Page name: The Watchful Eye of the Dragon Character RP Page [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-10-29 03:15:39
Last author: Elodicressida
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The Watchful Eye of the Dragon Character RP Page

Create your characters below. Now, remember, only dragon characters !

1. No god-mode.
2. The character must have some weaknesses.
3. No swearing
4. Don't kill another character without that characters consent in the matter.
5. If you would like to be more than one player, then you have to talk to the other players of the RP and myself.
6. Do not kill yourself unless you don't want to come anymore.
7. Please ask myself, [*(.Randi.)*], if you would like to join.
8.You may be noncharacter people to a certain extent. Please don't take up the whole page on a conversation between your character and a random shopper.
9.If you want your character to be a shape shifter, then, please, only let the character be able to shift to one form. If your character does shape sift a lot of shapes, and can overcome any monster, then that is a form of god-modeing. Please see rule one.
10.For more information, How to RP

Please use this format when posting your character.
Elftown Name:
Physical Abilities:
Magical/Mental Abilities:
Weapons Carried:

Usable Species:
Shape Shifter
Please contact moi, [*(.Randi.)*] if you feel that there needs to be another species.

Post your character below:

Elftown Name:[*(.Randi.)*]
Name:Caranthir Amandil
Appearance:Long sleek neck, with black scales. Very tall and broad. She has two horns on top of her head.
Personality:She is grouchy most of the time. When she is in a state of mind where she is using her phsycic abilities, she does not like any interruptance.
Physical Abilities:The usual dragon abilities, claws and fangs and fire.
Magical/Mental Abilities:She is phsycic, so Caranthir is able to read your mind on certain occasions. When placed in the right place at the right time, then she can tell the future. Sometimes her predictions are a little off, though.
Weapons Carried:None.

Elftown Name:[XxTsomexX]
Name:Tsome Laminari
Apperance:Tall with long black hair and purple eyes. She wears a long black skirt with a slit that goes up to her hip and a black halter top. She wears fishnets under these.
Physical Abilities: Very strong and loves to tackle people and hug them :P
Personality: Always smiling, and happy... Becomes very hyper when given powerade.
Magical/Mental Abilities:controls the 7 elements of Ice, Fire, Wind, Water, Light, Earth and Sound
Weapons Carried:Bow + Arrow, short sword.
Other:Split personality issues...

Elftown Name: [Elodicressida]
Name: Minusila Silamel
Gender: Female
Species: Elf, of a group that lives apart from other elves in a little forest that is in the middle of a patch of nowhere in the middle of everywhere. These elves call themself the S'yatar (bows of ash)
Appearance: Black hair that would be really pretty if it were longer, but it got in her hair so much when she was practicing that she got really irritated and shaved it off. All of it. So now it's about half an inch long. A typical elven build, wears whatever's closest at hand, which generally has a distinct salt-and-dirt smell. The only cultivated thing about her clothes is her boots, which are sturdy and pretty creations that she polishes and cleans. No one, not even Minusila, knows why she keeps them so nice, but she does, and gets touchy about it, too. She also has brown-green eyes, and she's a bit taller than most humans. She carries two medium-length swords, one across her back and one at her side, except for when it rains, in which case she puts them both at her side so she can wear a cloak comfortably.
Due to her short hair, at a quick or casual glance Sila looks like a boy, although anyone experienced in looking at people or who looks longer will quickly be able to discern her proper gender.
Physical Abilities: Minusila can fight very well, in a fast, agile, bouncy (but mostly fast) way. She prefers to disarm people, use her agility to get to their sword before they do, and throw it into something, to knocking them out or killing them.
She can heal some, not particularly well, but as much as is practical for a warrior. She knows this knowledge is valuable, and so she goes over it in her head every night before she goes to bed.
She also has experience sailing (see history below), particularly with messing with sails, although she's also good with ropes (mostly untying knots the other sailors did a little too well on).
Magical/Mental Abilities: None as yet
Weapons Carried: Her two swords, as mentioned above.
History: Minusila hit the rebellious teenage stage with full force. Her career of choice promptly switched from messenger to warrior, and drawing conclusions from the ballads she'd heard and the fact that the S'yataran elves used bows exclusively, she ran away from home to learn to fight. This has done bad things for her standing at home, as if she had asked before she went, they'd have said yes.
In any case, damage done, she ran away from home and spent some years in various fighting colleges, ending up at a very good one, where she did well enough that she’d have excelled exceptionally at any other school, but as is she was only considered mediocre. Upon graduating, she set herself up as a mercenary, but that just doesn’t work when you’re trying in a town with a fighting college, particularly right after graduation. So she gave up on that and got a job as a sailor, which worked very well for several years. At the time she enters the role play, she’s just gotten off a ship and decided to visit the central homeland of elves.
Other: Sila likes an odd combination of alcohol, chocolate, milk, sugar, and vanilla, which most people taste and spit out in disgust.

