WARNING. Adult situations, don't read if you cannot handle it or are offended.
evil King: Kosovo, human
anthro King: Daninen, Iguana
Kylie, rusty spotted cat
Garm, Male Worgen
The King's hand stroked through her fur roughly around her neck and ears, not particularly paying attention to her but to the man in front of him relaying a report. She was a trained hunter, staying still for hours was something she had been able to do since she was a young kit, but even something as the King's wandering hands threatened to break her composure. It was all she could do but sit there and take it. This was beyond her, beyond her life and her boundaries. She took this humiliation and abuse for her people.
Kylie's eyes closed tightly, as her body revealed a slight shiver as his ugly human hand slipped down and fondled her. She sat, compliant and obedient at his feet, naked for all to see. So was her fate, for she did so gladly if it meant her people could keep their homes. Feeling a pair of eyes on her, Kylie opened her sage ones and half-lidded, glanced over to the man. She vaguely recalled he was the head of the guard.
The guard spoke."My Liege, our patrols are reporting for the night, all is clear and there is no sight of intrusion." A swift salute was given to his king, as he turned to leave the throne room. His armor covered him well, the sound of the clattering steel sounded throughout the room as the guard took his leave. As he left, he glanced behind him, noticing the young feline he treated so carelessly. Slightly sneering, the guard shuts the doors behind him, leaving the poor girl with the disgusting King.
As he walked away from the door, his goal remained very clear to him. Although trusted by his King, the guard held many secrets that he dare not reveal yet. Reaching his quarters, he locked the door behind him, laying on his cot and staring blankly at the ceiling. He remembered who he is even in this horrible place. Much like her, yet so different. He was Garm, The Gilneas Deserter.
With the night drawing late, the King stood and stretched, yanking on Kylie's collar for her to follow him. About to stand, the King grunted and snapped at the cold marble floor, then turned again. This time she followed him on all fours, as her species was used to actually hunting as their ancestors did, it was not difficult for her. She knew what the night was going to bring, and she let out a barely audible whimper as they headed for his bedchambers. King Kosovo roughly yanked the chain connected to the collar again, sending her sprawling onto the carpets while he laughed and shut the door. The guard on the other side saluted and leaned back against the wall to listen.
"Get on the bed." Kosovo gruffly commanded, shrugging off his robes. Kylie closed her eyes, then preceded to climb onto the bed, laying on her back. "Tsk, you know better my pet." He took the chain and attached it to a peg on the bed, grabbing her long tail and gripped it painfully. Yelping, Kylie scrambled to her paws and flipped over to her stomach, on her knees. With her rear in the air, the King licked his lips, anticipating. Kylie cracked open an eye, letting out a sad mewl as she saw what was approaching.
Outside, a dark figure traveled along the side of the castle. He too had plans this night. Carrying a dagger, and wearing nothing more than a drab pair of shorts, he climbed along the side of the castle. Inside, was his target. He was to kill the King. Garm would finally go through with his plan this night.
Peaking through the window, he saw what he did not expect. For the first time, he saw this man defile his "pet" as if she were a dirty harlot. The man outside became enraged, and he began to transform into his feral self. Hairs grew outward on his skin, his fingers growing longer and his nails turning into claws. Pads began to form on his hands and feet, as his jaws stretched outward forming a muzzle.
Now, he stood staring back into the window, now fur not skin, staring at his target with more of a murderous intention. He jumped into the room, enraged at what was commencing before him. Dagger in hand, his objective had changed. He was to save this poor girl before he could kill this disgusting excuse for a leader.
The King pulled out of her in shock, causing her to yowl in pain. The guards outside wouldn't have really cared except the King began to yell and scream in panic. Kylie cowered on the bed, curled into a ball with her tail protecting her sexual organs as the pain from the king withdrawing so quickly caused her body to go into momentary shock. Guards burst into the room, and seeing the massive wolf also yelled for more enforcements. "Assassin!" screeched the king, now covered by a brisk robe and behind two guards.
Garm howled to them sharply, causing them to fall back. He ran to the girl in shock, seeing she was unable to move. He took her and placed her over his shoulder. As the men drew back to fend off the large wolf, he had gone. The King looked back at the bed, noticing his slave gone too, realizing what had happened, he called for his captain guard.
But he was nowhere to be found.
Kylie snapped to her senses as the feeling of falling caused her stomach to flutter. The night sky met her eyes, as well as the wall of the castle. They landed roughly, and the one that held her almost lost his grip on her. Her small body fell backwards, but didn't hit the ground. Kylie let out a small gasp of surprise. Her eyes met that of a alpha male wolf, green met reflective purple. Then his gaze was gone as he pulled her into a cradling grasp, gently keeping her to his furred chest. They lept over rooftops, but it wasn't until they hit the treeline that she dared to speak. "Why do I recognize your scent?" The cat asked softly, his cheek fur tickling her nose.
He gazed down at her, then began to reply. He was cut short by the sound of bells and human voices behind him. They were hot on his trail already, and if they had any chance to survive at this point they needed to make some severe distance. He ran at full speed, holding the small feline to him. His speed was unmatchable to those of the humans, unless on horse-back. He leaped over fallen trees and under branches, getting as far as he could.
