Page name: The lesser plains [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-07 23:05:35
Last author: Six_dragons
Owner: Six_dragons
# of watchers: 1
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A small open field surrounded by forest. It's the ideal place for small groups to gather.

Zeis thrust his sword into the ground, leaning on it. He was early. There were several people he had to meet before leaving the area and heading back to his village, but for the moment, until they arrived, he thought he could rest a moment.

Ania had walked a short distance before she saw Zeis leaning on his sword. She walked up on his right side. "Are you the first one here?" she asked, looking up at him. Despite him leaning on his sword, he was still taller than her. Her own sword had been slung across her shoulder.

"I suppose." He said cheerily, grabbing the pommeless base of his sword and flipping up, perching on it like a bird.

Ania shook her head. "You really are a strange one," she said lightly with a slight smile. She shifted her weight onto her left foot, her sword resting on her right shoulder, and placed her left hand on her hip. "How long would you suppose we need to wait for the others to arrive?"

Zeis smile never faded. "Whenever they want. I leave in two hours."

Ania looked out to the horizon as she shook her head, a strange smile across her face. "The Clan of the Wolf is never dull," she said. With a glance to the sword holding Zeis above the ground, she added, "How is Veila doing?"

"She had something to take care of. I don't know what though. She'll show up if she wants." Closed his eyes, beats and rhythms singing through his head.

Ania nodded. "It'd be nice to see her again," she commented. "It's been a few years. What is your idea on this war?" Curiosity got the better of her.

"It lets me cut loose. Enjoy myself." Zeis said, hopping off the sword and sitting down against it, one leg outstretched and the other bent.

Ania smiled and looked down to the grass, gently lifting her blade off her shoulder, moving it point down. She rammed the thick point into the ground, imitating Zeis's own sword. She placed her upper arm on the hilt of Tawana. "Aren't you nearly always loose?" she asked.

"Meh, the battlefield is where I'm at home." He stared at the horizon, watching the sunset.

The purples and pinks reflected in Ania's eyes as her gaze followed his, but she simply sighed.

Khlieo had watched several meters behind the two, hearing every word and not minding them at all. She watched, her staff resting behind her neck across her shoulders, both her hands around it. Her hair and skirt blew ever so gently to her right, but only because she was slightly elevated compared to the other two.

Zeis chuckled. "Look at that, Romyrr's on his way with the soldiers.

A shadow appeared in the distance, with Romyrr leading a bad of less two dozen men, each well armed and mounted. They were leading several saddled horses, with a banner depicting the united villages.

Zeis' smile widened. "Looks like we don't even have to walk to the battle field today."

"Mm-hmm," Ania replied, watching as her comrade marched towards them. She repositioned herself squarely on her feet and let both hands rest at her side. She was quick enough to grasp the hilt of Tawana, even if the sword lay on the ground.

Khlieo too saw Romyrr and decided it time to move forwards, her staff removed from her shoulders, almost acting like a walking stick for her. She stopped on the opposite side of Zeis. "Getting a bit excited are we, Zeis?" she asked. "Can't wait for an oncoming battle?" Both were rhetorical as she already knew the answers. She could answer the same to both, as well.

Zeis' smile grew feral, his eyes bestial and dark, yet full of anticipation. "Damn right!" He drew his sword from it's earthly sheath and lept upon his horse.

Ania chuckled and removed her own blade from the earth. She returned it to across her shoulder and looked to Khlieo. "Aren't you a little small for this?" she asked.

Khlieo blinked once before she smiled politely. "I'm only two inches shorter than you," she said lightly. "And I'm a bundle of fury." Her staff returned to across the back of her neck and both shoulders. She looked back to Romyrr and decided upon walking towards them, taking rather large strides. She seemed upset, but her eyes glistened.

Romyrr caught Khlieo's distressed look. He would see if he could help on the ride to the battlefield.

Ania watched her go and looked to Zeis before smiling and starting off a fast walk to catch up to Khlieo and meet Romyrr on the field.

Zeis looked to the sky. Thoughts of the looming battle filled his body with his bloodlust. He was ready to Fight. He hand gripped his sword tightly, the veins on his hand looking ready to burst.

Romyrr led the troops off towards The Greater Tundra, thinking of how to help his young associate.

Berserk Wars

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2007-11-04 [Lin-tastic]: Do you want all three of my characters to post or just one at a time until they're all introduced?

2007-11-04 [Six_dragons]: Just start with one for now ^^

2007-11-05 [Lin-tastic]: Okies. ^_^

2007-11-05 [Lin-tastic]: Everyone will eventually meet here, right?

2007-11-05 [Six_dragons]: No, only the people we wanna use at the moment ^^

2007-11-05 [Lin-tastic]: But...but...what if I wanna use Khlieo...but not yet...before Zeis leaves, anyways. ^_^ lol

2007-11-05 [Six_dragons]: Go ahead lol

2007-11-05 [Lin-tastic]: ^_^ Cool...I think I'll wait until...I think it's Hybrid, posts. ^_^" I'm really bad with names and name-changes..XD

2007-11-05 [Six_dragons]: She won't be posting for at least a while ^^

2007-11-05 [Lin-tastic]:

2007-11-07 [Lin-tastic]: ...this seems There's only you and me...

2007-11-07 [Six_dragons]: Aye lol wish we could get some more good rpers

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