The netpaper about Elftowners, by Elftowners, for Elftowners.
The Sea - Myth & Fantasy
Art Corner - Issue11
Again, I can only thank our dedicated artists at the
Art Corner, it is a real joy to be able to say that
every single piece submitted is being featured, thanks for reading the rules you guys, and thanks for submitting such lovely artwork!
Please, show your support by checking out all our artist's houses, and keep an eye out for next month's
Art Corner theme for your chance to submit your work.
Thanks from all of us here at the
Art Corner!
Colourwheel (Sea) Serpent by [
Previous contests to find this elsewhere on ET!
Ice Serpent by [
by [
the Indigo]
Rynn's art no. 3 to find this elsewhere on ET!
Merboy by [
This is actually a drawing I did a year or two ago, but I really don't have anything else that has to do with 'sea'. Merboy, original, I know.
The half fish half human/elf race(There a race I made for my story
The Finall life
by [
Half Fish half human/elf to find this elsewhere on ET!
Merboy and Seahorses by [
Always wondered how merboys felt about male seahorses. Do they pity them for being the ones to give birth? Or is it a shared pain? Not like anyone knows who it is that carries the babies in such a mythological race. :P
Paul Doyle] The following are found in this month's "Contest Arena", and also in my friends-only diary entries. Smaller versions are found on my ET house :-)
(a.)"Underwater Chase"--inked. click thumbnail for full size.
(b.) "Underwater Chase"---color
ed. "Telkar Chronicles: Book One" (working title) novel illustration. (Click thumbnail for full size)The main character of the five-novel sequence is actually a human ;-)
Octopus Girl! :O! by [evilhamster]
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