Page name: The Anything Rp [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-04-17 00:56:25
Last author: Iruvielle
Owner: Iruvielle
# of watchers: 2
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D20: 10
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I recently(and currently still am) took/taking a poll of what people like to rp. It has been brought to my attention that people like anything! *gasp* really??! So!! This is the anything rp... for those who like to rp anything!!
[Anything can mean.. anime, movies, fantasy, vampires, werewolves, fairies, video games.. WHATEVER YOU WANT TO RP!!!! ^^ We'll just mix it all together! Like a giant Rp salad! ^^]

The Anything Rp Characters[Your own charries]
The Anything Rp 1 [start the rp here! ^^]
The Anything Rp Rules[be helpful if you read em first! ^^]
Kafyken's Poll [If ya haven't taken it, and want to.. :P]

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