# of watchers: 9
Fans: 0
| D20: 10 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Number of voters: 25
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Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* b)
Number of votes: 3 (12%)
* c)
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* d)
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* e)
Number of votes: 1 (4%)
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Number of votes: 0 (0%)
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Number of votes: 1 (4%)
* h)
Number of votes: 2 (8%)
* i)
Number of votes: 5 (20%)
* j)
Number of votes: 11 (44%)
* k)
Number of votes: 2 (8%)
2011-06-26 [Lord Josmar]: Lolz. Awesome submission. Akane said that she has one that she forgot to post so we should hit at least five submissions before the deadline.
Also, [Karithina] if you want to go to the Support Our Council page and put your name on the supporters list, you are more then welcome too.
2011-06-26 [Flisky]: RC's has so much win.
2011-06-26 [Ravenclaw]: I know, aren't I awesome? lol I need the colors for the rest of the et stylesheets so I can make more that match.
2011-06-26 [Lord Josmar]: Your gonna have to show me how to do transparent backgrounds so I dont have tp spend three hours painstakingly erasing what I dont want.
2011-06-26 [Ravenclaw]: Delete the background layer and save it as a png. Artsieladie taught me. It also helps to work on a colored background to make sure you don't have any flaws you don't want. You can always delete it later. Do everything new on a different layer too, just in case you screw something up.
2011-06-26 [Lord Josmar]: Okies. Though everytime I start a new piece of work the background is locked. Can I still delete it?
2011-06-26 [Ravenclaw]: yes
2011-06-26 [Lord Josmar]: Kk, I already save them as PNGs so thats no problem. What is that "interlace" stuff it always asks about when I save it as a PNG?
2011-06-26 [Karithina]: Ohhh I thought I'd put my name there already [Lord Josmar]; fixed now :D
I had no idea PNGs worked with transparencies here... I got the idea at some point that only GIFs did (strange dream?). You know how some images load straight from top to bottom, and some start off fuzzy and get clearer as they load? Interlacing is the second one :)
2011-06-27 [Alexi Ice]: Must make mine bigger ! O.o
2011-06-27 [Lord Josmar]: Thats looks great Alexi! You shouldnt down yourself!
2011-06-27 [Alexi Ice]: Oh, well thank you ^^ It was done on stupid paint
2011-06-30 [Lord Josmar]: This competition is now CLOSED! Voting has now begun.
Participants: You are allowed to vote, but no voting for yourself.
2011-07-01 [Alexi Ice]: I live Akay's star one !
2011-07-02 [Ravenclaw]: Reservoir Elves... I can't believe I'm winning.
2011-07-02 [Lord Josmar]: This vote could turn any second, you never know!
2011-07-02 [Akayume]: Merci Alexi. :D
2011-08-02 [Ravenclaw]: woot.
2011-08-02 [Lord Josmar]: I will send you the award later when I am on my computer (unless you just want to copy its URL from here).
2011-08-03 [Ravenclaw]: k
Number of comments: 89 | Show these comments on your site |
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