The voices got further and further, as it seemed they were now safe, but suddenly Garm stopped. The sound of rusted metal clashing, a sharp pain around his ankle. This held him to the ground, falling forward as momentum caused the girl to slip out of his arms. He roared in pain, the trap clenching around his ankle.
The voices began to get louder once again, the sound of footsteps and yells getting closer. Garm tried in desperation to free himself.
She landed awkwardly on her paws, eyes wide to catch any light possible in the night. Instantly she spotted the problem, the metal clutching painfully at even his large paws, which her eyes widened even further at. She had never seen a wolf this big. Her chin lifted as she stared at him, at his height. Then the sounds of the chase awakened her from her trance. Her lips twitched, then lifted in a fully fledged snarl as she let her instincts take over. He had saved her from enslavement, now she would protect him from further harm.
Kylie's hackles rose while she gripped the sharp metal in her paws, and with a grunt released him from the cruel thing, then looked to the oncoming search parties. Their bells, which were meant for keeping track of each others locations stilled and went silent. Kylie's eyes began to glow a bright sage, as screams filled the night. Silence ensured shortly after, and the cat turned her glare to him, her small chest heaving as she fought for breath.
Garm took hold of his wound, before realizing how quiet everything was. He looked around, noticing the death, then up at her. He stared for a second, registering what had just happened. "...what have you done?"
Her form twitched, as weariness was evident in her frame as she slumped, then slipped to the ground. "I killed them." She stated quietly. Her large ears quivered as she shook her head clear of the glow, her normal reflective eyes looking back at him curiously. "I was the champion of my tribe, and unlike the humans, we have mastered old magics, one being my charge." She did not explain more, instead crawled to his side where she looked over his wound. It was not that deep, being that the trap was meant for much smaller animals then him. Not hesitating, she gripped his paw softly and began to lick the wound clean.
He watched her momentarily, before hearing more voices in the distance. He turned to her, quickly getting up on his broken leg and taking hold of her once again to continue farther from the hunters. Although encountering many horrible humans in his life, he felt saddened.
Running with this injury was painful for Garm, however he quickly began to ignore the pain. The objective was not yet complete, he had to get her to safety. As he ran with her, her face back into his chest, it began to rain heavily. He held himself over her, to keep her dry, as he continued to run.
The weather worsened, and shelter was somewhat of a necessity at this point. Garm stopped, looking around him, and finding a small cave under a large tree. this is where they would have to stay until the rain slowed. He entered with the young feline, setting her down, before going back out. Moments later, he returned with a few pieces of slightly damp wood, and set up a small fire.
It was very dark inside, but they both had no trouble seeing each other in the dim to no light. Kylie had fallen asleep from his warmth along the journey, curled in his arms but had awoken when he set her down. She didn't know why he had saved her, when it was obvious that he could have killed the King. For some reason he hadn't. She recognized his scent now, the head guard had been... a wolf. Somehow. Kylie sniffed again, her ears falling back submissively to him, almost unwillingly. She had never been submissive to any other animal in her life.
She snorted to herself, and forced her ears back up, then crawled to his side again. With no one chasing them now, she could clean up his wound properly. Or had he been in his human form too long to remember his animal side? Kylie lifted his massive paw, having a surprising strength behind her. Examining it again, the cat once more began to lick it clean.
Garm sat still, hardly even noticing Kylie was helping him. He stared into the fire, his mind in another place. His ears folded back, blocking everything around him out. He was remembering his past, remembering why it was he didn't want to see people die. As much as he hated people for what they did, he realized as a pup that he cant take a life just for being human.
However, he was prepared to end the life of this king, due to the fact that he was a direct source of the pain and suffering for many living things. Finally, Garm looked to the small cat, watching her work. He was both disgusted at her disregard for life, yet at the same time surprised at her attitude toward him. By now, she knew who he was, there was no hiding it. Garm let out a sigh, and placed a paw on her head. "Well... are you alright?"
"You are more hurt then I, great wolf." She growled softly as she paused at her work, her barbed cat tongue tugging at his torn flesh and removing rust, dirt, and anything alien to it. When she was done, the huntress raised her face to close to his level, her expression unreadable. Kylie was both indebted to him, yet more then furious. She had been the King's slave for a reason, it had never been forced upon her. "I thank you for saving me, I really do." Kylie uttered quietly, sincerely, "But now you have condemned my tribe to death. I was there as a treaty."
Garm looks back to the fire. "I'm... sorry... I was enraged at the sight of that slob enslaving other races like that..." He went silent, staring deep into the flames.
"Enslaving is a light word for it," Kylie replied with venom in her voice. With his attention occupied, she sighed quietly, then side glanced at him. He had already seen her naked, seen her being raped. She shrugged then sat down, licking herself clean. Humans were disgusted by her race, but they didn't realize how unclean they were compared to the animals. Her tongue reached along her leg, going to her sexual organs and removing any sign of the human that had soiled her. Now clean, she spat into the fire and starred into it as well. It was all she could do to keep from breaking down. The cat did not want to be seen weaker to the wolf then she already was.
