untouchable but still ended up in a super-sweet, diabetes-induc
2016-04-13 [Painted Autumn]: Aw, I like couples in roleplay when it's not graphic. Love is an excellent motivator. If you can't develop close relationships with other characters, why would you risk your life to fight with them, or for them?
2016-04-13 [ancienteye]: But these two don't fight together! My character wasn't even allowed in sparring areas because of the risk she posed and was a total workaholic in her lab. XD XD XD They met when the other character was on a sugar-high and tried to tackle her.
2016-04-16 [Tekkon KinKreet]: lol your character, and mine, the twins renting being somewhat roomies. Sounds good to me. When can DeLayne move in? ^^
2016-04-16 [Painted Autumn]: Hmm... I don't know, I hadn't thought this far ahead. I had just decided that Sabastion would be ok living with people and Emily jumped right on it. I don't know if it's better if, say... Delayne and Sabastion are already cousins? And Delayne is just coming back into town and needs a place to stay? Or if it's better that Sabastion keep looking... If Sabastion was already his friend, it would be easiest, since he probably wouldn't keep looking at this point, but he WOULD mention to a friend or family member that he got a room mate but still had a room left. What do you think should happen?
2016-04-16 [Painted Autumn]: I also wondered if Delayne and Archer would know each other, being close to the same age and both ex-military, and from the same town I guess..
2016-04-16 [Painted Autumn]: And Jade still has a lot of rooms in her house and I know Celtore really doesn't want her to live alone. So that's an option, though I really feel maybe her home is better as a 'crash site', Jade has so many friends I imagine people come and go a lot and hang out and what not. Wouldn't be out of the question to have company stay over.
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