Page name: The Mommies of Elftown [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-12-03 02:30:45
Last author: XxTsomexX
Owner: †Sweets†
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The Mommies of Elftown

Ok, here's the deal, there are a lot of mommies on Elftown, and every mommy wants to show off their baby(ies) so, I'm making this wiki so that the mommies of Elftown can!

What you do, is you post your user name your child's name and birthday, and I'll make you a wiki page that you can put up your pictures of your children on, you'll be the owner so you can make it so any and or no one can see your page, but you'll be on here so people will know you're a mommy! Daddies aren't allowed to be actual members but, there is a link at the bottom of the page where any daddies can post pictures of their babies too.

Keep in mind that if you're expecting, have had a miscarriage, had to have a abortion, for what ever reason, or if your child has died, you're also welcome to put up your name and "in memory in" or something like that.

On the other hand, if you had an abortion because "you didn't want a baby" "didn't want your body to change" or something STUPID like that, you're not welcome, and get out!

~1~ [†Sweets†], Carter, May 12, 2009 †The New Mizz Moody† Son

~2~ [vampire of darkness], Megan, November 18, 1991 vampire of darkness Daughter

~3~ In memory of [Pretaya]'s child, Sage or Gabriel. Mozamique's Child

~4~ [Bella HeartAttack], Landen, December 14, 2008 Bella HeartAttack's godson

~5~ [hanhepi] Shawn, February 22, 2000 and Thomas, September 6, 2002 hanhepi's kids

~6~ [moira hawthorne] Eirikr, November 16, 2000 - I dont have just one wiki... according to Eirikr
hawthorne's family photo ablum * hawthorne's family photo ablum 2007 * hawthorne's family photo ablum ~THIS YEAR!~

~7~ [haldirrox] Stephen Paul Miller, born February 10, 2010.

~8~ [Fallen Child Athena] Jade, October 15, 2007. Also in loving memory: Aroura Rose. [Miscarried] Damon Anthony [Miscarried 23rd of December 2012] Vear's Jade

~9~ [Jitter] Dimitris, February 23 2008 Tri in public

~10~ [Kyrinn] Mykael Talion, February 13, 2002 Mykael Pictures

~11~ [pooh bear] [~Crimson Angel~], November 7th 1990 and [Morganath], January 2nd, 1987 Old pictures of Misty-chan and Pictures of Misty-chan (none of my son yet.)

~12~ [Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ] Lily Cecilia was born on December 2, 2009 at 6:23am Lily Ultrasounds ~ Lily Cecilia ~

~13~ [Xuan.] Cecilia Tran Horizon Sisk, December 16, 2009 Xuan's Cecilia

~14~ [sequeena_rae] Baby Bean miscarried at 3 weeks, June 2009 Baby Bean / Bean

~15~ [Mrs. No_One] My little angel Rose Marie, born April16, 2010. ~ Rose Marie

~16~ [Angelis Nightfall] My sweet baby boy Korvin Xavior Trotter, born October 6,2010. Korvin Xavior Trotter, [Miscarried Baby Samples May 3, 2013], Samantha Castieal Keller born 8/27/2014

[XxTsomexX] My little girl Lily Anna, born November 30th, 2015

The Daddies of Elftown

Even if you're not a mom or dad or even expecting, you're more than welcome to support the rest of us! ^^

Username (or number or email):


2010-02-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Thanks. *blushes*

2010-02-08 [Fallen Child Athena]: Yes they are^^

2010-02-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: *giggles*

2010-02-09 [Pretaya]: *blushes bright red* Thank you.

2010-02-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: *huggles*

2010-02-09 [Pretaya]: *hugs back*

2010-02-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: *smiles*

2010-02-09 [Pretaya]: *looks into your eyes*

2010-02-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: *blushes and looks back into your eyes*

2010-02-09 [Pretaya]: *takes your hand and entwines my fingers with your's*

2010-02-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: *pulls you close and starts to slow dance with you*

2010-02-09 [Pretaya]: *slow dances with you back, resting my head on your sholders*

2010-02-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: *smiles and puts my arms around you*

2010-02-09 [Pretaya]: *wraps my arms around your neck*

2010-02-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: *smiles as we slow dance* You're a lovely dancer.

2010-02-09 [Pretaya]: *blushes* So are you.

2010-02-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: *blushes and smiles* Thanks.