After some time passes, Garm looks back over at her. Although naked, he respected the natural form, rather than be sex driven by it. He looked upon her, noticing her scars. She was a well experienced warrior, this was clear. Realizing again that she was naked, he asked "...Are you cold?"
Her ears fell against her neck revealing her true feelings and almost right after she forced them to raise. "A little." She admitted to him. That was a lie, she was crouched close to the fire, with her knees against her chest and her arms wrapped tightly around them. Kylie met his gaze after a moment, "Was that an invitation?" She asked him, a slight coyness in her tone.
"Its an invitation to warmth if you want it." He looked back to the flames, noticing they were starting to go dim. His wound was numb now, and had stopped bleeding. He looked back over to see what she did.
Kylie debated it within her mind, but she knew she was going to freeze if she didn't accept. Slowly, she released her limbs and crawled over, unsure of where to sit. He was at least twice as big as her, and it seemed his lap was the best place. Gently, the cat slipped into his embrace once more, avoiding his hurt leg. She curled up in his lap, reveling in the instant warmth he brought. This time she let her ears fall, and couldn't help a very soft purr.
Garm leaned forward, leaning on top of her a bit to cover her. His fur was warm, however she could feel distortion in the growth of the fur as well. He too had scars, from very deep wounds. They were plentiful, though he did not seem to be the warrior type. This was true, he was not a warrior. He was a protector. Even though he was cold, he was more concerned with keeping this girl warm.
"I don't even know your name..." Kylie whispered, her shivers subsiding as she began to produce her own heat again. Even in the animal world, a scene like this was not common. Kylie moved a paw to stroke a particular scar on his chest, her gaze moving up his form until she rested them on his amethyst eyes. The cat relaxed in his embrace, stretching out her spine and torso. She wanted to repay the wolf, but the only way she could was to offer herself to him, and she would go willingly. The bells tolled slowly in her mind. They wanted her to be submissive to him, they wanted him to be her alpha male.
"Garm..." As he said this, he continued to hold her until she eventually fell asleep.
Garm stayed awake through the night, holding her close to his form. This was the first time he had been able to feel the embrace of another creature. He was seen as a monster, and to some, a prize. Social interaction for Garm was only when he was deceiving them. He was not able to act how he wanted to around humans. The main concern was if he could possibly make a friend of this girl, because this was something he was new to.
The sun rose, shining through the dampened forest. The light burning at first, but then became soothing. For some reason, this morning was different than a regular morning. Garm felt at ease, which was another feeling he was not accustomed to. He looked into his arms, the small feline warrior sound asleep in his grasp.
One paw was innocently placed over a breast, while the other rested against his arm. Her tail had wrapped around them sometime during the night, laying over his own tail, the tip twitching next to his elbow. When the warm sunlight hit her face, Kylie's lip twitched and she opened her eyes slightly, glancing at him, then closing. She lifted her arm from her chest and began to lick her fur, grooming herself.
Garm gave her room, leaning back but keeping his legs in the same place as to no disturb her. The fire had gone out long ago during the night while Garm watched it die. He looked back down at her, wondering now why she trusted him so easily.
She glanced back at him, seeing him watching her, then her eyes wandered to his own long fur, some bits of mud and leaves tangled in. Kylie sat up in his lap, and began to clean him. Her tongue grazed over his fur and skin combined of his chest, heading upward. The cat skipped his neck and went straight to his long wolf ears. She ignored the fact that her chest was basically in his face... but he was dirty and needed a females touch.
Garm laid back and murred a bit at the feel of someone else moving against him. He began to notice a sexual attraction to this girl, her naked form intoxicating to him. He laid staring at her breasts as she licked his ears, and his torn shorts began to tighten. He did not notice this however, he was more focused on this beautiful feline attending to him.
Suddenly, he snapped out of this and stopped her. "What are you doing? You don't need to do this..."
"You're dirty." She stated, purring as well as she laid her chest against his and worked away at his cheek fur. "Not like you can clean yourself up here," Kylie commented between licks, eyes closed as she enjoyed the stirring of his loins against her thigh. His male smell filled her sensitive nose, making her licks slow to sensual speed.
"I... I guess..." He laid still, his pants tensing as she continued to lick him. He began to blush slightly, feeling very good as her body's warmth slid against his. Garm's body was very sensitive for some reason, much more than usual. He could feel everything. And it felt so wonderful.
"You've been away from your animal side for too long, Garm." Kylie uttered quietly, her licks going up, one lick to his muzzle, then another to his lips. She stopped there and sat up slightly, looking down at him. "My name is Kylie. I gave myself to the King so that he would spare my people. Doing so gave hope to my tribe, but I know it was false hope, as he killed them anyway, and my slavery was unneeded." She lowered her torso again, slipping her breasts against his chest and licked his throat, sliding the warmth up to his chin and to his lips again. "I give myself to you now, to your cause. But more importantly, to you."
Garm's eyes widened, and he took a second to register what she said. "You'd just give yourself to me? Why?"
"Because you saved me." Her eyes opened, showing large unshed tears, "You took me away from that bastard, and you did so with having a greater purpose... that you didn't fulfill just to keep me safe." The tears dripped down her short fur and onto his collarbone as she sobbed into his chest.
