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2004-11-16 [Son Goku]: *yawn*.....
2005-01-04 [Son Goku]: haven't been here in a while... sorry, to anyone who actually reads this stuff
2005-01-26 [Iselin]: Suggestion for increasing your speed, play with a cat or kitten as you have to be faster than them or they'll scratch you. The only problem the cat or kitten will probably sulk after a while as you'll get them frustrated.
2005-01-26 [Son Goku]: haha. now that's the way to do it! ;) awesome!!
2005-02-12 [M_Sinner]: Lol... I have tried this once before, but after it bit me in my sleep because I was rolling around... I thought that it might be wise to decist.
2005-02-12 [M_Sinner]: 5 ways to avoid an attack: 1) Avoid the situation... If you know that someone wants to "meet you at the flagpole" after school, don't go there. 2) Walk or run in the opposite direction... who cares if you look like a sissy? These are potential life/death situations. 3) Talk your way out of it... Try to reason with the lout. If he is attacking you, he's not the brightest, so you can probably outwit him ;) 4) Use control techniques... push him aside when he rushes, put him in an armlock, anything to make him realize that you are trying to avoid violence (though at this point, it's usually too late) 5) Use force for force, first dangerous, then deadly... He asked for it...
2005-02-12 [M_Sinner]: Srry about putting that... when you talk about "the art of fighting," the idea of all forms of combat is to stop the fight with the least amount of force possible, and that list matches the philosophy perfectly from all angles I have pondered it.
2005-02-12 [Son Goku]: Great comments [M_Sinner], and (haha) you dont' have to be sorry at all!! thanks, I also think people need to know that kind of stuff! It's true, sometimes we get carried away by the adrenaline rush of the situation without pausing to think of the consequences that will arise afterwards. The greatest fighters appreciate safety and wisdom. take comfort in learning to be deadly, but then, only use it as a "backup" to who you really are inside. Put your SELF forward in a confrontation, not all your forms, or knowledge, or ego. Many times, that in-and-of-itse
2005-03-19 [Son Goku]: *yawn* and i've been keeping it all real simple lately... :) ... no new stuff because of school and spring break. sorry to anyone who actually reads all of this stuff.
2005-08-22 [Son Goku]: and boy does this page need to be tidied up ....
2006-05-23 [Son Goku]: *grin*
2006-05-23 [Hermelin]: Just a curious question, without implying anything; what are your qualifications for teaching this, what have you practiced and for how long, and so on... ^_^
2006-05-25 [Son Goku]: :) lol, good question. I've been practicing for...about 7 years. of those seven years, probably more like 4 of them are hardcore training and the rest are "school-time" stuff which doesn't really count... I took a few months of Aikido, but besides that i have't had any formal training. Just lots of practicing.
2006-05-25 [Son Goku]: oh, and types of fighting? aikido.... shoot, nah, don't even count that. Just whatever works.. that brings them all under one roof ^_^
2006-06-05 [Hermelin]: :)
2006-06-05 [Hermelin]: And o.O, do you mean you have actively been picking fights for seven years?
2006-06-07 [Son Goku]: (aaaahahahaahah
2006-10-09 [Lady of Lore]: ^^ I didn't even see that you'd made a classroom of your own :P Wow, this is really nice! Good job!
2006-10-11 [Son Goku]: haha, I made this a LOOONG time ago... ^__^
2006-10-16 [Lady of Lore]: ^^
2007-03-13 [Son Goku]: A little bit of tidiness? Spring's coming after all...
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