Page name: Sir Bedevere Guthrie [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-04-02 03:23:31
Last author: Chen stormstout
Owner: Chen stormstout
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Username: [Chen stormstout]
Character name: Bedevere Guthrie aka. Knight of Annihilation
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Class/Rank: Knight/ Head of the Department of Inquisition.
Appearance: Bedevere stands about a bear size of 6’1 with broad shoulders and a muscular if not a little bulky physique. He has a thick mane of gold that runs down to about shoulder length with blue eyes fair skin, and no facial hair. When he is not wearing his armour, he is wearing a traditional dark tunic and trousers with a white robe and sash with an insignia of three rose flowers on it. He has been known to wear extensive heavy armour that completely encases his body, with a red tunic over the chest with the symbol of the empire and an outline of three rose flowers together, the symbol of the Department of Inquisition.
Personality: He can sometimes be shown thick headed and violent with an intense hatred for Legionnaires (and any he considers their kind) although he is not beyond reason and compassion, while still being very calculating and even a little honor bound and religious. Bedevere sees the division of the empire and the “band of miscreants” unholy and will only bring the gods wraith down on those who threatened the order of life and those who failed to maintain the order of it.
Weapons/Magic/Skills: Bedevere has a strong mind which makes him very resilient to assaults on it and has been train to slip out of “mental holds that traps the body”. He carries a giant mechanical lance that has a diamond shaped head and no hand protector, (it could be used as a blunt or piercing weapon), during the period of the uprising that lead to the fall of the empire Bedevere was given a magically imbued adamantine prosthetic, when he lost an arm. His prosthetic looks like an normal fully functional arm but he can call upon the metal and it would rip out in a wing full of curving feathers all along his forearm up to his shoulder, which he can use as an impenetrable shield, and a bladed weapon at the same time in combination with his immense speed and strength, making him as deadly as any magical energy.
History: Bedevere hails from a family line of inventors, and clergymen who many consider him a far cry from his bloodline. Young Bedevere with a strong mind and arm went through series of masters and trainers to join a holy order, willed by his aristocrat family, but only to end up a lowly captain in a policing force when the emperor was assassinated in which case he disappeared while trying to enforce order. In the chaotic years after the empire and before the forming of the Immaculates, The Department of Inquisition was nearly destroyed as it tried to maintain order, whereas Bedevere re-appeared,and took one of the heads of the Department and made drastic changes making it a more militaristic independent entity from the new throne. In the department he as been dubbed Sir Bedevere Guthrie, Knight of Annihilation.
Other/Details: Bedevere has a mild case of Xenophobia, the fear of strangers and foreigners, which many ridicule him for it while being in the Department of Inquisition, they believe that it makes him more cold, and brutal when he’s on the job.

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