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Elftown secret service has made this comment about this member:

This house may contain artistic nudity. Don't look at it if you may be offended. And, please, don't report it.

nehirwen (<img:img/mood/45154_1125345238.gif> morbosos)

Member #46887 created: 2004-03-16 12:28:41Simple URL:    Bookmark and Share

Name: Lianne



Elftown Badges:
guardsCouncil Historians Builders

I am the Captain of the Elftown guards, a member of the Elftown Council, one of the Historians and Great Grandest Master builders.

More about badges: The Badge Reward System.

Elftown titles and orders
Travelling bardGreatest Grandest Master of BuildingTown Guard Captain


Say hello to Mr. Ficus:



Some portraits I made:

<img0*150:stuff/aj/46887/EwoudbyNehirwen.jpg> <img0*150:stuff/aj/46887/SilverFirebyNehirwen.jpg> <img0*150:stuff/aj/46887/LinderelByNehirwen.jpg>


I am one.
(badge by [Viking])



This member is a fan of these wiki-pages:
Reference PicturesCraft ExchangeDramatis junkies
And of 9 more wiki-pages.    List them 

Age: 34Year of birth: 1988Month of birth: 5Day of birth: 3

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap 53°5.610'N 6°51.174'E

Place of living: Netherlands

Known languages

Elfwood artist: Yes

Elfwood writer: No

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Civil status: live together with partner

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