Page name: TTR Rp Room [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-06-13 17:03:25
Last author: Dark Shiva
Owner: Dark Shiva
# of watchers: 3
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Return to Teen Titans: RedFist Invasion

With most of the Titans now in the hand of Redfist, villains of all sorts are taking advantage of this. They now terrorize the city freely, doing as they pleased, causing chaos. Many buildings now lay in ruin, and most of the civilans have either locked themeselves in their homes, or are trying to leave the city. Anyone caught in the streets will either have to face the villans or worse... RedFist. This is truly dark times...

TTR-Townside(lol don't flip Akayume and xx Tear Drop xx. All your posts are right here ^_^)
TTR-Upper City
TTR-Lower City(We'll need some RedFist OCs before we can open this one)
TTR-Outskirts of The City
TTR-Subway Tunnels of The City
TTR-Titans Tower

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2008-06-10 [Dark Shiva]: WOOT! The first post!

2008-06-10 [Akayume]: DX

2008-06-10 [Dark Shiva]: lol Nomi to the rescue? XD *SHOT*

2008-06-10 [Dark Shiva]: DX omg how the heck did I manage to typ 'finally' and not 'follow' *Hits head on desk* Gah I'll fix that when I post again

2008-06-10 [Dark Shiva]: D: Oh noes! Akayume left! *Is now in emo corner* We should wait for her to return

2008-06-12 [Koho Ai]: *waits*

2008-06-12 [Dark Shiva]: Dun worry, I might make a second rp room ^_^ Like the getto part of the city that is compelty infested with RedFist Gangs owo

2008-06-12 [Koho Ai]: Very Interesting.

2008-06-12 [Dark Shiva]: Nearly done ^_^ Just a few more minutes!

2008-06-12 [Koho Ai]: Is willing to help. *Salutes* Ready for work!

2008-06-12 [Dark Shiva]: owo lol it's ready now, unless you can think up anymore rp rooms XD

2008-06-12 [Koho Ai]: Subway tunnels? Great hiding place/ headquarters.

2008-06-12 [Dark Shiva]: owo Can you add it then pweaaase? *lol hands are tired from typing*

2008-06-12 [Koho Ai]: No problem it would be my pleasure and honor.

2008-06-12 [Dark Shiva]: Yay! Thankies! ^^

2008-06-12 [Koho Ai]: Done.

2008-06-12 [Dark Shiva]: woot! Well shall we rp? Which one shall we pick?

2008-08-21 [twitchboy]: come on post people

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