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2005-11-03 [sapphiresphinx]: to church, but still practice the beliefs and read the Bible, etc. It's perfectly possible to be an eclectic or solitary Wiccan without having to belong to a tradition. Also, I believe "Faeri" (or however the hell they're spelling it now) is a tradition, in the sense that there's a series of covens built around the same beliefs that call themselves "Faeri Wicca". I just have an issue with finding all sorts of weird ways to spell the name to make it look special. And the actual number of people killed during the burning times was between 40,000 and 100,000(http://wicca.t
2005-11-03 [sapphiresphinx]: by the Catholic church, although the number of innocents killed was much smaller. Most of them were probably Christians, and just different somehow. No offense intended with any of this, of course.
2005-11-03 [Delladreing]: No, its better than the "you're evil" coments I used to get. And again personally know this, I think the 70 years thing was a slip up that I just kept doing one day. My more recent things don't have it in it :\ ....*adds to fix list* no it was caused by the influence of the Catholic Church and the Inquisition who answered to the Pope. It was mostly protestants and other Christians that died, and Jews and just about anyelse that don't bow to the altar in the way they liked.
2005-11-04 [sapphiresphinx]: The trials in the colonies? The Catholic church wasn't over in the colonies, so I dunno how they would have been responsible. I'm no history major(well, yet, but then it'll be ancient history :P), so if you can explain? Thanks.
2005-11-04 [Delladreing]: The Spannish had a huge part to play in it, the spannish were ruled by the catholic church, I believe it was Spain where the inquisition that came to Britain were origionally from, after that we formed our own people. so its possible the spannish inquisition had some power there. that and religion is pretty....cont
2005-11-16 [The Monochrome Rainbow]: indeed. i have read so much about some of this. The 'burning times' were aimed at destroying withces, but it really turned into a way for people to accuse anyoe they disliked for the slightest (even invented) abnormality.
2005-11-16 [Delladreing]: it wasnt just witches, it was as you say anyone and everyone that defied the beliefs of the Catholic Church. they called any other belief system heretical at the time
2005-11-16 [The Monochrome Rainbow]: and, actually, a tidbit of information, has anyone ever read Clan of the Cave bear? I study anthropology for college, and Auel did a lot fo research. The oldest known religion is actually pinned on the neanderthals, longe before Homo Sapeins Sapiens arrived.
2005-11-16 [Delladreing]: no i didnt know that, thank you :)
2005-11-16 [The Monochrome Rainbow]: just thought you should, now when you can set them straight, point out that there are religion older than our human subspecies.
2005-11-16 [Delladreing]: hehehe thanks :)
2006-01-09 [windowframe]: *toddles* *sits* *haunts*
2006-07-18 [melcinitan]: *bows* Thank you for giving me faith in mankind once more ;)
2006-07-18 [Delladreing]: most welcome :)
2006-12-06 [*~`Lady of Avalon`~*]: Acualy that hole burninng at the stake thing alive depended apon where you where cuaght besides the levels of torture i think most people would confes right off the bat now a days I mean they where horreble and people say Vlad was bad And don't forget the Aztechs and every other Native american culture that was either killed right away put in to slavery and/or forced in to missonarys where they where beaten and ecposed to infecuse deasies
2006-12-06 [Delladreing]: I'm not trying to be horrible, but please use punctuation, it makes things easier for all of those trying to converse with you. It did depend where you were, but I am writing about what I know from up here. Witches in Scotland were hung, and then there corpses burnt. In England I think they did similar, but were bigger fans of burning alive.
People didn't always confess, because they knew they Had nothing to confess. In most cases you'd die anyway because that was the level of corruption that operated with the Witch Hunters at that time. If you confessed you might have a quicker death, if not you'd be tortured. Or you would just be tortured and killed either way. People wont confess unless they feel they have done something wrong, and have the firm conviction that They are in the right. Admittedly some might, but not all.
Vlad was bad, most evil and wicked things are all on a par on some level.
2006-12-06 [*~`Lady of Avalon`~*]: Wow you accualy know Vlad most people that I say Vlad or Dracula (son of Dracul) arwe like wasn't he a vampire?No Bram Stoker just took the name becuase it sounded better the Wapyr. But like in Germany you where brought to the stake and stragled one wrighter said that whole forest where made in to pike for burning witches.Isn't that sad?Allso there was a Famouse "witch hutner" Who had a knife with a retactable blade.Because a "witches mark or teet"is not sopossed to bleed.Ingenuas
2006-12-06 [windowframe]: You make it sound like they were deliberately exposed to 'infectious diseases'; my understanding was that it was accidental. The socities the missionaries came from had built up resistances to the diseases, but the natives hadn't. However, the level of science avaliable at the time, as tragic as it was, it could hardly have been forseen.
2006-12-06 [*~`Lady of Avalon`~*]: Yes but the spanaird where given permisson by the pope to in slave and do as they willed because these people did not beleave and /or where cannables.
2006-12-06 [windowframe]: ...That's an entirely different point. X_x
2007-08-19 [Chrysilla]: I think I need to turn Vlad Tepes and Dracula, the difference for dummies into a sort of playgans and hit those who speak about Vlad without knowing anything with the big wet fish of doom. I'm tired of all the bullsh*t people say about him. *sudden ranting mood*
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