Female slots 0/6 left - Male spots 0/6 left.
[#Alden], [#Alec], [#Carlita], [#Divya], [#Emireth], [#Enzeru], [#Kelly], [#Leilani], [#Fianna], [#Lydia], [#Solomon], [#Todd] & [#Tynan]
Please note that I would like 6 males and 6 females for this RP, 3 of each will decide their path whether it be good or evil- indicating that 6 will be good, 6 will be evil if that wasn't understandable... Anyway, on to the profile template:
Age: (none under 20 please XP)
Stone of Power:
Stone of Weakness:
Username: [
Name: Leilani Freya (pronounced: Lay lawn ee -- Fray ah)
Height: 5’2”
Eye color/shape: a soft shade of honey, wide and beautiful with a faint oriental slant to them, they’re rare and usually indicate a noble family of pure blood.
Hair color/style: Short black, with crimson roots (natural), kept in an upswept, spiky do that accentuates her features.
Face specifics: High cheekbones that angle down into a narrow jaw, her features are smooth and graceful. Her eyebrows are narrow and arch at an angle over her eyes that tend to give her a ‘lost’ sort of look, though she’s very sure of herself. Her lips are soft and appear to almost be ‘pouting’ all of the time.
Body specifics: She is well toned, a thin girl with a layer of muscle that doesn’t look grotesque, instead it seems to be an appeal to most. Has an almost palpable aura that draws others to her. She has a long, thin scar that’s hardly noticeable that wraps around her throat.
Weapons: She is talented with weaponry (Swords, and stemmed from that blunt weapons that she finds offhand if necessary and knives), and is a relatively talented martial artist. Leilani carries two plain short swords at her waist at all times.
Abilities: Regeneration, dream walking- can project herself into the dreams of others, an ability used when she's in some sort of peril, super-human strength.
History: Leilani was raised in a large well-to-do family. The youngest of 9 she was often looked down upon as inexperienced and foolish due to a rather rash nature. She has also often been considered the black sheep, the foul luck of the family embodied due to the happenings that seem to come upon days that are considered holy to her- birthday, inauguration as a noblewoman, and other such special dates.
The eve of her birth her mother fell ill and died suddenly, her father, Lord Amuras, went into a severe depression for the next three years. He began to feel that the death of his wife was Leilani’s fault that she, even then a young toddler was at fault. He tried all that he knew to get rid of her- leaving her in the woods far from help, pushing her into a fast moving river. Anything that he could do subtly was the plot. Needless to say she came back in one piece each and every time.
The day of her inauguration, just after turning 7, when her father gave up trying to get rid of her that is, there was an attack on the kingdom. None were prepared and many lives were lost before the enemy was subdued.
She was schooled many long, hard years on the proper mannerisms of a woman, though followed them not. Leilani had her own personality and wasn’t willing to let anyone take or break her spirit. Many days were spent disguised and in attendance of fencing, and other such classes that she found fascinating. This went on until she was 16 and her guises discovered. She was kept under strict observation until graduation.
The morning of her marriage to a nobleman that she’d just met brought the final attack on the noble house of Najurian. The family was detained and the servants, as well as her fiancé, slain. The next year came and went, and finally it was decided that she and the others would be executed.
She isn’t quite certain of what happened next, but when she awoke she was burning- flames licked at her flesh, as well as the mangled bodies beneath and around her. Leilani fled for her life, she didn’t stop for nearly 2 days, and only then due to sheer exhaustion and dehydration.
From that point on she lived in hiding, working as a commoner would to provide herself a way of life. She thrills in her new found freedom from the bonds of nobility, rather than loathes it.
Time Period: Late 10,000 A.D., from a distant planet across the solar system, though she still is quite human.
Stone of Power: Topaz
Stone of Weakness: Bloodstone (it renders her powerless, kind of like Superman's kryptonite)

Username: [
Name: Emireth Higetsu
Age: 23
Height: 6'1"
Eye color/shape: A deep purple in color, round shaped, with thin eyebrows, at least thin for a man.
Hair color/style: A natural light blonde, but it looks silvery white. It is short and goes about to his jaw line, and is always messy and unkept.
Face specifics: A face that looks like it was cut in stone. A very handsome man for his age. His eyes make him seem a little girly, but the rest of his face cancels out that effect.
Body specifics: Nicely built muscles from all of the mixed martial arts. He is on the thin side, but not too bad. He has a tattoo of white angel wings on his back that he got right when he turned 16.
Clothes: He usually wears blue jeans and a baggy white top with billowing long sleeves that cover his hands. His family emblem is printed on the back of the shirt. His shoes are just normal Chinese style shoes because they are easy to move around in. He always wears a silver cross around his neck.
Weapons: His hands and his feet are enough for him. He can really turn anything into a weapon. When he has to, he has a small stick in his pocket that lengthens into a bo-staff.
Abilities: He can see the future. When he touches something, he automatically knows the fate and future of that object/person. He also has the power to heal wounds, but it cannot be used on himself.
Personality: Emireth is quiet and respectful, however, he usually tends to act before he thinks. He’s an all around nice guy, but he tends to be a little too trusting of people, and it ends up getting himself hurt, emotionally and physically.
History: He was born of a Chinese woman and an American father. Being an only child, Emireth grew up not really knowing the love of a sibling.
His father trained him hard and long in the world of martial arts. When Emireth was 7, his mother died of cancer, and so he moved with his father to New York City. Growing up in the ghetto carved his personality into what it is today.
Emireth never went to school, seeing that his father didn't believe he needed it, so he was home schooled.
