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2005-01-03 03:39:59
Last author: drakkar
Owner: abyss_angel
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The character stats page

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Here you can view your character statistics and alter them. Be warned though, if you 'accidently' or not so accidently give your character hundreds of items you havn't bought you'll be kicked out (In the nicest possible way ^_^). If your confused then go to order help for the full guide.

When you edit your stats just leave a note in the comments box to let people know what you've done.

Abyss (owned by [abyss_angel]
Abyss teaches the art of white magic and spellweaving to the newly accended. She has quite a fiery temper for an angel.
Abyss has a red tint to her eyes and long white hair. She also has very long wing tips that drag on the floor as she walks, leaving a trail of shimmering powder- a bit of a giveaway in dangerous situations.
Marital status:single
Weapons:Two silver blades encrusted with black onyx stones.

Zeek *owned by [sub zero]*
Zeek was a demonologist whilst living in the mortal realm. His knowledge proved to be most useful during the possession. He likes to spend time alone, studying his books.
Zeek has short messy brown hair and wears rather thick rimmed glasses (the bane of his life). He carries a long Oni sword upon his back and usually has a stack of dusty books in his hands.
Marital status:Single
Weapons: A 5 foot silver oni sword

Ella *currently unowned*
A quiet and shy angel who offers counciling to the newly deceased. She's too busy worrying about other peoples problems to find time for herself.
She has dark brown eyes and blond hair. Ella usually keeps her weapon consealed in the folds of her dress so as not to frighten the newly deceased.
Marital status:
Weapons:A simple wooden staff

Celestine *owned by [she is starting to damage my calm^]*
Celestine caused quite a stir among the ladies when he first arrived. His handsome looks and charming ways make totally irresistable.
Appearance:He usually wears shades to keep the sun out of his eyes. The others find this odd what with him being a creature of light. He is tall and slim and usually wears a black suit.
Marital status:Single
Weapons:A silver gateling gun with ornate Japanese decoration along the barrel.

Onieshy (owned by [Not yours]
The angel form of an elf maiden that fell in combat against a group of human poachers decades ago. She seeks revenge for the taking of her life and knows that at least one of her murderers lurks as a demon in the shadow realm.
Long golden hair and bright blue eyes. Her complexion is a ghostly white and glows with light. She wears a simple flowing white dress and keeps her daggers strapped firmly to her garters.
Marital status:Single
Weapons: Two blood red enchanted daggers

Cupid *currently unowned*
What cupid lacks in size, she makes up for in volume. Shes a lively little bundle who loves nothing more than getting people together, much to their annoyance.
Cupid is around 100 years old but still has the appearance of a young child. She has blond hair and blue eyes and usually has a huge smile stretched across her face.
Marital status:Single
Weapon:A gold bow and razor edged arrows

A good humord angle that died for love.He now battles all that represent hate and lothing.Tall and handsom he is quite the romantic, but his heart lies with Onieshy.little is know about his past...
Short red hair just covering his ears is perfactly off set by his green eyes.He has a musculare tone and pale-ish skin.His green gowns hang loose from the waist down, obove the waist it is like an open jacket showing his chest and belly.His arms are bare save the green leather bracers.
Marital status:None
Wepons:Long sword, small sword.

Drayco *played by [drakkar]*
Drayco was the original guardian of the heavens. He has lived for hundreds, maybe thousends of years. During this time he has learned the language of humans and much about their culture. He is a quiet beast with a calm temper unlike many of his kin. Can change color of scales and temporarily hold a human form
Appearance: He has large silvery white wings and much of his body is white in colour to blend into the clouds and keep his existance hidden from humans.
Maritial status: none
Items: whatever he can find
Weapons: None, just his physical strength and firery breath,dragonic magic Psychic.

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