"Well... that's kind of you but I saved you to be free, not to belong to someone else..." Garm held her close now, trying to get her to stop crying. He began to pet down her back, stroking her soft fur. "You are free now, you can do what you want. I would never think of holding someone as noble as you down". He smiled at the feline, assuring her.
"But that's just it," Kylie said, "I serve another master, the power of time. I need to go with you, I must help our brethren rid themselves of this human who thinks he is a King. And you obviously agree..." She sniffed and rubbed some tears from her eyes with her paw. "You... don't find me attractive?" She asked him in a small voice, "You... don't want me with you?"
"I find you very attractive, I really do. But I want to make sure you're doing what YOU want, not because you think you are in debt to me..." Garm stood, looking down at her, and holding his hand out for her. "And you are right, we must stop this man, and I will do anything to help you."
Kylie glanced up at the hand, and dismissed it, "I will run next to you."
Nodding to her, he placed his hand on her head lightly. "Good, we will need all the help we can get. But I must know, are any of your people still alive? I've heard of a resistance out there somewhere... Do you know where they are?"
"My people are dead." Kylie said sadly. "The king did mention that they were holding up rebels in the mountains to the north of here." Garm looked taller from the ground. Kylie tilted her head at him, one ear going to the side as her gaze traveled thoroughly down his muscular length.
Garm exited the cave, looking to the north through the trees. He could barely make out the tip of the mountain over the trees. "Well it sounds like we are going to have to infiltrate the mountain... but it's going to be pretty well guarded..."
As he peered out of the cave, he could tell Kylie's eyes were still watching him. Finally, he turned, "...Is something wrong?"
Kylie smirked before replying with, "Nothing that won't remedy itself later." That said, Kylie followed him outside with her tail arched over her back and on all fours, sniffing the rain soaked ground. Her tail twitched, as she faced away from him, "How's your paw?" She asked, over her shoulder at him.
"Fairly sore... but I'll manage... thank you for releasing me by the way..." He smiled at her, catching another very nice glimpse of her hot body.
"It was the least I could do." She replied, facing forward again and silently beginning to trot northward. When she heard him start to follow her, she broke into a run, one that could rival the stamina of a wolf's.
He to went on all fours, beginning to sprint. A sharp pain jolted through his ankle with every step, but he again started to ignore it. They dashed through the woods, getting closer and closer with every step. The trees became less dense as they came to the foothills of the mountain. However, it seemed as though the mountain had some sort of a negative aura, and as they journeyed closer, even the colors of the trees seemed to turn drab.
The mountain towered above everything, a clear path leading to its entrance. The sight of this place was chilling, knowing that inside were many jailed and possibly tortured living souls. However, any chance at stopping any of this from continuing was to save whoever was left and get their help to take down the king.
Kylie rubbed up against Garm with her much smaller form when they paused just outside of sight from a guard's view. Purring and butting her head against his neck, Kylie licked a stray tuft before turning her attentions back to the guards. "Two guards, two of us. We could climb the mountain above them and jump them from behind."
He studied the guards before turning back to her. "We need to do this with as few casualties as possible... You have to understand, most of these men don't have a choice in the matter, they are forced to do as their king asks."
She pouted when he ignored her attentions. "So what do you propose then?"
"Well... We got to be stealthy..." he looked down at her. "I think I have an easy way of getting inside, but you are going to need to act like a prisoner. Do you think you can do that?"
"You don't really look like a guard in just shorts," She teased, then turned serious. Kylie sniffed and looked at the mountain, "I think I can do that."
Garm looked at her, looking her over once again. After meeting this girl, he started noticing he liked her, and was attracted to her. He again, was new to this, and very shy to her advances. His only defense against this was to act as though nothing was happening, even though he knew full well what she was doing. He liked her already, it was just hard for him to understand it.
"How about I pretend I'm knocked out and you carry me over your shoulder?" She smiled at him when she caught him staring. "I don't weigh much, so if you turn human you should be able to lift me just fine."
"That's the plan but unfortunately i have no armor. I need some from somewhere... are there any single patrols we could liberate their stuff from?"
"Hmm..." Kylie sniffed at the air, "You'd probably be able to find one easier then me..." Sticking her nose close to the ground, Kylie's tail arched over her back while her rump was in the air and she began to follow a trail of someone.
Garm followed her closely, until they came to a lone guard on a stump. He reverted back to his human form and took off his pants, to Kylie's surprise. "Watch this..." he whispered, just before running up to the man, naked.
"OH GOD HELP ME SOMEONE STOLE MY PANTS!" The guard fell off of the cut tree in shock and struggled to get up. Garm placed his foot on the man and transformed back into his wolf form, holding him down easily. He looked down at the guard, and smiled. "You're really bad at this... don't wear so much armor if you can lose balance so easily". With that, Garm slammed his foot down onto the mans face, knocking him out nearly instantly. He turned around to Kylie, still bare naked. "How was that?"
The cat's mouth was wide open in shock at what he did, then her eyes traveled downwards and her thighs shivered before she forced herself to look back up (and stay there). "That was... impressive." Kylie swallowed and attempted to look to the side with her tail lashing out, revealing how her looking away was something she didn't want to do.
