Page name: Scenes 11 and 12 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-02-02 19:17:11
Last author: Tanzi Took
Owner: Tanzi Took
# of watchers: 2
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Brought to you by [Tanzi Took]

Written by Tanya Wonnacott [Tanzi Took] and Elizabeth Ryder [Gracie]

Scenes 11 and 12

continued from Scenes 9 and 10

Scene 11  

Narrator: After managing to fight off the ringwraiths Strider is carrying Frodo through the forest.


Strider: They are near. Quick!


Sam: We're six days from Rivendell he'll never make it!

Narrator: After a while they stop to look for an althalas plant to help stop the poisoning of Frodo's wound.

Merry: Why did you let that wraith stab Frodo I thought you were our friend!

Strider: I'm sorry! I never meant for anyone to get hurt! I'M SORRY!!

Merry: Dude its cool.

Strider: Oh, horay! Hey do you reckon Frodo's got any weed left on him?

Narrator: Merry sighs. Strider goes off to look for some athalas when suddenly a blade is pressed against his throat.

Arwen: What's this, a ranger caught off his guard?

Strider: FOR CHRIST SAKE ARWEN WHY?! Why for once can't you just come along and say ‘hi Aragorn' or ‘nice day isn't it?' WHY do you always have to threaten me with a bastard blade?!


Scene 12

Narrator: Arwen, an elf maid of Rivendell approaches a near to death Frodo.


Arwen: Frodo, I'm Arwen I'm here to help you come back to the light.

Merry: Who is she?


Sam: She's an elf.

Arwen: Frodo?..He's fading. He's not going to last. We must get him to my father. I've been looking for you for two days. There are five wraiths behind you, where the four are, I do not know.

Strider: Wow that's pretty heavy.

Arwen: One of us must get Frodo across the river so the power of my people will protect him.

Strider: My god you're right.


Narrator: Strider picks up Arwen and puts her on her horse.

Arwen: What are you doing?!

Strider: The wraiths are still out there, god I'm not going someone could get killed doing that.

Narrator: Strider gives Frodo to Arwen.

Arwen: But wait!...

Narrator: Strider smacks the horse's ass and Arwen rides off.

The Journey continues...
Scenes 13 and 14

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2004-06-05 [Same old same old!]: lol, i like it :p

2004-06-07 [cay_deevil]: make more!!! they're sooo funny!!!

2004-06-07 [Tanzi Took]: New scenes coming shortly!!

2004-06-11 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: oh my god this is going crazier with every scene...

2004-12-23 [sum 1s bitch]: some of the pictures dont show... :(

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