Page name: TWED Dragon Lair [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-07 19:08:51
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The Dragon Lair

Caranthir hovered over the lair in hesitation. Were the others still angry with her? Would they accept her? She would have to wait.

Caranthir got bored of waiting, as none of her peers came out to greet her. She decided to fly over the forest. She loved flying in that direction. It was so beautiful!

Sorael flew over to the other dragon, curious. "Umm, I'm new here, are you in that of the tribe over there?" he asked.

Caranthir's eye twitched. She'd rather be alone than with a child. "I do not converse with young ones." She sniffed. She flew on to TWED Forest

After examining the forest as much as she dared, Caranthir came swiftly back to the cave. I hope they let me in! she thought. She hadn't caught anything to eat, and it was getting late. She needed somewhere to sleep. She looked around for the other dragon that she had met earlier. I really should have been nicer! He was just trying to be nice! She finally spotted him sitting by himself at the mouth of the cave. She slowly approached him. "I'm sorry for that little outburst, earlier. I was a little - well, ah, shall we say, grumpy?" She tried what she thought was a smile, but was more of a grimace.

"Nah, it's OK." Said Sorael. "People want to get rid of me all the time here." He said with a grin, not knowing he might hit a sore spot.

Caranthir glared at him. Not wanting to hurt his feelings, she didn't fly away again.

"So, you didn't mention if you were in this tribe. I'm just waiting here until someone comes"

An armoured little twolegged figure came into the cave and dried itself and it's clothes off with a simple firespell then wandered further into the cave and found the two dragons in their conversation and bowed. "Oh! I'm sorry to interrupt."

Sorael blinked twice, looking up and down at the new creature. He was like a dragon, except like a human as well. He had never seen the likes of it and was gawping at him with his mouth open.

Caranthir growled at the nuisance. "Leave us be, traitor!" She didn't know if the creature was human, vampire, elf or anything else. But, what she did know was anything with two legs was trouble.

Marcurios growled back. "What did you call me?!" His fists clenched in anger.

Sorael breathed a bit of fire between them - A dragon code that basically means "break it up!"

Marcurios snorted discontent but turned the other way with his arms crossed over his chest signing that he would cool it.

As Sorael didn't want to get into any more arguments, he padded around in a circle, then layed on his stomach and closed his eyes. It had been a long flight.

Marcurios flew up on a ledge and sat down and started training on his spells.

Sorael only slept for an hour, but when he opened his eyes again, Marcurios was still practicing. Sorael, still domb from sleepiness went over to him and said, "What exactly are you?

Marcurios stood up and bowed. "Marcurios Draconius, a dragonian.... A product of friendship between mages and dragons, very close friendship.... Magic clash together... And here goes... we are pretty much "born" around this size... Just around end of what could be considered teenage years in human form."

"Wow!" Said Sorael. "So what, do you have all of the mage and dragon abilities or just some?"

"To some extent I have the two's abilities mixed together... I am immune to fire like a dragon... Can wield magic, but like the mage I can only wield some magic and they aren't fully as strong as the one of a dragon but stronger then a usual mage, I can fly but only for some time and got the agility of a twolegged and also the size of one... But I am stronger then any twolegged and somewhat faster." Marcurios explained and used on occation illusionary magic to show the difference of which he spoke.

"Cool. That must be handy. I wish I had the apposible thumbs." Said Sorael with a grin, lifting his claws.

Marcurios grinned. "Yeah they are amusing but it's more the others that I consider the maindifference... Even though that also is another thing I suppose."

Caranthir's eyes were glazed over. She was in an unstoppable trance. Usually, she could stop and start her trances and glimpses of time as she pleased, but this one....was different.

"what's happened to her?" Asked Sorael, waving his paw in front of her eyes, that were staring into space.

Marcurios shrugged. "I... Don't know..."

Caranthir blinked. Her eyes cleared as well as her mind. She looked at Sorael and Marcurios. "Well? Havn't you seen a dragon go into trance before?!" she huffed. Of course she was in a bad mood. After all, she just went into a trance that she could barely break free of.

"actually... no." Said Sorael. "I don't normally hang out with the more powerfull magic dragons. It makes me feel smaller then I already am."

"Oh. Well, now you have, so next time don't stare!" Caranthir softened somewhat now that she knew that he had never seen a trance before.

"Sorry." Said Sorael, absent-mindedly swishing his tail.

Just then, a little baby dragon flew in with a vampire at her tail.

Marcurios shrugged. "Actually no... We Dragonians don't trance."

Sorael looked around, seeing the new dragon and vampire. "'ello." he said. "Who are you?"

Marcurios turned around at the newcomer. "Well hello there!"

"Amarra!! Get your little scaly hide back here!" Sssytha yelled at the baby. - She is really starting to annoy me!-

Marcurios smiled at the scene going one before him at the cuteness of the babydragon.

"You are getting on my lasst nerve!! I have been chassing you around like a sspoiled little baby! Well that'sss it! If you jusst keep leaving me then I'll jussst leave you in peace!" - Dam***! the hiss came back that stupid little dragon! Who does she think she is? Leding me on this chase?- Ssslytha went on like this, walking around and kicking the occasional rock, until finally she stopped with a flap of her wing and said, "I need to lie down." And having said that, turned around and walked off.

Caranthir rushed over to the small dragon. "Are you all right? You do not look to well," she noted.

Amarra blinked and squeaked.

Sorael couldn't help but emit a small "awww" out of his mouth.

Marcurios smiled but stood where he was uneasy, he wasn't good with children and was unaware of how to deal with babies, least of all babydragons thanks to his human part.

After much thought, Caranthir decided it would be best if she showed the group the small dragon. She ushered the child into the cave, beckoning the other two to join her.

Marcurios smiled nervously and followed after as requested.

Sorael also went into the cave, still with a half-smile on his face.

Note: You can be a non-character person too, not just me!

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2006-10-28 [*(.Randi.)*]:

Roleplay: Back in session!

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