Garm pulled off the mans armor, still in his worgen form. Bending over, Kylie could get a nice look at the wolf's furry butt. His tail laid limply over it, but you could easily make it out.
Kylie glanced over again, then laid her body down slowly to the ground, her legs stretched out behind her with her chest on her arms. Her hips rubbed against the ground, but it was barely noticeable. However, she might be underestimatin
g the wolf's nose as her scent wafted through the air.
Garm however did pick up on the scent, and looked behind him again, to see her amazing form on the ground. Instantly he blushed under his fur, his sheath opening a bit as his tip poked out. "Umm... we should get a move in-on..." He swallowed, then looked away again, looking down to see his member poking out further. He quickly changed back into his human form and grabbed the armor, ready to put it all on.
"Have you ever been with a human?" Kylie asked curiously, wondering if he had ever been with a nonhuman and if that was the reason he ignored her advances.
Garm looked down in regret. "No... I've never even had feelings towards anyone..." He let out a long sigh and continued to dress. Once he was covered, he turned to her. "I wasn't born in a society in which I could have someone... I was cast aside by even my own parents..." He was now silent, sitting down on the ground staring at it.
"That is a shame..." Kylie replied, sad for him. "Well, now you have me. All the events in your life have lead you to this point. Although I would require you to be a wolf, not a human, if you want to seal the deal." The cat rolled onto her back, stretching in the sparse grass.
"Well I don't really like my human fo- wait what?!" He blushed hard at this moment, very clear to see in his human form. Once again, she suggested something he was unfamiliar with. Deep down, it was something he wanted, something he longed for. But he wasn't sure how to go about it, or how to do anything in a relationship for that matter.
Giggling in reply, Kylie got to her feet and proceeded to prance back the way they came. The two guards hadn't moved since they last saw them. The cat waited for Garm to follow her before she licked her paw, darkening a spot on the side of her head, and another on her ribs. "That should look like some bruises, all you have to do is carry me in."
Garm took a hold of her, taking some twine from the knocked out guards pouch and tying her up and placing her on his shoulders. He tried hard to ignore the bondage situation and walked up the the guards at the entrance.
"Garm, where have you been? The King sent word for you!" Garm took a second to reply. "When the alarms went off I saw the beast escaping and took off after him. I was out all night hunting him and found this 'thing' instead." The guard replied, "Very good sir, but we ask you to report to the King. We will take her off your hands..." "No." Garm replied quickly. "No... I will take her, and don't second guess me again or you will be on fertilizer duty." The guard quickly saluted. "Sir!"
Garm walked in, caring Kylie as they closed the door behind them. The other guard turned to him. "...What's fertilizer duty?" The frightened guard replied, "Well... There's only one place to get it from... and its mutton night..." Both guards shivered.
Once through there was a giant rack of weapons to one side, and clothing on the other. All the animals that were here were ordered to be only in their hides. Several guards patrolled the line on line of cages, of which the nearest saluted Garm. Kylie preceded to act like she was asleep, but Garm no doubt felt her lip tremble as she heard the sounds of the restless, and saw them in misery. "Garm you know if we let all free they will kill the guards?" She whispered to him as loudly as she dared.
"I know..." As they traveled down the dark damp corridors to the levers to let them out. One guard stood by it, and Garm walked right up to him, letting out a quick "Sir".
Garm let Kylie down, and took hold of the guard. "I'm letting these people out, now, we have a nice place to free everyone of our "leader". When I do that, these guys are going to kill everyone who fights them, and I don't have a problem with that. I suggest you leave here and add no resistance toward our cause, or I will personally tear you apart. Understand?" The guard quickly nodded and ran off.
Although that gave them a chance to warn his fellow guards, the look in his eyes showed that of reason, and showed no signs of threatening them. Garm untied Kylie, and opened the gates for the prisoners. They came out quickly, and bloodthirsty, to be expected. Before they could leave, Garm stood in front of them. They were unaware of his transforming abilities and began to attack.
Kylie leapt in front of him and snarled at them, her hackles raised and looking quite fierce. "If anyone dares touch him they will have to get through me first!" Kylie yowled a warning, causing a few of the animals to pause. "Why should we do as you say? He is human, our enemy," Yelled out an angry tigress, backed up by several of her own species, obviously an enslaved tribe.
Garm transforms and the armor cracks and falls from him, turning back into his wolf form to the animal's surprise. "Because I let you out. Now... We need to leave some ground rules down. Any human that chooses to not fight, WE WILL NOT KILL! The king rules them and they must do as they are told or they would be put to death. They did not choose to follow this path, they were forced to. However, any human that chooses combat after they are warned, they at at your digression. Understand?"
Some nodded, others grumbled. Most saw reason however, as they stood naked and bare to each other. "Can we at least retrieve our things?" Asked a young mouse, standing with his little paws covering himself. Kylie looked up to Garm from her crouch before him, "Did the humans leave?"
