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2006-10-31 [Blaithin]: Ok, lets get some clarification going since it's not sinking in. I apologize in advance to anyone who thinks I may be yelling or taking this to excession but it seems that caps and bold is needed to convey this message. THERE IS NO FINGER POINTING GOING ON!! It accomplishes nothing for us to go around fixing your mistakes for you since then you wouldn't realize that you were missing an essential part of the system. It isn't our job to fix your errors, it's our job to update our categories if and when we can. If you think we're pointing fingers at you fine, but that still doesn't change anything. If you want I can find the link for the directions on how to renew duels and that way you can't try playing the guilt card on us.
Now, as for calling us 'your staff'. If you're going to do that you're going to have to realize some key points. One being that if we're your staff then you're our boss meaning we bring to you problems and point out errors. It's up to you to handle them, not turn on us. Being the boss means more responsibility
2006-11-01 [SeLoCeS]: good points i believe are very true and matey yes you sent me a message but no you didnt wait for a reply and therefor the communication was not waited for eg if you dont wait for a reply then that isnt communication. Had you waited you and i would not have any problems to talk about instead realistic would be running smoothly. Now i am willing to admit that i use my main account to change things over but hello i have a life too just like you pointed out about yourself not a few comments ago sometimes it is quicker. But i will try not to break that rule again. and please wait for replies to your messages before you act otherwise the wrong result will happen and people get upset. cheers
2006-11-01 [Kitara Softpaw]: Blaith, you took the words right out of my mouth, thank you. And even 'skoga sometimes updated from her main account. Sometimes you don't have the time neccessary to log in and out of accounts.
2006-11-02 [crowdel]: here here and another thing kain I dont intend to annoy you but the facts presented by blaith are right and furthermore you need to stop holding the "i asked you if you wanted to change the day to update cats to sunday" card on us it is old and i am sick of it. You apparently did not even wait for everyones response to the question before you made a decision and i still believe that my idea of a list of cats and admins to those cats is a phenomenal idea. its as blaith said we are YOUR staff and as such WE need to report to YOU so if you are feeling you are having trouble with a cat then you will be able to talk to "your staff" where we can correct the problems. we all have lives and we try to get here asap on the weekend to update cats but it is not always easy. calm down about it and let "your staff" do the work that they volunteered for.
2006-11-03 [Moorn]: Ohh... cats, now I get it. Categories.
People, bickering is bad for business. Trust me, few people know more about wiki-fighting than me and I know from vast experience that it never helps anyone. So, as an impartial, uh, party, allow me to make a few suggestions.
1. Eliminate the title of administrator and retire my old [Ergraf] house. Yup, I donated it, because way back in the day a worker changed one of the house passwords, and it was thought that a master house was needed. Now that it's divisive, I suggest you do away with it and each person considers hirself equal. No more boss, no more problems. Each person picks up the responsibility of cat management in equal measure.
2. Change the update day from Saturday to "The Weekend" (Saturday/Sunda
3. Have each person familiarized with updating procedures and do not deviate from it. When I joined, Tari Nenharma (who was boss at the time) took about two hours out of her schedule to train me and talk to me about the way things work and I never did it wrong.
4. Poetry houses could be optional. Yes they are there for a reason, but sometimes its just a hassle to use them. In my opinion they ought to be kept, but making the work easier on the workers is probably the best way to increase productivity. Well, short of paying them.
5. Politeness. Nobody HAS to be here. Everyone here is a volunteer, giving their time and energy for a communal purpose. Treat them as such.
I love the arena, personally. I don't want to see it die, and infighting will kill it. So let's all agree to agree. Savvy?
2006-11-03 [KainVM]: If you all want. It's fine with me. The choice is yours, not mine.
2006-11-08 [Moorn]: For anyone who's interested, I've been chatting up some of the people over at WritersCo about possibly creating a spin-off poetry arena over there, to use the same format as this one. You're all welcome to have a looksie, or bug me about it, if you want. I'll be pimping the bejeezus out of this Elftown Arena there, too. Just thought you'd like to know!
