Page name: The Stolen Child IV [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-04-20 04:16:51
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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The Stolen Child III

As Vex wound her way about the shop in Illian, she found the list was less magical ingredients and more things one would need to care for a small child. A short piece of copper wire, milk (lots of it) if you can't secure enough go to a church of Alilial and speak with them, swaddlings, blankets, Xeph sized basket. The wire was easy to find at a jewelers and took very little haggling on Vex's part as the Jeweler was too busy appreciating her outfit. The other items also took her a very little time to acquire from various vendors in the marketplace. The only thing Vex could not find in ready supply was milk for the young felid and finally had to ask directions to the local temple of Alilial. The first person looked at her with a hint of contempt and walked away, the next smiled fondly and gave her the directions she asked for.

The temple itself was rather beautiful in a simple fashion, like a lot of Illian there was a marble portico which led to an open garden and fountain with several small buildings surrounding the perimeter. The main building sat back a little further and was simply a cozy looking hall with open double doors and windows. It took a moment for Vex to realize that many of the women she saw were pregnant or had children with them, as a new mother was on a bench not far away nursing her babe. "Minnesmerke små lysene gått til himmelen" was inscribed on a small altar with numerous candles lit, to the on looker it was some sort of memorial as a woman was laying a small toy by the altar. A older woman came to Vex dressed as a simple midwife she smiled broadly, "Hello, child what brings you to the Priory of Aliliahl?"

Vex while she was around bought a great many other things along with the baby supplies. She didn't want to draw suspicions to her buying simply baby things. She was planning on doing that anyways. But now she was a little... really creeped out. "I have come to try and find milk. My masters mistress has a child and her milk dried up." Vex said not changing her accent or the way she was holding herself. She had a whole backstory and had shopped accordingly.

"Of course, it is not an uncommon problem and there are ways to fix it." Sister Galyna as she introduced herself led Vex to an area where people could buy items they needed from the church. "There are two ways to best deal with the problem, the first is an alchemical solution but one must drink it regularly and the cost is not cheap. The other is this." she indicated a silver ring with the church's holy symbol on it, "when worn by a woman it will allow her to produce milk whether pregnant or not." The implications hit Vex like a hammer and the sister could read that, "I wish there was a better way, but milk from animal or mother will spoil after some time less than a day in warm climates like ours. And if kept cool maybe a few days." Galyna finished and stepped aside to let Vex decide what would work best for her 'master'.

"Is there no woman to act as wet nurse? I must be free to help my master with many business dealings. If I were to have a child attached to me it would hinder my ability to do as my master needs." Vex asked looking around again. "I fear the masters mistress ill as well." Vex said in way of explanation. Internally she was damning the Ravenwood Heir, couldn't the child just eat mashed foods by now? Wasn't he old enough to no longer need milk? Damn Conner for this. Perhaps she ought to buy the ring and make him wear it instead. after all it was his family not hers.

"No, most of the women here that are not priestesses are either with child or have just lost a child and therefore unsuited to the task. You would not have to constantly feed the child just four to six times per day depending on the child. And our rings only work for women in case you are wondering." Galyna answered. "We could help teach you to help the child, it is an easy thing and you will better serve your master if you help make his child strong and healthy." she continued picking the ring up and holding it out toward Vex.

"Then if there is no other way." Vex said trying not to grit her teeth, she accepted the ring from the woman with clear displeasure. "I know basics of caring for a child. My master also has great pride in his child. How do I invoke the ring or is it simply by placing it on my finger?" Vex asked trying to be thorough at least. This time... this time Conner wasn't going to be able to get out of this. Of making her do this.

"Place the ring on your finger and it will take effect, do you require any lessons on feeding a child or anything of that nature?" Galyna asked putting the ring in Vex's hand. Turning back Vex could see a new mother feeding her child near the fountain and another woman nearby who looked nearly ready to have her own child. This place was a haven for women who sought a safe place to have their child, and she noticed several priestesses come and go while they were here. Many of them went to help with delivery or anything else a new mother might need.

"No. How much for the ring?" Vex was clearly done with being in this place. Her distaste for the whole child process rather clear in her body language and how she kept glancing around but not looking at any one thing for more than a few seconds. As if she didn't actually want to see any of it. To think she had been proud when Director Rand had promoted her and given her this job with his own sisters family. To think she had been honored and willing to do whatever it might mean to accomplish her job without equal. Now however she had a whole new set of feelings for this job. And what Director Rand had thrown her into.

"We do not charge in most cases, some can not afford to pay. MOst of those able donate to church what they feel best." the sister replied. It was obvious that Vex no longer wished to be here. So, with the last of her shopping done she could return to the ship and they could get under way for Andor and completion of her job. Although it reminded her that she'd become a nurse maid for the young Ravenwood until they could find out how to counter the effects and have Daryyl come to them.

