Page name: The Anything Rp 1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-04-21 22:59:56
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Maes Hughes has his arms crossed and was leaning against a tree, his eyes closed with a grin across his lips. He appeared to be waiting for someone and yet relaxing at the very same moment.

A young teen-aged looking boy came riding by Hughes fast. He was turned in the saddle of his orange brown horse, aiming a bow and arrow behind him. He aimed carefully before letting the arrow fly. The creature it struck faded quickly. "Epona.. stop" the young man exclaimed.

Hughes opened an eye and looked at the young man slightly. "Nice horse you have there."

The young man turned fast, jumping off the horse as he did. He held a long, shiny silver sword out to Hughes. "Who are you?" he hissed, keeping his stance.

Hughes now had both eyes opened, his hands up defensively and smiling. "My name's Maes Hughes," he said. "I don't mean any harm."

Link lowered his sword slightly, but kept a watchful eye on Hughes. He eased his stance slightly. "I'm Link..." he looked around, then looked back at Hughes. "You haven't seen a princess on a white horse come running by here, have you?"

Hughes raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "No sorry." he said.

Yuffie was running towards Link and Hughes and shrieked. "Get out of the way!" she yelled.

Tifa ran right behind Yuffie. she spotted Hughes and Link and slid to a stop right beside Hughes. she smiled and shrugged lightly before glancing at Yuffie. "Look out!!!" she exclaimed.

Link blinked, then tried to move out of the way. He stepped backwards, but couldn't move very far because Epona was standing right behind him. "Epona, move" he exclaimed, trying to get his stubborn horse to move out of the way.

Yuffie came to a stop right in front of Link, tripping as she did and falling over onto him. "Oh my god I'm soooo sorry!"

Hughes blinked as he watched Yuffie and Link, he then looked over at Tifa. "What were you two running from?" he asked.

Tifa sighed and looked at Hughes. "Bahamut(sp?)" she answered plainly.

Link looked surprised for a moment, then frowned. "Get off me" he exclaimed, pushing Yuffie away.

Yuffie looked at Link, sitting on the ground now and sighed. "Where's Cloud when you need him?" she asked looking at Tifa, she then looked back at Link. "Hey you look like a strong guy! Think you can help us defeat that huge thing coming towards here?"

Hughes frowned, looking at Tifa still. "Baha-what!?"

Link stared at Yuffie with a raised eyebrow, then looked around. "What thing?" he asked, glancing at Epona grazing a few steps away. He looked back at Yuffie.

Tifa stared at Hughes. "You've never heard of the bahamut?" she turned and pointed at the large creature coming toward them. "That's a bahamut"

Hughes' eyes widened when he saw Bahamut coming towards them. "Yikes!"

Yuffie looked up and shrieked as she stood and hid behind Link. "That thing." she said, pointing to Bahamut.

Hermione held out her wand. "What in the world?" She yelled.

"Dammit Cloud.. where are you?" Tifa sighed deeply as she stood to face the Bahamut. She gulped, then glanced at Hermione. "You got any power to help defeat that thing?"

Link walked a few steps so he was beside Tifa. "That thing doesn't look so tough" he muttered, staring fearlessly up at the creature.

"Petrificus Totalus." Hermione cried.

Yuffie crossed her arms and sighed as she looked at Hermione. "Thank you, ummm?"

"Hermione." Hermione supplied.

Hughes blinked and looked at everyone else a little confused. "May I ask, what in the world is going on!?"

Link turned and looked at Hermione. "Was that magic?" he asked curiously.

Tifa smiled at Hermione. "Thanks.. that thing ALWAYS tends to bug us" she said before turning to Hughes. "We weren't properly introduced before.. I'm Tifa Lockhart.. just call me Tifa" she smiled, holding out her hand.

Hughes took Tifa's hand and smiled slightly. "I'm Maes Hughes." he said.

Yuffie sighed and looked away from everyone, not bothering to introduce herself.

Tifa smiled lightly. "Nice to meet you Mr. Hughes" she glanced at Yuffie and smirked lightly.

Link looked at Yuffie, then at Hermione again, then back at yuffie. "What's your problem?"

Yuffie glanced over at Link. "Nothing," she said and grumbled.

Hughes smiled softly. "Just call me Maes or simply Hughes," he told Tifa. "And what's wrong with your friend?"

"She's just normally like that!" Tifa smirked. "Yuffie.." she put a hand on Yuffie's shoulder gently.

"Right" Link responded. He turned, squinted into the distance then jumped onto Epona. "I'll be back!" he exclaimed as he took off suddenly, pulling his bow and arrow out.

Yuffie looked at Tifa slightly. "What?" she asked and then looked at Link. "Wouldn't that be easier with a shuriken?"

Hughes looked at Yuffie slightly and sighed. " where are you two girls from?"

Tifa shrugged, then looked at Hughes. "Midgar." she smiled.

"MY BOW WORKS FINE THANKS!!" Link yelled after him. "Navi, stay back there with them!" he exclaimed to the little blue puffball flying beside him. The puffball seemed to protest, but gave up and went to float in the air beside Yuffie, Tifa and Hughes.

Hughes looked at Link slightly and then back at Tifa. "And where is Midgar like you say?"

Yuffie looked at the little blue puffball and then back at Link. "You won't hit it with that," she said, her arms still crossed and sighed once again. "I really need to find my shuriken."

Link rolled his eyes to himself before going off to attack the creature he had spotted. After a moment, he returned. He jumped off Epona and stared at Yuffie. "I killed it.." he smiled a half smile, then glanced at the blue puff. "Navi, we have to find the princess!"

Tifa kept smiling at Hughes. "Midgar is.. umm.. where Midgar is" she answered softly.

Hermione blinked. "Um......can someone tell me where there's a place to stay?" She asked sheepishly.

Yuffie stared at Link. "What princess?" she asked him.

Hughes looked at Tifa and then at Hermione. "Ummm that's a good question. I don't really know where we are right now." he said and looked back at Tifa. "I never heard of Midgar before."

Tifa shrugged. She looked around. "There's a small village thing down there.." she pointed off into the distance. "What say we go and see what's going on around here?" she offered happily.

Link looked at Yuffie. "Princess Zelda... she's in trouble.."

Yuffie raised an eyebrow. "Ummm if you didn't notice...we're kind of lost right now." she said,"And I highly doubt we're wherever you come from and where Tifa and I come from."

Hughes sighed and shook his head. "Lets go then," he said,"Should be more interesting then simply standing around here and waiting for people that probably won't show up."

Hermione nodded. "You're right." She said.

Link sighed and nodded. He climbed back onto Epona and walked slowly toward the town.

Tifa nodded also and started off after Link toward the small village.

Hughes followed Tifa, smirking suddenly. "Hey want to see pictures of my precious little girl!?"

Yuffie stared at Hughes slightly and followed the small group towards the town.

Navi the blue puff(fairy) floated in the air between Hughes and Tifa. "You have a daughter?" she asked, her voice squeaky.

Tifa giggled softly and smiled again. "Sure, I'd love to"

Hughes pulled out a few pictures from his coat and showed Navi and Tifa. "Isn't she the cutest!!?" he exclaimed.

"What's her name? Your daughter?" Hermione asked from over his shoulder.

Hughes smiled widely. "Her name's Elysia."

"What an adorable little girl." Hermione said.

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