"Not the two at the gate... but I think I can persuade them to leave..." Garm walked out, still naked in his wolf form. As the other animals got their things, some grabbing weapons, Garm came back with the two guards, dragging them both by their legs. They were out cold, their helmets smashed up against their faces, and he tossed them into the cells. "Did they not cooperate?", a canine in the back asked. "Beats me, I never really liked them... But I think we are going to run into some trouble... I heard a patrol moving this way. when they notice the guards missing they will investigate... Is everyone ready for a fight?"
Most nodded, and Kylie was talking to a few other cats when one handed her an extra breast wrap and loincloth, which she donned happily. Another lupine shyly handed Garm a similar loincloth as well. Rummaging among the weapons, Kylie pulled out a nice small axe, which she slipped into a loop at her side for later use. "I think we're as ready as we can be," She told the worgen.
He nodded and signaled everyone to follow him. Halfway down the tunnels they heard the men moving toward them. "Quickly! Hide!" Garm whispered. Many of the animals jumped into the side tunnels, others even gripped the ceiling. Garm and Kylie stood there, ready.
The guards turned the corner and lifted their weapons. There were apparently only 4 of them. "What do you beasts think you are doing? GET IN YOUR CELLS!" Garm replied, "Why? We are just going for a walk." TO YOUR CELLS NOW! BEFORE WE KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND!" Garm pointed to the men, and looked above them to the animals hanging to the ceiling. "See, those ones you can kill. Thank you men for being our example."
The guards looked up in horror, as the animals dropped onto them, disposing of them very quickly. Garm shook his head. "Its a shame they couldn't be more tolerant of other people... but I guess those kinds of people don't have much of a place in the safer world."
A bat flew past them into the night sky, wheeling around before landing before them. "I am an emissary of the last free city of the anthros. I must report to our leader. Many of the creatures here are from the outlying lands, we must get back to our King Daninen, and tell him of the horror Kosovo is afflicting upon our people."
"You mean he does not know?" Kylie asked, horrified. The bat shook his ugly head, "Kosovo can be very deceiving, he has sent emissaries back before with good will, and imprisoned the rest of us. We have tunnels that link the land together, thanks to the moles. We must find one!"
"Thats perfect." Garm turned to the anthros. "We are going to follow this bat to a hole to get to safer grounds. We must move swiftly! If there is anyone who will need help getting there please speak up now!" None answered, most of them were either fine or too proud to speak up.
"Alright then! Lets go!" They followed the bat man about a mile or so, to a small cavern. One by one, they marched into the cave through darkness. They followed the bat, who used his sonar to tell where he was going. Eventually, they saw the light of the moon once again, at a small city amazingly brimming with life. This was a sight for sore eyes by nearly all of the escaping animals. They walked into the town, worn and hungry, just glad to be somewhere with their own kind.
The bat had gone ahead to his king, who came out to speak to everyone. "I was not aware of so many of our brothers and sisters being held as they were. Kosovo is now an enemy to us, and we plan on getting revenge! For now... please allow us to share our food and shelter, for within the next week, we will invade their kingdom and avenge our fallen brothers!" All of the refugees howled, ready to fight for their lives back. In the back, however, Garm walked out of their city, with his head low.
In the darkness, slinked a cat following him. Kylie let out a small mewl to him until he stopped so she could catch up. She was on all fours, this time clothed, but she stood up once she was within speaking distance. "Garm, where are you going?"
He turned to her. "As great as it is to see our people free, and that everything may be resolved, we are about to see a lot of innocent people perish in the mean time... I could never expect all those anthros to not kill the people that torture them and killed their families... There is going to be far too much bloodshed... I don't want to be here to see that..." He lowered his head again, and started walking.
She grabbed at his large arm, stopping him. "Yet you were willing to kill the King that is causing even more death and harm to our innocent people." Kylie didn't understand his reasoning, but perhaps she could persuade him to stay. "You could prevent so much death if you stayed..." Kylie whispered, "You could tell the anthros King the secrets of the palace, let them in to kill the very source of this evil!"
"The reason I was doing it was to snuff out the source, not to kill the unfortunate people ruled by it... If there was a way to distract the army without killing any of them, I could sneak in and kill their king."
"Not all the humans are so innocent." Kylie snarled, some hairs on the back of her neck flaring. But then her mood changed completely, as her ears lowered. "I want you to stay with me..."
Garm looked deep into her eyes, seeing the intensity of her statement. She truly wanted him there with her, and deep down, he wanted to be with her too. In the past two days he has developed extreme feelings for her, and it wasn't just from the glances of her sex. It was from the connection they actually had, he could feel it so well. Some sort of connection that could only be transferred between the two of them, and unseen to any eye. He turned fully to her, his hands being placed on her shoulders.
"I know they aren't all innocent... But some are. And they aren't the only ones that would lose their lives here. Our brothers would too... This is about to be a war, after all. But you are right... we need to do this. We have a week till we invade, so I will do what I can to train as many of our soldiers to fight without killing as I can. for now, we need to rest. It's been a long few days..."
Kylie nodded a few times, happiness sparking in her eyes. "That emissary said that we could stay in the royal palace... lets go find a room, okay?" Her nose sniffed downwards for a moment, "And lets heal that paw. I don't want disease to set in." Her concern was more then for his overall health. The feline took his paw, and pulled him behind her gently back towards the city.
