Page name: The holy order [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-07 03:50:25
Last author: The Black Swordsman
Owner: abyss_angel
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The holy order

Welcome to the guild of light that still shines strong in the face of our dark adversary. Many of the other angel guilds that choose to fight along us have fell and to our knowledge, the holy order is the last remaining group to fight against the powerful The guild of the damned. As a member, you are expected to fight with us. It is our aim to destroy every last demon in the unholy guild and to protect heaven from their advances.

If you do choose to follow the path of light you must pick a character from below or make your own. Let [abyss_angel] know who you choose to be in the comments box at the bottom of the page. Once you have a character, you are free to roam the heavens and roleplay in the various shops and establishments on offer.


Character statistics can be found at the stats page

Zeek *played by [sub zero]*: Zeek was a demonologist whilst living in the mortal realm. His knowledge proved to be most useful during the possession. He likes to spend time alone, studying his books.

Ella: A quiet and shy angel who offers counciling to the newly deceased. She's too busy worrying about other peoples problems to find time for herself.

Celestine *owned by [she is starting to damage my calm^]*: Celestine caused quite a stir among the ladies when he first arrived. His handsome looks and charming ways make totally irresistable.

Onieshy (owned by [Not yours]: The angel form of an elf maiden that fell in combat against a group of human poachers decades ago. She seeks revenge for the taking of her life and knows that at least one of her murderers lurks as a demon in the shadow realm.She always seems to be shrouded in a veil of darkness wich only Leson can lift.Onieshy is tall and young. Her golden hair always brightens a room. Her crystal blue eyes are always set as cold hard rock. She is polite to all but if you piss her off look out.

Cupid: What cupid lacks in size, she makes up for in volume. Shes a lively little bundle who loves nothing more than getting people together, much to their annoyance.

Leson:(Owned by [Do.Jie])A good humord angle that died for love.He now battles all that represent hate and lothing.Tall and handsom he is quite the romantic, but his heart lies with Onieshy.little is know about his past...

Drayco *played by [drakkar]*: A green dragon that glides through the heavens on silvery wings. The dragon was a creation of the gods and a guardian of the holy order.                                                                                           lethorean*played by the black swordsman*the master at arms of heaven and garuadian or the gates of hell.   

The rules

As angels, your job is to wipe out demons from The guild of the damned and to protect the heavens from them. There are a few basic rules to remember. If you storm the guild alone, you are likely to be killed. Its best to go with other order members.No instant kills! You have to give people a chance to defend themselves, but equally no moding. If you choose to fight you are at risk of death. [abyss_angel] (owner of everthing, thats me! ^_^) will have the final judgement on deaths (You can always come back as another character if you wish so don't get a bag on) and will answer your questions .

To apply to the wiki just let me know in the comment box and ill get back to you. Have fun!

There are a number of different areas in the holy order where angels come to chat, shop and do whatever. These are the roleplay takes place.

All the shops are looking for owners.Don't forget you can also make your own shop etc. You have to talk to your customers and update your shop but thats the only drawback. Talk to abyss if you're interested.

The shopping district
Row upon row of exotic shops and stores line the streets of the order. Each gleaming white building is an architectural masterpiece, with statues of gods inlayed into the stonework.
-7th Heaven Inn
-Useless junk
-Hack n Slash
-the noticeboard

The science district
Modern looking buildings compete for space in the order's science district. Skilled graduates from all over the realm come to work at the famed infirmary.
-Heavens gate Hospital
-Take it outside

The order council headquaters
A single building sprawls across the heavens. It is decorated with ornate murals and carvings depicting the history of the heavens. Security is heavy and guards patrol the perimeter.
-The meeting room
-The courts
-The porthole

Username (or number or email):


2004-12-21 [Do.Jie]: Hum... well we could blast right in and be destroyed...Or we could have somebody frokm the inside hel us... I ... have a brother in the giuld...

2004-12-21 [Not yours]: realy who is he :p  thers a meeting room were yer supose to plan in The order meeting room

2004-12-22 [Do.Jie]: Well.... I didnt want to tell any body this but....!@#$%^&*(...

2004-12-22 [abyss_angel]: im also a guild member (what with me being the creator of both)and theres obviously gonna be problems with me being a member here too (what with the secret plans)...i resign. Erm somebody else can take over. Ill delete my character *sob*

2004-12-22 [Delladreing]: awww dear :(

2004-12-22 [Do.Jie]: No, please dont. just dont tell any body about the plans on both sides... and dont pertisipate in "Secret" battles plans... ect...

2004-12-22 [abyss_angel]: But thats the fun part! I made up ma mind. Goodbye Abyss (unless someone wants the character?). Im gonna miss the order. Oh yeah and sorry if i kill any of you in the very near future hehe

2004-12-22 [abyss_angel]: oh and if you still want to use tetsu i don't mind. I wont tell

2004-12-23 [Do.Jie]: you meen tetsura? I dont use him ma friend hunter dose. =) I got him into the hole elf town thingy.

2004-12-23 [Do.Jie]: And I wont mind "IF" you kill me if you dont mind "WHEN" I kill you ;)

2004-12-23 [abyss_angel]: oooh ill look forward to it. :)

2004-12-23 [Do.Jie]: Good. and you better look behind you for it too. =)

2004-12-24 [abyss_angel]: oh and by the way, if i were you id get rid of that tetsu thing in the comments box. Keep stuff like that for the meeting room. Cus when we come and bust your ass, we'll find out all your plans.

2004-12-25 [Do.Jie]: thanks for tha heads

2005-05-26 [Floydian Slip]: I wish to join but Im a littel confused about things.... contact please asap......

2005-05-26 [Not yours]: HI DUDE PPL WERE IS EVERY BODY

2005-05-27 [abyss_angel]: dunno.Nobodys adding

2005-05-28 [Not yours]: ya jeez IT ISH DRIVEN ME NUTS

2005-06-08 [Floydian Slip]: what???

2005-06-17 [Do.Jie]: Wow this place has changed... MY CHAR IS STILL THERE YAY!!!

2005-10-05 [sky7]: I want in!!!! how do I become a part of this??? contact.... plllleeeaaassss

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