Page name: The Scarr Siblings [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-05-31 17:48:45
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The Scarr Siblings


After watching Pirates of the Caribbean 3, i was inspired to start a new story. Which i have. It's about these four lunatics. They're the Scarr Siblings, out to avenge their parents deaths. How did their parents die you ask? They were killed, by pirates of course! The Scarr siblings decided to go after the pirates that killed their parents, and the only way to catch a pirate is to think like a pirate! So they gathered together a motley crew, stole a ship and set sail in search of the cutthroat pirates. (You may be able to tell that this story is slightly.. Erm.. None-serious XD) So, the characters, going from left to right! Francesca Scarr, 7 years old. She's slightly insane and (though they don't like to admit it) has her older sister and brother wrapped round her little finger. Next is Scab. He is a dog. Fran found him in a washed up row boat, and insisted they keep him. Next in line is the eldest Scarr, Edward. He's 21 and the most sane of all the Scarr siblings. And finally we have Elanor Scarr, 17 years old. She's crazy. She beats up Ed alot too. She's very bossy and insists that the crew belong to her and thus she can boss them around all she wants. No one complains, they value their limbs too much.
So there you have it, the weirdest family in the world! I may or may not put the story up here when it's finished... Meh.

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