Page name: The guild headquaters [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2004-12-13 17:36:56
Last author: abyss_angel
Owner: abyss_angel
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The guild headquaters

back to the guild of the damned

Underneath the streets of the guild is a network of secret underground tunnels. Inside these, plots to attack the heavens are plotted. The queen KiKul also resides in these chambers.

The security desk
The entrance to the tunnels is blocked by a magical seal. The only person who can break it is the security guard.

KiKul's chamber
A lead door locked with half a dozen padlocks and several magical seals keeps KiKul's chamber safe. Inside she sleeps until needed.

The tactics room
A round meeting hall where plans to attack the heavens are plotted.

The guild prison
An underground dungeon where criminals and prisoners are locked away, never to see the light of day again.

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