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Kaimee (Stranger Danger)

Member #15586 created: 2003-07-28 08:39:46Simple URL:    Bookmark and Share

Name: Kate-Aimee.


Flower crown


Soda revisited

So many of you have seen the half finished image of Soda in my house for years now. She's had this weird flat chest/no skin tone/droopy boobs thing going on for quite awhile now, and it's about time I uploaded the finished version. With a hint of cleavage and everything xx

Elftown Badges:
<img:img/new/Guard4.gif> <img:img/new/crew4.gif> <img:/img/new/Artboss4.gif> <img:img/new/Fwikiboss4.gif> <img:/stuff/aj/16649/HeralderE1iy.gif>
<img:img/new/Build1Mast.gif> <img:img/new/InspectMast1.gif> <img:/img/new/badger2.gif> <img:img/new/DonnorMon1.gif> <img:img/new/DonorDArt1.gif>
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I'm one of the Veterans, Great Master Builders, Great Master Inspectors and Badgers.
I'm also one of the excellent people found at Donors of Funds, one of the Featured Painters, Featured Wikigraphers, Featured Writers, ET Artists, ET Pollers and Photographers. :)

Elftown work
Building workerInspectorHeralder

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the town herald

Check out The Town Herald, Elftown's Official E-zine

Current issue:
The Town Herald - Issue 22

Now available for Download!

kaimees page of ..her

I'm an Australian Graphic Designer, currently working in web development and ignoring my illustration.
I have far too many hobbies jammed every which way into my life, but I try to make the most room for my art, furniture upholstery and refinishing, cooking, print making and reading. Gardening, embroidery, writing, and all the others, they get to compete for my nonexistent free-time.

I spend a lot of time here on Elftown trying to keep some of the more artistic community endevours up and running, but my favourites would have to be The Town Herald, the mainstreet Featured Art and redesigning et. I've been working on the Herald for god knows how long (2006 maybe?) and though it seems to die with every issue, it has some sort of crazy life cycle of its own that keeps it running.

I especially love putting together the interactive PDF each issue, which to me is what the e-zine is all about. But hey, I'm a graphic designer *shrug* Of course I think a pretty layout is at the heart of things! :P
We welcome all contributions so if you're interested, head over to Herald Guest Submissions.

<img0*180:stuff/kai-aqu.jpg> <img0*180:stuff/kai-whites.jpg> <img0*180:stuff/kai-birch.jpg>

About myself, and my art? Well, I don't get that much artwork done these days, but when I do it tends to be pretty girls with pretty hair. I guess my own vanity just shines on through :P Some of my private design work can be seen at and some (usually older) artwork at

I use a mac pro, and a macbook pro 17", with a Wacom Cintiq or Graphire for all my digital artwork :)

This member is a fan of this wiki-page:
The Town Herald

Month of birth: 5Day of birth: 22

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap 35°17.262'S 150°38.286'E

Place of living: Australia

Town: ACT

Known languages

Elfwood artist: Yes

Elfwood writer: Yes

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
action gamesartchat
emailgraphicsinformation seeking
programmingstrategy gamessystem administration
use communitiesweb design

no music

Other interests
beerbookscard games
catschasing the preferred sexcooking
crime storiesdancingdrinks
smokingtheatreThe Town Herald
whiskyWoodworks e-zinewriting

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

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