They walked into the castle, one of the guards lead them to their room. Another guard brought a wet towel and bandages with him, handing them to Kylie. Garm laid down on the floor, staring up as she began to clean everything out. After being all bandaged up, Garm continued to lay there, staring up the at ceiling as he often does.
Surprisingly enough, Kylie jumped onto the bed, and shrugged out of her clothing. Tossing them to the side, the cat patted the bed above him, her unclothed nature not visible from the floor. "Come up here with me, I want to groom you."
"...groom me?" He blushed, and rolled over. He looked upon the comfortable bed, something he was definitely not accustomed to. The most comfortable thing hes ever slept on was his cot back at the other castle. "Umm... how does this work? Do I... just climb up there?" He looked up at her, and noticed her nakedness again. The only thing he could do now was stare at her amazingly beautiful, sexy form. If he had been in his human form, he would be a fire red.
"Yes... groom you." Kylie purred, patting the bed again to get his attention. "Now get up here before I put my clothes back on," She teased.
Garm slowly got on the bed, instantly falling over due to balance. He laid on his back, wondering what he did, then rolled over again to try and sit up. This was a very squishy seat, he thought, so different to anything he had seen. Getting stable, he slowly moved closer to Kylie, then laid on his stomach.
The cat stretched, sticking her rear in the air and yawned toothily. Then, almost lazily Kylie approached him from the side, draping her soft body over his, licking the fur of his ribs, heading upwards along his spine. Her claws were out and gently scratched anything she touched, including his arm and back when she set her weight on them.
Garm fell into an almost spontaneous sense of relaxation. He had never felt this before, it felt so good to him. The most he ever really had before then was from Kylie cleaning him before. Everything good that has happened in the past day or so was because of her. He laid limp on the bed, moaning at the great feeling she was giving him.
Her licks ran up his lean torso and to his ears, and to lick them she laid her body against his back. Kylie's tail was twitching back and forth, then curled up to his, caressing the base.
"That feels... so good... mmm..." Practically in a trance, he continued to lay limp, feeling every move she made.
"Get on your back." Kylie commanded, the small cat only half his size, yet was acting alpha for the moment.
He rolled over, getting another great look at her sexy body. He wanted to touch her badly, but didn't know if he should. All of this was too awkward for him, but he couldn't help but love every moment of it. He wondered what she was wanting, what her plan was next.
Kylie straddled his hips with hers, licking his abs and chest sensually until she ran out of space. Carefully, the cat slid up his belly to almost his collarbone and began to lick his ears again. This time however her licks angled downwards to his brow, then his cheek, then his chin. She pulled back, smiling down at him.
He watched her, unsure of what he should do. However, the moment caught him, and he placed his hands on her slender sides. She was very soft, very delicate. She felt good in his hands. He ran his hands down, to her butt, feeling its firmness. His pants had well tented by now, but this didn't matter to him. She was something he wanted, she was nice to him, and sexy to boot. He wanted to be with her, he wanted to be her alpha.
She purred at his attentions, resuming her licking along his muzzle. Slowly she moved her body off of his and laid beside him, in the crook of his arm. Kylie knew of that certain body part of his that had become quite swollen, but she wanted more then just to be mated with. She wanted his companionship. Nuzzling into his cheek fur, Kylie's purr strengthened.
He rolled to her, facing her and holding her close. He stared deep into her eyes, those perfect eyes. He smiled at her, her face so inviting. He was getting deeper feelings for her. He wanted nothing more than to finish all of this and be with her. He loved her.
Smiling, Kylie rubbed his nose with hers, her purr incredibly audible. At heart, she really was a sweet, romantic feline. Even if she had pledged never to let anyone be her alpha. Garm was beyond anyone she had ever met, the strongest male she had ever seen... and all he wanted was to keep her safe. Kylie leaned forward again and licked his muzzle, tilting her head sideways and kissed him.
Surprised, he kissed back, his tongue running along hers. He planted his hand on her cheek, caressing it as they kissed. This was his first time doing this, and he was hoping he was doing it well. This was something he was waiting for a long time, and something he never knew he could experience. The first girl he loved, came out of the blue. A weird twist to his generally painful life. Now a seed grew within him, something he never wanted to let go. This seed was powerful, renewing his spirit. He felt so good, so happy. His first true experience of happiness... And he loved every moment of it.
Kylie pressed herself to him, passion arising within her. His fur was much longer then hers, tickling her skin pleasantly while they kissed. Her paw reached out to the edge of his borrowed loincloth, sliding along the edge before slipping up his ribs to his chest. The thick fur there was rough but it felt good. Gripping it, she pulled him closer to her, releasing her passion into him through their lips.
Garm's tongue made its way deep into her mouth, playing with it, tasting it. His member full and erect out of his sheath, he rubbed her butt with his free hand. He tilted his head slightly, allowing for deeper kissing.
His soft tongue felt exotic and interesting against her much rougher one, and Kylie let out a small mewl of pleasure at the feel of it. Her ears were fully folded, fully submissive to him as she let him do what he wanted to her. The fur of her neck and mane was dying to be nibbled, and she broke their kissing to open her neck to him.