Vex donated a good amount, three gold and a few coppers she had left. With her business done she left the temple and headed back for the docks. To hire a female now would simply draw suspicion to the ship. Upon climbing aboard she checked with the captain to see when they would depart, the quickest the best. There had to be some spell or item affecting the ability to speak with the Scion of the Ravenwood household. the further away they got from the island the weaker the effect should become. Which meant the less amount of time she would have to deal with Either Ravenwood child.

As she entered the cabin she could hear Conner keeping the child calm and noted he must have left the ship long enough to get some milk from somewhere. He saw Vex and he smiled, "Good news little Xeph, our sitter has returned with a nurs...err..Vex could you not find a nurse or milk?" Xeph giggled almost like he knew that Vex was going to be handling the situation or just how Conner looked very confused. Conner put him down in his little makeshift bassinet and sat on the edge of the bed waiting for her explanation.

"I brought back a few things not on the list. Spell components and baby swaddling's and things as well as a few benign things. Something a merchant might order. I made a short study on things Bards like to have on hand, but got some things wizards use as well. Nothing to specific one way or the other." Vex said ignoring the child completely and reporting to Conner in a cold voiced way. She unpacked her sack and laid the items out on the other bunk. She began to change out of the clothing she had worn as her disguise as well. Seeing as they were leaving the harbor in only an hour or so.

Conner smirked, "I know how to lie for a living and to save myself from my mother's wrath Vex. So, how is my nephew going to get milk or I order the boat not to move an inch." He was channeling his father at this point and Vex could almost her Lord Ravenwood in his voice. A baby could get very sick trying to go on a long voyage by boat. Xeph broke his concentration for a second by again reaching out for Conner who picked him up quickly. Turning back he locked his green eyes on Vex's, "I need to know he will be well cared for until I put him back in Elsa's arms Vex."

"With Magic." Vex said turning to face him and look Conner in the eyes. Her eyes were the coldest and most distant he had probably ever seen on her. or ever would. She was keeping her face carefully neutral but for the icy rage in her eyes. "Young Master Ravenwood." She added after a short pause. He had been going on and on about how they wanted to be comrades. And with one sentence ruined any chance she might have given him to become just that. He put a clearly defined line between them now. She had been right about him. This whole rescue mission affair and almost convinced her otherwise. But he was still a Ravenwood and still a noble and when it came right down to it. Well. Vex then took a step forward closing the gap between her and Conner her whole body suddenly tense. As if she were gearing up for something unpleasant.

Conner did not flinch, just like in the great forest the life in his hands was more important than his own. Xeph unaware of the tension growing between the adults in the room reached out for Vex and babbled at her. He recalled the woman had held him and she was with Conner who enjoyed singing him to sleep and helped bathe him before with Mommy. "Vex, please, he is my family in choice if not by blood I would give my life to protect him as much as my sisters and even my friends." He hoped she took the comment to mean he now considered her more than a babysitter, his words had a softer tone, but one that would compel a straight if not more honest of an answer.

"Give him to me and Get OUT." Vex said reaching out and taking Xeph from Conner, awkwardly and then holding him close... also sort of awkwardly. Once she held him she turned and gestured for the door. For whatever reason, his words eased off just enough of the tension for the threatening feel of Vex to just be suppressed rage. she was glad he was not a screaming crier of a child however, because that would have been a nightmare. worse than it already was.

Conner did as she said and handed his nephew to her and left, the realization struck him when he got above deck. Xeph quieted his babbling and curled into Vex's arms as his tail wrapped about her wrist. It occurred to Vex she would have to try this using what she had seen the women at the chapel do, or ask Conner how the women of house Ravenwood did it. The ring was still in her pocket, she knew this was more than any other Blade had probably ever done in their duty.

Well it wasn't like she hadn't seen it happen before. So she slipped the ring onto her finger, locked the cabin door and waited a moment while holding Xeph. There had to be some sort of reaction. Though she had forgotten to ask one thing. Was she supposed to wear it all the time or just for feedings and then take it off? She would experiment a little with it and find out. She sat on the edge of the bed and waited.

It took a few moments as she felt her breasts become heavy with milk and she brought him up and tickled his lips with her nipple. It took a moment before Xeph realized and latched onto her and began to feed. And it was then Vex realized he had begun to purr as he filled his tummy.

Vex's face scrunched up as a multitude of things went through her. Not one pleasant. Glad it was working. Pissed it was working. Awkward beyond anything that had ever happened to her before. Uneasiness as the vibrations against her chest and stomach felt odd. This was someone else's child. The uncomfortable feeling as the child latched and suckled. The pain from his teeth that had yet to come through but hurt all the same! The ache in her shoulders from the weight she had never experienced before. As a modest sized girl, different from the Ravenwoods and even the adopted children, the weight of her chest was unbearably uncomfortable. So Vex just made herself as comfortable in an uncomfortable no matter what she did sort of way. She did realize all the more however, how much she disliked children. She had never liked the idea of having a child and this just sort of cemented in her mind how uncomfortable and how much she simply didn't like it.

The Stolen Child V

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