
Luna is the goddess of the Moon and the original creator of the Wolf. She is also the patron goddess of nature and any kind of shapeshifter. Wolves were her personal guard and favorite race and only a being with Wolf blood could serve as her "Dark Moon". Luna is known for her favoritism and is often honored by most races because of her gentle nature. She abhors fighting but is willing to use an iron fist if she must. She is allied with Aedan because she resents the damage Rage has created; plus she views Rage as a traitor since Rage had once served as the "Dark Moon"
The god of Death and one of the most feared gods in the land. Syrian is ruthless, cold and cruel and cares for none other than himself. The mortal enemy of the Moon goddess, he is forever trying to destroy her creations. There is one tempting offer for those serving him. Syrian, although cruel, is very generous to those who have managed to win his favor. Unfortuantely.
.. no one has managed to that yet. He too has an avatar who is known as the "Eclipse". The Eclipse is a being who is given more power than any other mortal and is even rumored to be able to slay a god. Because of the massive power endowed into the Eclipse, Syrian almost never chooses one.
The Followers:
The Dark Moon:

Luna's personal assassin and most devoted follower. The "Dark Moon" must have Wolf blood somewhere in her ancestry although she's usually a pureblood. Although the "Dark Moon" can be of any gender and both are common. Luna does not provide her "Dark Moon" with excessive amounts of power and there is usually one per generation. The "Dark Moon" is the only creature that possesses even a chance of defeated Syrian's "Eclipse"; in fact one of the main purpose's for the "Dark Moon" is to destroy the "Eclipse" before she realizes her full powers. To acomplish this "The Dark Moon" can sense where the Eclipse is once she has started to come into the power in which case she has exactly 2 years before the full power is reached.
The Eclipse:

Syrian's Second-in-Command and the General of his vast armies. The "Eclipse" is a servant of the god who managed to impress him with its cruelty and beauty. The "Eclipse" is slow in recieving her power once it is given but when she has reached the maximum she can even destroy a god. Unlike Luna, Syrian only chooses a woman as his avatar, as he considers them to be stronger in spirit than men. Syrian has always existed alone but it is said that the woman who captures his heart shall be the "Eclipse" and will recieve his heart and power. Luna strives to insure that his "Eclipse" never reaches full maturity and he has yet to try and create one.
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