2010-02-09 [Pretaya]: *runs my hand down your arm*

2010-02-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: *blushes and puts my hands on your lower back*

2010-02-09 [Pretaya]: *moves with you, letting you lead*

2010-02-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: *smiles and dances with you*

2010-02-09 [Pretaya]: *allows the feeling of the melody and your arms around me to make me lose track of everything else around me*

2010-02-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: *smiles and loses myself in our dance*

2010-02-09 [Pretaya]: *kisses your sholder*

2010-02-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: *smiles and kisses your neck*

2010-02-09 [moira hawthorne]: maybe you two should make your own wiki for this sort of one on one flirting... since it really doesnt have anything to do with this wiki or involve any of the rest of us

2010-02-10 [sequeena_rae]: Take it to pm's please!

2010-02-10 [Pretaya]: Okay, we'll keep it there.

2010-02-10 [Gypsy Mystik]: *looks around, then hugs everyone* ^_^ Meow!

2010-02-10 [Pretaya]: *hugs back*

2010-02-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hey Gypsy.

2010-02-10 [Pretaya]: How are you?

2010-02-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Who me or Gypsy?

2010-02-10 [Gypsy Mystik]: Hey Amebara! ^_^

Hey MusicalNeed! ^_^

2010-02-10 [Gypsy Mystik]: I'm very good ^_^  You?

2010-02-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: I'm good.

2010-02-10 [Gypsy Mystik]: Great! =^_^=

2010-02-10 [Kyrinn]: My boy is turning 8 on Saturday. I still remember the little wiggly pink baby I took home from the hospital. <:3

2010-02-10 [sequeena_rae]: God his birthday again? Wow!!

2010-02-10 [Kyrinn]: Yeah I know.. *feels mighty old* 

2010-02-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: Eight? That's a cool age.

2010-02-11 [Kyrinn]: he is so much fun. He is very sweet and empathic, though he has his own bit of independence. :) 

2010-02-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: That's cool.

2010-02-12 [Pretaya]: He'll be a great man one day, then.

2010-02-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah totally.

2010-02-12 [Kyrinn]: I think he will. :) ALready quite the whiz at math and loves art.

2010-02-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Cool

2010-02-13 [Pretaya]: Wicked awesome

2010-02-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah!

2010-02-13 [Kyrinn]: Should have seen him dancing last night. He was in his room chanting "its my birthday! Oh yeah!" and dancing away.

2010-02-14 [Pretaya]: adorably cute.

2010-02-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah.

2010-02-14 [Kyrinn]: Birthday bash was a success. Im still tired, soooooo many 8 year olds to keep track of. X_X Was fun though.

2010-02-15 [Pretaya]: Three is the max for me. I can't handle more than that.

2010-02-15 [Kyrinn]: had some help from other parents who stayed, thank goodness. D:

2010-02-15 [Pretaya]: No joke.

2010-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: How many kids showed up?

2010-02-20 [Kyrinn]: 9 total, plus a couple extra siblings.

2010-02-20 [Pretaya]: Geez...

2010-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Wow!

2010-02-24 [Pretaya]: Lots of children.

2010-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah.

2010-02-24 [haldirrox]: Stephen Paul Miller arrived on February 10th at 1:22pm. He was 8.1 pounds, 21 inches, and had a 14 inch head. I ripped getting him out, but it was totally worth it. I am completely in love with my little boy, and my mom is totally jazzed to be a grandma. My dad's loving being a grandpa, and my stepmom sees him as her first grandson, so he is very well-loved. Even my brother has been taken over by his cuteness.

since his birth, everything has come naturally, just like you all said it would, and I haven't even had any "baby blues". I am so happy, I don't know what to do with myself most of the time!!!

It's rather amusing. I prayed for 2 things. First, I said, "God, please let it be quick." He said, "All right, you just won't get any pain meds." Second, I asked, "Dear God, please don't let me have a C-section." He said, "All right, you'll just tear!" lol!

2010-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Aw, that's great, I'm happy for you! *hugs*

2010-02-24 [sequeena_rae]: congrats!!

2010-02-24 [Fallen Child Athena]: My little girl was a C-section kid

2010-02-24 [Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ]: I ripped when I had my daughter. That stuff hurts!

2010-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ouch!

2010-02-24 [Fallen Child Athena]: I didnt rip but JAde sure tha hell didnt wana come out xD

2010-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jeez.

2010-02-24 [Fallen Child Athena]: Yep....3 hours of labor/High Blood pressure/ Diabetic/ had been indused.....Yea they cut me open xD

2010-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: I'm sorry.

2010-02-24 [Fallen Child Athena]: Its ok

2010-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok.

2010-02-25 [Pretaya]: Congratulations, hal!!!

2010-02-25 [moira hawthorne]: congratz [haldirrox]!!! I hope we get to see photos of little step soon so we can ooooo and aaaawwww over him

2010-02-25 [Pretaya]: I concurr with moira on this one!

