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2004-12-17 [Rana]: I am so DREADRULLY glad I'm not Gardnerian. . .
2004-12-18 [Delladreing]: lol *knows the feeling* very strict so it is, and apparently you are meant to know these off by heart if you are O_O
2005-02-05 [a faerie tale]: Deladreing! Your poor fingers! *nods* I respect Gardnerians, but I would hate to have to memorize all 161 lines....
2005-02-05 [Delladreing]: lol thanks, they have only just grown back ^_-, and yes i would probably freak out if i had to know all of them...althoug
2005-07-28 [Linn Scarlett]: darn that was a lot of reading *goes cross eyed*
2005-07-28 [Delladreing]: heh my fingers have only just grown back
2005-08-22 [Wiccan_Way]: ecelectic...ce
2005-08-22 [Delladreing]: im not surprised
2005-11-06 [Rondel]: It could be worse; I was looking at these to see if they were the same ones which someone I know wrote out during their studies... ...by hand... ...with a dip pen... ...then bound by hand into a book (sewn paper with a leather binding strip along the spine, for strength). Makes the typing seem a bit less annoying by comparison, no? (For those who care, these are NOT the ones that person copied out in the course of their studies -- had they been, that person would have "stayed the hell away", responding with "screw this sh*t! _ck you guys, I'm going home!" They find THIS version "very disturbing". LOL So, for those who care, this is NOT the only traditional form of the Ardanes.)
2005-11-06 [Rondel]: I think that the version my friend copied out may have been Alexandrian (via Alex Sanders), rather than Gardnerian (from Gerald Gardner). May I ask what your source is, for these? I'm trying (out of sheer curiosity) to pin down the version variation involved.
2005-11-06 [Delladreing]: I believe these were Gardnerian ones, but now that you have asked I cant for the life of me remember :p yes Gardnerain I believe
2005-12-20 [I stabbith ye]: You know, I have begun to notice a trend in the way people write on these wiki's when they are trying to ‘show off’ their knowledge lol...They always try to seem very polite and put a certain order to their sentences... It just appears to makes them seem more intelligent. In fact, I have just noticed that I appear to be doing it right now, weird, its a kind of subconscious thing o.0
2006-01-09 [windowframe]: *haunts* * (now with extra star-age)
2006-01-09 [Delladreing]: ooh special edition hauntage :p
2006-01-09 [windowframe]: :P uh-huh. Very rare. Vey special. *sage noddle*
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