Getting the hint, he tilted his head up to her neck, opening his jaws lightly and suckling on the skin there. He took great care, caressing her neck with his lips. He enjoyed this, but not as much as it looked like she was. He noticed her sex getting wet, and reached down to rub it with his finger. Gently he rubbed her with his finger, softly.
Kylie gasped at the sudden change, then purred in pleasure. Her mane stiffened at his nibbles, and her mouth opened as her breathing deepened. The cat was careful of his hurt paw, but raised one of her legs against his bulged male counterpart to her female one, still trapped under cloth.
Garm concentrated only on her, keeping her in pleasure. He took a second finger, and slide them both deep within her. His thumb rubbed just above the outside of her. He continued to suck on her neck, licking at her and playing with her neck fur.
"...By the gods..." The cat was barely able to utter, being in complete ecstasy. Kosovo had never wanted to pleasure her, had only wanted to show her that he was dominant, and he could abuse her at any turn. The last few days had given her time to heal, and now, remember what it felt like to enjoy.
Garm rolled her over, fingers still in. He got over her, and started suckling on her prefect breasts. Suckling on the nibbles gently, still rubbing her clit, allowing her to be in pure bliss.
Her paws clutched at his head and ears, her body squirming under him. She wanted him, wanted him badly. Kylie forced her arms up over her head, and spread her legs willingly for him. "I give myself to you, Garm."
With that, Garm ripped off his loin cloth, his erect member bobbing out. Lining himself up, he plunged himself into her, pushing his knot deep in. He gasped, this was the first time he had done this, and although nervous, instinct quickly took over. He held her down almost, now humping into her. He began to pant, this experience was new to him, but oh so good.
Kylie began to pant as well, moaning under him and wrapping her arms around his wide shoulders. Nature would have her on her knees before him, but being anthro they could choose, and for now, this was what they wanted. His body literally covered her completely, and the cat wrapped her legs around his hips, keeping him to her. Passion began to build between them, and Kylie's moans began to rise in volume.
Garm's seed slowly built behind his knot, as he locked it into her finally. He built speed, moaning with every thrust. He looked down at her, her eyes closed, enjoying every moment. He bent over and kissed her deep once again, still railing her into the bed.
Accepting his kiss, Kylie reopened her eyes, trying to let him know she was ready. But it was a little too late, as her eyes squeezed tightly shut and her moans turned to shrieks. Beneath him her back arched, pressing her cheek to his as her orgasm overcame her, forcing her hips to buck upwards, forcing him even further within her.
He felt her moment, gasping as she did. He forced himself deep into her, almost ready for release. He felt her juices, the lubrication of it causing him to experience more pleasure. He let out a few more heaps of air, until he finally pushed all the way in and let himself shoot into her. His seed mixing with her juice, shooting far into her.
Kylie's hips went still, as she felt him within her, a smile on her face. Preparing for his collapse, the cat wrapped her arms around his big shoulders and sighed into the fur of his neck. She wasn't in a rush to have him withdraw, and was enjoying him just being there.
Garm looked down at her, her now tired form limp on the bed. He pulled slowly out of her, some of his seed dripping. He laid down next to her, looking into her eyes. He was no longer a virgin, but this wasn't his greatest pleasure. It was that he had finally made love to someone that he loved.
Snuggling into his side, Kylie sighed again, her purr fading to a soft and gentle lull. It felt nice to be with him and in his embrace, and to stretch out. The King had kept her in an iron wrought cage, barely large enough for her to curl up in.
Holding her, he wondered what could be going through her mind. For him, he was nothing but happy, only pure bliss ran through his mind. She seemed almost kind of different since they met, like someone he had never met. This was probably due to the fact that she was a new kind of person to him anyway.
Not saying a word to him, Kylie with her eyes closed sat up and extended a leg into the air, her tongue out and cleaning. When she was finished she laid back down into the soft blankets, back to Garm. It was late, and she was tired, but for some reason sleep did not take her. She was very aware of the wolf's body next to her, and surprisingly she opened an eye and looked at him. "Garm, can you wag your tail?
Garm took a second to respond, wondering where that request came from. "w....what? ....w-why?"
"Please?" Kylie didn't explain.
Garm, slightly shy, waggled his tail. It flopped only a bit, not sure how to just 'make it wag'.
Kylie watched it, smiling. When he was done she snuggled back into him and murmured a soft, "Thank you." Her purr had increased in volume, naturally showing her approval.
Confused, Garm asked, "...so why did I do that?"
"I wanted to see your happiness..." Kylie murmured in reply, "I wanted to make sure you were happy with me." Her voice faded a little as she now fought sleep, curled into a neat ball in the crook of his warm arm.
He held her close, unmoving, just watching her drift off to sleep. Minutes passed, then an hour, then a few hours, still, Garm remained awake staring at his love. He laid with her in awe, still pondering how it was that he and she were so compatible. More importantly, how she could bring him out of such a defensive state, only for her. Finally, his mind slowed down, grasping the understanding that maybe she and he were just meant to be together. Maybe his luck had turned around. He rested his head above hers on their pillow, and realized how tired he really was. In moments, he was sound asleep, with his new love in his arms.