2010-02-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: So do I. *smiles*

2010-02-28 [Pretaya]: *hugs everyone*

2010-03-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: *hugs back*

2010-03-02 [Pretaya]: YAY!!!

2010-03-10 [haldirrox]: \/\/007 for hugs!!! I'm going to put a pic of him up today, so check out my house later, and you can oooo and aaaaawwww all you like! And I agree, ripping most certainly does hurt. I had 6 hours total of labor, and only 20 minutes of pushing. He was more than ready to see the world.

2010-04-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: kk

2010-04-26 [Pretaya]: Sweet.

2010-04-30 [haldirrox]: I love my little boy. I'm having my first day out without him on Saturday with my cousin. We're getting mani/pedis and lunch. I'm leaving Stevie with my Dad and stepmom. I'm uber excited.

2010-05-01 [†Sweets†]: My son is going to be a year old in 12 days!!! OMG!

2010-05-01 [moira hawthorne]: Early Happy 1st Birthday

2010-05-01 [Kyrinn]: It goes quick, doesnt it? :) I still look at my boy and remember how tiny he used to be. I see him in pictures and think "Was he ever that tiny?" lol

2010-05-01 [†Sweets†]: lol nice

2010-05-02 [Pretaya]: I sometimes wonder what my child would be like today.

2010-05-03 [haldirrox]: I'm sorry. I'm sure your baby would have been beautiful today.

2010-05-03 [Pretaya]: Me too, thank you haldirrox.

2010-05-04 [haldirrox]: No problem. I can't even begin to imagine what I would do without my little boy.

2010-05-04 [Fallen Child Athena]: I miss Aroura.....and Jade'll be 3 this year

2010-05-04 [Pretaya]: *smiles*

2010-05-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Happy Mother's day to all of the elftown moms!

2010-05-09 [moira hawthorne]: HAPPY MOMMY DAY TO ALL!

2010-05-09 [Fallen Child Athena]: Happeh Motha's day all^^

2010-05-10 [haldirrox]: Happy Mommies' Day!

2010-05-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: YAY!

2010-05-10 [Pretaya]: Happy Mother's Day! I'm sorry it's belated. I was with my mom on Mother's Day!

2010-05-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: That's cool

2010-05-11 [haldirrox]: I had this horrible nightmare last night. I don't know where I was, but it was this horrible, dingy living room, and my son was in the corner in a bassonet, which is wierd because he's never slept in one. I was looking at him and all of a sudden, there were all these enormous puss-filled growths all over his beautiful head. To call them "zits" would be a gross understatement. They were the size of eggs, and they were in clusters of three. There must have been at least a dozen of them. It was probably an anxiety dream, because last night was the first time I was away from Stevie. I swear, I kept having to touch his head to make sure nothing was there.

2010-05-12 [Kyrinn]: Yikes! I have dreams about my son sometimes like that.. The worst one was there was a natural disaster and he got swept away from me and I could hear him crying for me. I cuddled him for an hour after that.. Just our own fears about our babies and keeping them safe most likely. *hugs*

2010-05-12 [Fallen Child Athena]: The worst one I had was Jade's father standing there drunk beating her to death....I stood there watching and crying, not able to move.......I woke up and took her from thee crib to check on her, she was fine. I sat down in a chair and held her crying.

2010-05-12 [haldirrox]: Wow. Y'all's dreams make mine sound like pansy dreams. Lol. I think a lot of why I had the nightmare is because of all the problems I've had with Breastfeeding.

2010-05-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: O_O Holy Crap!!!! I hope I don't have horrible nightmares like that!

2010-05-12 [haldirrox]: everyone has nightmares. Mine started when I was pregnant. I think they just come with being a mom.

2010-05-13 [Fallen Child Athena]: I agree Hal.

2010-05-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Dang, hopefully mine aren't too horrible.

2010-05-13 [haldirrox]: That all depends on the woman. A lot of nightmares is your mindset when you're awake. The more calm you are, the less nightmares you'll have. But even so, Some of the anxiety is bound to leak through. If you don't worry too much about tomorrow and let others help with the baby and whatever else, your dreams shouldn't be too bad.

2010-05-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: The only nightmares I have involve vampires, or my friends getting killed, but they're not too bad I think I've only had one where I've woken up crying.

2010-05-15 [haldirrox]: yikes. that's...interesting.

2010-05-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, I had a dream that my brother said he wasn't my real brother and then he killed himself, and I woke up sobbing.

2010-05-16 [haldirrox]: huh. that just sonds like you watch too many horror flicks! lol!

Still sounds scary, though.

2010-05-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: No, horror movies don't bother me.