Elftown Name:[The Dizzy Raven]
Name:Amrevar the Relentless
Species: Elf
appearance:Amrevar has an Elven form but this form musters the power of darkness that he inherrited from his father. Amrevar has blonde hair and his eyes are a pale blue. He wears the black armour, riding boots, cloak, and chained gloves that his father passed down to him.
Physical Abilities: he is very well mastered in sword combat as he is with archery yet rarely does anyone see him bear bow and arrow. His awareness alows him to easily dodge attacks; most of his abilities are from being an elf. He's very swift.
Magical/Mental Abilities: He is able to shape-shift into a ShadowFire Dragon and he musters the great power of darkness like none other. He is ver skilled with what he loves the most. He has the ability of telepothy.
Weapons Carried:His sword Slevring (his father passed this down to Amrevar as well)
Other: No one knows the story behind his life but if one knew of his past they would find the secrets of how to destroy his very life. : He is a merciless being and fights masterfully in battle. He prefers head-to-head combat more than a long ranged weapon such as the bow and arrow. He kills all who oppose and to those who fail him face his terrible wrath; torture is given...or even death.
  Amrevar's castle lair lies within the dark lands of Gulvaque naming his castle Nazevar (I will put the drawing up when I return to ET.)His armies are of Orc kind, but they are the ones who have a high number of death rate due to his lack of patience with them; to his eyes they are of no use...yet his favorite creature to use against any enemy is the Correvor (I hope this creature is alright. I have a drawing of it, but I might have to put it up when I come back).

Elftown Name: [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]
Name: Sorael
Species: Dragon (I know theres too many, I just can't resist!)
Apperance: Purpley-blue scales that glint in sunlight, but provide camoflage at night. Very dark blue, almost black eyes and he creates a blue flame.
Personality: Very outgoing, likes to have fun and play. Only a kid in the dragon world.
Physical Abilities: Blue fire (see above) is made by him, so he has a very hot flame that can melt any armour or metal that hasn't been spell-enhanced.
Magical/Mental Abilities: What a dragon does- breathing fire, minor spells and that.
Weapons Carried: other than his claws and teeth, none.
Other: Not much yet.

Elftown Name:[angrmangment13]
Species:vixen(female vampire just slightly diff.)
Apperance:long Raven hair, small pointed fangs, claw-like nails, very petite with small bat-like wings coming out of her back, cat-like eyes that are lined with khol
Personality:very coy and has slightly evil tendancies, loves to play and wrestle, has next to no serious side, she's all fun or playful
Physical Abilities:can hover, is very cat-like in her reflexes and behavior
Magical/Mental Abilities:can speak to snakes, lizards and any lizard- or snake-like animals can do very slight magyk but nothing past that
Weapons Carried:her fangs

Elftown Name: [KnightAngel]
Name: Marcurios Draconious (Nickname markus)
Gender: Male
Species: Dragonian
Apperance: Dark green scaly hide with claws on both hands and feet and dragonlike wings on his back, yellow reptilian eyes, dark body adapted chest armor with holes for the wings on his back and holders for his weapons
Personality: Secluded yet protective
Physical Abilities: Enhanced strenght and agility and well trained in the weapons he posseses and a few others, ability to flight small distances and due to his strenght perhaps even carry a person, which though shortens the longage of the flight and thanks to his dragoniac scales he can withstand fire and weakens some spells such as sleepspells and a very few others
Magical/Mental Abilities: Knows a few spells, mainly firespells who's strenght are enhanced due to his and like said above also has stronger defence against a few spells such as sleepspells and a few others.
Weapons Carried: The pairs of Twin halfmoon blades and twin sabers.
Other: Marcurios mainly like to keep to himself but when in a group of others he is loyal to those people as long as they prove to be worthy of his protection and loyalty.

When you have posted your character, go ahead and jump into the roleplay going on in TWED RP page
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Username (or number or email):


2006-09-17 [The Dizzy Raven]: how are you?

2006-09-17 [XxTsomexX]: good, how about you?

2006-09-17 [The Dizzy Raven]: That's good. I'm great. thanks

2006-09-17 [XxTsomexX]: thats good ^_^

2006-09-17 [The Dizzy Raven]: thanks. ^_^ what's up?

2006-09-17 [XxTsomexX]: Not much, I'm gonna go get me coffee!!

2006-09-17 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD awesome. I want some! lol

2006-09-17 [XxTsomexX]: lol its Dunkin Doughnuts ^_^ yay! Hyper!

2006-09-17 [The Dizzy Raven]: I love DDs! XD Awesome! yummy! XD

2006-09-19 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2006-09-19 [*(.Randi.)*]: *gets a craving for doughnuts* must...have....doughnuts.....

2006-09-19 [XxTsomexX]: lol i want some too now...

2006-09-19 [*(.Randi.)*]: I know! *drools* doooooouuuuuuggggghhhhnnnnnuuuuutttttssss

2006-09-19 [XxTsomexX]: *drools*

2006-09-19 [The Dizzy Raven]: hmmm....

2006-09-19 [*(.Randi.)*]: Hi llama!!! You joined! How very loverly!!!!

2006-09-19 [XxTsomexX]: heya llama

2006-09-20 [*(.Randi.)*]: Hey Sicily

2006-09-20 [angrmangment13]: hi

2006-10-06 [*(.Randi.)*]: what's going on?

2006-11-06 [The Dizzy Raven]: Ummm, hey I was wondering. Is it okay if i have more than one Character?

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