2006-11-17 [KainVM]: Oh, on another note. I might be late to update tomorrow, so any staffers willing to update To Make You Think ..., Love..., and Dark Please do at around ...Errr... well its a bit much but please wait till 9 PM PST, (Pacific Time, GTM -08:00) Please? Thanks. Got family things going on and I really don't wanna miss updating, but if I get to it before you do, you'll know.
2006-11-18 [crowdel]: kain we are to put this simply the musketeers. all for one and one for all. Everyone understands that everyone else has other things to do and that is just fine. this is one of the things that makes me love being an admin more than anything else we look out for one another if one has a family thing go do it most of us dont mind picking up a little extra every now and then because chances are we will need someone else to do a little extra work for us in the future. dont sorry about it we are all comrades and bretheren of this wiki and we look out for each other i can pick up love... this week
2006-11-18 [KainVM]: Thank ye much Crowdel. I'll see if I can pick up what isn't chosen from my friends house where I'm currently staying for the weekend. I'm not sure I can, but in the rare event I can I will update. Thanks for the understanding. At least I didn't wait until the day OF updates eh? Just a day before lol
2006-11-18 [KainVM]: Or ehh, you can catch it before I do. That's cool too! Hah Heh ^_^; Wow.. that's embarrassing. Thank you SeLoCeS and Crowdel!
2006-11-19 [crowdel]: I think that Philisophical is covered in the to make you think cat as for ballad it could be covered however instead of calling it ballad make it sound more generic possibly such as simply music. of coarse if we were to intoduce a new cat it should be voted on first by the members and then have a test trial time of around a month or two just to be assured that it will be something that would be good to add to the site. i know that askoga wanted to add a few cats but due to lost interest they were disbanded and they appeared to be cats that would be highly interesting fantasy for example. Knowing this i dont thing we should rush into it it should be a longer process. And since i am writing i would like to thank seloces i am assuming if it was anybody else thank you but thanks to whoever did all the cats this week
2006-11-20 [SeLoCeS]: lol no thanks needed guys we all put in when we can :)
2006-11-22 [KainVM]: Yeah yeah. I think though Ballad and Phil are covered already though. Though it does turn gears again! Anyway... I KNOW for a fact I will be updating this weekend so! FEAR NOT! I will be here unless someone steals me again... I'll send you guys notice day of.
2006-11-25 [Ergraf]: I was stolen again @_@. I'll be updating right now though.
2006-11-28 [SeLoCeS]: sorry guys that i didnt update this weekend ive been really unwell and not online thankyou to whom ever did Realistic for me cheers
2006-11-29 [KainVM]: Sok SeLoCeS. You had my back when I was gone. I got yours. Askoga will be back relatively soon. By the start of next year. So... I'm announcing now. When she's back full time. I'm retiring and leaving entirely.
2006-12-02 [SeLoCeS]: hey guys i should let you know for the next four or five weeks i will be working in the real world for about 50 - 60 hrs a week i dont know how much time i will get to be here though i will try, so if anyone see's that i havent updated for a week please just jump on in and do it for me. well anyways cheers and thanks to those who help me out in the next few weeks.
2006-12-02 [SeLoCeS]: KainVM sorry to hear you will be leaving us again
2007-12-21 [KainVM]: OK... so since I'm not leaving... Here's some updates that are much needed, wow it's been a year since anyone's posted here... anyway. Updates. [Citrine] is our new staffer. welcome her to our estranged little family. She'll be doing anything possible to help us when she can. Updates will be changed to Sundays again, if there are any objections, concerns or complaints please voice. I don't want to make this change until those present give consent.
2007-12-24 [KainVM]: Crow... because of my work schedule... I can not, at all make updates on time. Lest I do them in the mornings, but at that time I'm too exhausted from work to do them. And normally I'm dead asleep by then. So therein lies the problem. I only have availability at random times.
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