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2014-02-25 [Angelis Nightfall]: Thank you very much [XxTsomexX]! ^_^
2014-03-25 [Fallen Child Athena]: Congrats^^
2014-03-31 [Angelis Nightfall]: Thank you [Fallen Child Athena]! ^__^ Also just to let everyone know the update of the babies due date, im due on Sept 3rd as far as the doctors can tell. That is unless I get high blood pressure again & have to be induced like I did with my son Korvin. They already said I will be watched since it looks like im already showing signs on having high blood pressure & they hope that I don't have to be induced, but they still want to keep a watch on me to be sure.
2014-04-06 [Fallen Child Athena]: Yay =D Keep us updates?
2014-04-16 [Angelis Nightfall]: I have an ultrasound coming up on the 24th of this month & they are going to tell us what we are having, however I will say this. This little one is strong, I have been feeling kicking the past week like no flippin other & gah has it been having a blast with my blader as its kicking toy lol.
2014-05-05 [Fallen Child Athena]: Ll so what are you having?
2014-05-09 [Angelis Nightfall]: Apperantly they think im having a little girl, we are being sent to Savannah, Ga on the 16th though to have them check to see if anything is wrong with the baby & if they do find anything they will be able to tell us better that will need to be done. They don't think that there is anything wrong, but they are sending us to their other facality that has better equiptment in finding things if anything could be wrong & they are just wanting to make sure nothing is.
2014-05-10 [Fallen Child Athena]: Awesome^^ Congrats
2014-05-13 [Angelis Nightfall]: Thank you Fallen!
2014-05-22 [Angelis Nightfall]: Well it is a girl for sure, im at 25 weeks so far & her name will be Samantha Castieal Keller the first name after my best friend.
2014-06-11 [Fallen Child Athena]: Yay!!!!!!!!!! Aww sooo cute!!!!
2014-06-12 [Angelis Nightfall]: Thank you & as for the update on what's going on with her, well we are to go back to the doctor on Friday to see if things have corrected themselves & if they have then we won't have to drive more than 3 hours out of the way just to get ultrasounds or doctors visits done. Im just praying that they will tell us that things are good now & that we will be good to go about things normal again.
2014-06-13 [Fallen Child Athena]: Good luck hun.
2014-06-16 [Angelis Nightfall]: Thank you very much.
2014-06-17 [Fallen Child Athena]: Your very welcome. My nephew is almost a year old
2014-06-17 [Angelis Nightfall]: Awww, well when his birthday comes. Give him a hug for me & my little boy is almost 4 now lol. XD
2014-08-17 [Fallen Child Athena]: I gave him one for you^^
2014-08-21 [Angelis Nightfall]: Awww thank you, also just as an update. Im to be induced this coming Tuesday night at 8pm, so little miss Samantha Castieal Keller will be here by Wed of next week.
2014-08-28 [Angelis Nightfall]: Well little mis Samantha Castieal Keller is here, she was born 8/27/2014 at 4:12pm & weighed in at 6lb .07oz!
2014-11-08 [Fallen Child Athena]: aww!!!!
2014-12-01 [Angelis Nightfall]: Well everyone its time to update whats going on with my little girl, she has Cystic Fibrosis. It's something that makes her imune system, digestive system & respratory system much weaker than our own. If not watches for the rest of her life & mu7t on medications that will keep her healthy when they are needed, it could cost her her life. It will never go away & she will forever have it, she may one day have to be no a breathing system to help keep her breathing correct. Lets just hope that she will make it safely.
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