2010-05-16 [haldirrox]: lol. Me, either.

2010-05-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Really?

2010-05-16 [moira hawthorne]: May2010: Eirikr only 9 yrs old is 4'10" tall - Im 5'8" - my hubby Bill is 5'9"

2010-05-17 [Fallen Child Athena]: O.O Wow.....tall kid

2010-05-17 [moira hawthorne]: i should of noted... he is only 9 yrs old

2010-05-17 [Fallen Child Athena]: Damn

2010-05-18 [Pretaya]: He's going to be a tall one.

2010-05-18 [moira hawthorne]: the estimation is 6'2" ...but I wouldnt be surprized if he surpassed that... my dad was 6'4" and both my older brothers are 6'2"

2010-05-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: He's going to be a heart breaker. lol

2010-05-18 [moira hawthorne]: considering he has had a g/f in every grade of school... and I swear we take him somewhere new (like on vacation camping) where there are kids... and within a half hour he has the cutest girl there as his g/f!!! ... he is well on his way to being Casanova!

2010-05-18 [haldirrox]: ...DANG! He's got to be a joy to feed.

2010-05-18 [moira hawthorne]: ooooh yeah! A JOY! thats where nearly all my food budget goes! For breakfast he has a banana or other fruit and toast or cereal with milk. He takes to school a container of carrots, greenbeans, celery and grapes as well as a liverworst and cucumber sandwich, yoghurt, cheese string, milk and juice. As soon as he comes home he wants a snack, icecream, and before dinner he normally eats a bowl of cearl, than at dinner he eats twice as either Bill or I. THATS A LOT OF FOOD!

AND you just know once he eats all that the next thing to start buying is more clothes!!

Im gonna be so broke when he turns into a teenager!

2010-05-18 [moira hawthorne]: one thing I cant complain about is having a fussy eater! lol... he loves nearly everything... all meats, including fish, all veggys even the 'weird ones' that most kids dont like.. he loves lentils beans tofu...
only things he doesnt like is mushrooms and eggs... and we have a deal if he can pick those two out of his food he doesnt have to eat them... so I just mix them WELL in! hehehe

2010-05-18 [haldirrox]: How can he not like mushrooms and eggs? lol. One of my favorite breakfast foods is a mushroom omlette.

2010-05-18 [moira hawthorne]: I KNOW! lol

he wont eat scrambled or fried or sunny side up eggs... even in a homemade eggymuffin with cheese!!! but he will eat pancakes that are made with 4 eggs so they are very eggy or french toast! and he will eat an omlette... even with mushrooms.. as long as there lots of other veggys and meat in it aswell... but he persists in picking the mushrooms off his pizza!

but Im sneeky! I made sauces with mushroom soup as a base...

really food wise i dont have much to complain about him... he eats well!

2010-05-18 [haldirrox]: ...he sounds like me when I was a kid. lol.

2010-05-18 [Pretaya]: That's pretty awesome.

2010-05-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: I haven't tried many vegetables, but the one I can't stand is Celery. UGH!

2010-05-21 [Fallen Child Athena]: I love most veggies...There are just some I cant eat.

2010-05-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Allergic?

2010-05-22 [Fallen Child Athena]: Nope...cant stand em xD

2010-05-22 [haldirrox]: Same here. Like brussel sprouts...

2010-05-22 [Fallen Child Athena]: I love em......I cant do Squash >.<

2010-05-22 [moira hawthorne]: I cant do chillies.. im not crazy about eggplant or zucchini
... unless they're in a vegetarian dish... like Lasagna! or grilled eggplant on a bbq!

2010-05-22 [Fallen Child Athena]: I dont like the taste of those >.>

2010-05-22 [haldirrox]: lol.

2010-05-23 [Pretaya]: I love all veggies, I can't eat hot chillies because I'm a super taster so things like that hurt me badly.

2010-05-23 [moira hawthorne]: WHAT IS A SUPER TASTER?

2010-05-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Super taster????

2010-05-24 [Pretaya]: Someone who tastes things way more intensely than others do.

2010-05-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh, I get it now.

2010-05-28 [Pretaya]: Yeah.

2010-05-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: I'm going to be an aunt!

2010-05-30 [Pretaya]: YAY!!!

2010-06-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: YAY! *hugs*

2010-06-06 [haldirrox]: *glomps* I is happy for you...

2010-06-06 [Pretaya]: *hugs Ame and hal* That is so cool.

2010-06-07 [haldirrox]: lol

2010-06-08 [Pretaya]: I can't wait for my sister to finally be a mom so I can be an aunt. She just got married on May 5th to her boyfriend of five years! I'm glad they finally tied the knot.

