Page name: the immaculates [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-04-19 15:21:45
Last author: Fizban
Owner: Nite_Owl
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The Immaculates

The Immaculates have always had two priorities in life: the Elder Gods and the Emporer with his kingdom, and following his assassination many follwers banded together to take action against the perpetrators. Most of the follwers are nobles and wisemen, well-trained in the arts of manijik andweaponry. Thir skill and knowledge is great, but their numbers are few and several escape secretly to join the ranks of the Legion. They carry the flag of the Empire, blue with a golden 'X' and the gold silhouette of a hawk (the family crest of the Bourgians). The Emporer's brother, Demintriaj "the Great" Bourgian, has taken over as leader of the Immaculates; he leads them well, but he is no replacement for his fallen brother, as he is very oppressive of those who do not fully support the cause, instead suggesting the join the Legion (which may explain why so many have done so). However, despite this, many still follow him tirelessly, eager to be rid of the Legion and dark lies.

You must only destroy the Leader of the Legionaires, Christophe the Hammer, and any officials close to him if necessary. Innocents, women, and children should be left in peace, and if there is a confilct no bloodt should be spilt in anger. We want only peace in our Empire once more.
Peace through justice--justice through the people. Atrophar unites!


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Team Leader: Marcus Machitis III - [Nite_Owl]

2. Yalesigna Delonsse - [Nite_Owl]

3. Sir Bedevere Guthrie - [Chen stormstout]

4. Bjorn Ragnarsson - [Grimmloch]

5. Kisuke Uramane - [Chen stormstout]

6. Alianne Samothrace - [opera_ghost319]

7. Fizban's Characters: Eros Raine - [Fizban]

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2007-02-24 [Nite_Owl]: Well, yes....I've just been kinda down a lot lately and less creative, and not roleplaying for several weeks now doesn't help very much :\ I'll try to hopefully get up at least one profile this week.

You have a rather negative/demeaning attitude today--anything wrong?

2007-02-25 [Akayume]: No..I'm just more or less telling the truth. People see bios, put there's up......and they're more likely to join if you have good or interesting characters...

2007-02-25 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: hmm...*nods*

2007-02-26 [Nite_Owl]: Well, yeah, I know that, but before (and lately in general) you never smile or say anything positive a whole lot. Mostly you're just kinda....I don't know...telling people not to do something or gettiing irritated/questioning people. I just wanted to know if you were depressed or something *shrug*

Nevermind, I'm reading into things and I shouldn't. I'm doing that self-loathing thing where I think everyone hates me and just puts up with me for no reason (>,<) Don't mind me.

I've written up one bio, and I'm working on the mext (both for the Legionaires), then I'll work on the Immaculates.

2007-02-26 [Akayume]: I smile, just not late at night after I've been staring at a TV and computer screen all day. Nights and mornings aren't good for me.

And I could be sarcastically positive about it..

I have a lot of rps, one that's won an award. I kind of know my way around the roleplaying community.

2007-02-26 [Nite_Owl]: Dude, seriously, cut it out. You don't think I know how a roleplay works? Just because I've never made one myself (which, now, after a comment like that, I'm thinking about changimg my mind on the matter) doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing. I've been part of plenty high-standard RPs before and I know what other people expect from them and such. Just because I'm still getting around to it doesn't mean I'm not going to.

Now I'm getting off before I say something I'll regret later. I'm in a pissy mood lately, so.....I don't know. Don't take it too literally or something. Leaving now, bye.

2007-02-26 [Akayume]: Well, join the club. My best friend insulted me, then expected me to ask for forgiveness. My mom yelled at me for something that wasn't my fault, all my joints hurt, and I feel like a piece of crap.

And I never said that you didn't know how a roleplay works. It's just that being in a roleplay and running one are very different. There's more responsibilty and a lot more you have to do if you run it.

2007-02-26 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: please stop fighting *sniffles* ;-;

2007-02-26 [Nite_Owl]: I know that, but you basically implied that I should just quit right now because I don't know what I'm doing and bragged that yours are awesome. So, yeah, I'm a little irritated now. I've gotta start somewhere, and I thought my friends here would help me, not insult me.

I had a very long group conversation at me buddy's party last night until about sunrise this morning that basically made my very little self-esteem go back down to zero. *sigh* Sorry Cat-chan *pets, huggles* dun be sad. Owlie will try to reign in her temper a little better :)

2007-02-26 [Akayume]: I never said that. I was saying that if you want people to join you need to actually DO something...and I never said that I was awesome.You're putting words into my mouth, and I don't very much like that, since my mother does that all the time when she yells at me.

2007-02-26 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *huggles owlie* thankies.. (._.) Tis alright akay-chan. We're gonna get this thing started up ASAP, you'll see. I'm gonna start recruiting people. We'll be alright.

2007-02-27 [Nite_Owl]: I don't know about you, but some people DO have other things that take top priority over a roleplay that hasn't even started yet. When I get the time, I'll work on it. I can't post anything right now because I don't have it with me, it's at my dad's house, so BE PATIENT for christ's sake.

"I have a lot of rps, one that's won an award. I kind of know my way around the roleplaying community." -- Sorry, if I took it the wrong way mate, but it certainly doesn't sound very encouraging to me...

2007-02-28 [Akayume]: Well, I was saying how to get people to join. I said it.

Oh, and I said that because I was showing that I'm NOT an idiot, and I know how to get people to join. Trust me, I know when I brag, and I have no reason to brag right now.

2007-02-28 [Nite_Owl]: I never said you were an idiot. You just made it sound like I was.

Anyways, this is a really pointless argument and I'm trying to cheer myself up so.....yeah. Hug and make up, eh? :)

2007-03-01 [Nite_Owl]: There we go, finally posted one. I'm halfway through the leader person on this one, and have the one for the Legionaires ready on my dad's computer (different program, so I can't transfer it; it'll be up this weekend though). Ah, feels nice to RP again finally...though the bio I put up is a little on the simply side by my standards....maybe I'll go back and fix it soon.

2007-03-02 [Akayume]: I think she's cool ^^

2007-04-19 [Fizban]: I added the bit that ties this character into this story...did you want me to fill in your char sheet so it's organized in said manner, for you, or are you fine with my format?

2007-04-19 [Nite_Owl]: Hmm....well, I'd prefer it to be in the format I posted, but I suppose a character is a character...if you'd like to leave it as is I suppose it's fine :)

2007-04-20 [Fizban]: if you want, I can, I mean I can copy + paste and compile the stuff from my categories, have definetly covered what yours have and then some.

2007-04-21 [Nite_Owl]: Well...if you wouldn't mind then...? :) It'd be much appreciated

2007-05-03 [Fizban]: There, its in your format at the top, and mine at the bottom.

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