2010-06-08 [haldirrox]: Congrats to them!

2010-06-09 [Pretaya]: Yeah...I love my sister and her new husband. He's a great guy.

2010-06-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: That's awesome!

2010-06-10 [Pretaya]: I agree.

2010-06-10 [haldirrox]: That's so mag. I'm glad. At least he's not an ogre, or some kind of DICtator. lol.

2010-06-10 [Pretaya]: My sister was originally going to marry this guy named Brandon that lives in California a long time ago but I was not excited about that. Then they broke up, she moved back here, and literally six months after she got back she met Kyle. They've been in love ever since and I am so glad she left that a**hole.

2010-06-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: That's good that she did.

2010-06-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: How many months before you can tell the sex of a baby?

2010-06-14 [Pretaya]: I think within the second trimester. Maybe the sixth month, but I would check.

2010-06-15 [Kyrinn]: can also depend on the angle the baby is at when they do the ultrasound. :)

2010-06-15 [Pretaya]: Very true.

2010-06-15 [haldirrox]: My son decided he wanted to flash his winky at everyone when I got mine. He's such an exhibitionist. He loves to be naked; it's pretty funny. He'll start laughing for no reason when I'm changing him.

2010-06-15 [moira hawthorne]: sounds like me as a child... and my son... (I know my mom is laughin at me from her grave). it took the longest time to teach him that clothes off means stay in the house... when he was at the tottler age he loved running out of the door nakkid... before he was in school he peeed on the neighbourhood bully... luckily now that he is 9 he keeps his clothes on outside the house! i think... *worried*

2010-06-15 [haldirrox]: lol. That's hilarious.

2010-06-16 [Pretaya]: I'm a clothes hater too.

2010-06-16 [haldirrox]: lol. I love clothes.

2010-06-16 [Kyrinn]: Once when he was about 13 months old, I pulled my boy out of the bath and turned to let the water out of the tub. When I turned back to him, he was gone. got out into the hall to look and see his little bare bottom rounding the corner into my husband's home office where he sees rental customers. Heard startled laughter and my husband calling for me, turned out the office was full of people. XD He is kinda shy about his nudity now, not sure why..

2010-06-16 [haldirrox]: Oh, man, that's funny.

2010-06-16 [Kyrinn]: Yeah, it was awesome the looks on the customers in the office when I came to collect him. XD

2010-06-16 [Pretaya]: *laughs* That's great!

hal, I like clothes...on the hangers.

2010-06-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: I would've loved to see their faces. lol

2010-06-16 [Pretaya]: I know, right?

2010-06-17 [haldirrox]: I like to shop. I'm the only one in my family who really does...immediate family, anyway. My aunt is insane. She always shops on Black Friday. I went with her once...never again.

2010-06-17 [Fallen Child Athena]: I hate shopping......waste of time.....

2010-06-17 [moira hawthorne]: no segue... well better late than never... speaching of nakkid... ever tried nakkid shopping? (this is a jk peeps)

2010-06-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: I don't really like clothes shopping unless I absolutely need new clothes.

2010-06-17 [Pretaya]: I'm going to have to agree with Playful on this one.

2010-07-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh?

2010-07-03 [Pretaya]: Yeah, shopping is a ridiculous neccessity.

2010-07-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Well I rarely go shopping anyways.

2010-07-03 [haldirrox]: lol.

2010-07-04 [Pretaya]: Me too!

2010-07-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: The only thing I like to shop for is Pocky! *drools*

2010-07-14 [Pretaya]: Pocky is okay.

2010-07-14 [haldirrox]: POCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2010-07-14 [Pretaya]: **laughs*

2010-07-14 [moira hawthorne]: oooo i havernt had any pocky since last summer! I want some now! I love the dark chocolate MENS pocky

2010-07-14 [haldirrox]: I know. It's been forever since the last time I had Pocky. I misses it so...*sniffs*

2010-07-15 [moira hawthorne]: gotta go to an asian market... or to a con... but once the loblaws store across the street had int on sale and I was buying like 4 or 5 boxs a week and hoardin them... i had pocky all winter that way

2010-07-15 [Pretaya]: Walmart has pocky.

2010-07-15 [haldirrox]: ...I hate Walmart...

2010-07-15 [Pretaya]: You may but they do have pocky.

2010-07-15 [Kyrinn]: the local vid store has a bunch of different flavors but the comic shop around the corner has a TON of flavors. Too bad they cost too much though, I dont remember pocky costing so much..

2010-07-16 [Pretaya]: That's sad.

2010-07-16 [haldirrox]: lol. I know. But it's all the way on the other end of town, and I'm broke, so I'll just go without.

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