When his father died years later, Emireth became the successor of his father's dojo at the young age of 15. From there on out, he taught the kids in the neighborhood, but always wanted to do something more.
Stone of Power: The Opal
Stone of Weakness: The Amythest (Holding: It makes him sick to his stomach, and if he’s exposed to it too long, he'll pass out.)
DECEASED!!!] -- suicide
Username: [
Name: Todd Bäerwald
Age: 26
Description: He is a short, tall person at 5'10" and has dark blue beryl eyes insomuch that they are almost black and long locks of brown hair. Todd wears a gray cape with a hood which is over his head constantly as well as a red scarf wrapped around his face. The only feature you can really see are his eyes and the scarf reaches all the way to his knees. Leather boots cover his feet and loose black pants complete his attire along with a white sailor’s shirt.
Personality: Todd is very quiet, often speaking in monotones if at all, much more preferring to play his flute then speak. He is kind, willing to do a lot for anyone that would actually approach him. Normally he is emotionless but some of the time his own anger will shine from his eyes, taking the breath of any who catch his glare.
Weapons: He wields what can best be called twin modified pikes, being shorter then spears and having long enough blades to be considered swords. However they have no blade guards and the blades slide back into the handle at the push of a button, looking to be two foot long ornate sticks until he brings out the blades.
Abilities: As long as it is night, Todd's speed, strength and senses are increased, much like an animal and his eyes reflect light. Only when the moon is out, however, he can see spirits and ghosts, becoming partly one himself.
History: Not much is known about him except that he is never seen during the day. Todd loves the night and often wanders in the darkness playing haunting tunes on his flute as he walks. People are afraid of him and he is an outcast for reasons unknown... however his very aura sends out messages of hate and anger, leaving people suspicious of him. When he was in his teens he found an old silver necklace with a light clear cobalt stone hanging as a pendant etched with silver leaves. After doing some research on the pendant he found it was a cursed bauble made of blood tainted silver and a thumb-sized blue moonstone. Ever since then he has become one with the night and is rarely seen during the day.
Todd was born in 1925, right before the Holocaust. Since he is German, he didn't have a part in the killings but was posted as a guard when he was 22 at Treblinka, and 3 years later helped the forced labor workers to rebel, burning the concentration camp to the ground. After that... he simply disappeared.
Stone of Power: The moonstone.
Stone of Weakness: The topaz. Causes him to hallucinate, takes away all of his abilities except his uncanny ability to become something akin to a ghost, which means, he is basically useless. If the moon is not out, but the stone present, this is the only thing that would keep him alive
Username: [
Name: Alec Mariano
Age: 22
Description: Alec is fairly tall just short of 6'0”. He has a slender but muscular build weighing in at only 145lbs. His icy blue eyes look as if they stare straight through you with his gaze, and his ebony black hair falls just past his shoulders. He has pale skin and sunken facial features. For an unknown reason, he still wears the metal plated, leather collar that was fitted on him at the asylum to contain, him. It still contains its powerful sedative, but isn't used against him any longer, but to aid him when he's cornered...
Personality: Staying in the backgrounds, the few that actually know him know him to be somewhat shy. Yet it isn't because of fear, the roots of this are unknown, though some think it's because of his tattered past. Though he's clinically insane, he is a savant, or prodigy of sorts. Truly a mastermind, or mad man depending on what view of him you have, none the less, his plans are usually pulled off without a hitch, and to this day, none have even seen his face, and lived to tell about it because of his tactics.
Special ability : Has an uncanny skill to create illusions, of anyone or anything he has seen, or could think up. Most of the time, his illusions are harmless, unless they manifest themselves during his sleep...then he has absolutely no control over them, giving them a physical form until he awakens once more. Taking advantage of this trait, he uses the sedative within his collar to knock him out quickly, allotting for his powers to reach there full potential
History: Since Alec was born, his sanity was questioned. Early on, he kept distant from everyone, preferring to be alone. After years of his shuffling from foster home to foster home, more disorders made themselves eerily known, mostly through his illusions. Being institutionali
zed when he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, his mild fits became much more rabid and dangerous, some of which ending in fatalities, including his escape...
Growing up in Chicago in the early 1900's, he soon came to fall into the mob so to speak, under Capone to be precise. Rising through his ranks fairly quickly, Alec had a hand in planning the St. Valentine's Day Massacre in 1929.
Weapons: Though not usually one to do dirty work himself, Alec does carry a sword with him, finding no need for any other weapon, simply because if he's going to kill you himself, you won't see him coming, period.
Stone of Power: The Emerald
Stone of Weakness: The Opal, it dissipates his illusions, rendering his ability useless.

Username:[~Crimson Angel~]
Name:Kelly Smith
Description:She's 5'11" she has blonde hair, blue eyes, she wears punk looking clothes, when she's fighting or training she wears black fingerless leather gloves, when she's not she wears a watch and some black bracelets and a blue hat.
Weapons:Guns, swords, knives, and Chinese throwing stars.
Abilities:She can read minds when she wants to but rarely does so because she feels that it isn't right, she's stronger than almost all of the guys at her college, she's the fastest student in her college, and she's a great cook.
Fighting Style:She likes to fight with swords mostly because she likes the way they feel in her hands, She uses knifes, guns, and throwing stars when she's hiding so she can injure her opponent first before delivering her final blow, but she only fights with her weapons when she has no other choice.
Time Period:She's from the present (2009).
History:Her dad was American and her mom was Canadian, her dad started teaching her how to shoot a gun, how to fight with swords, knives, and throwing stars when she was 8 years old, and her mom taught her how to cook when she was 13 years old, and she has been training and cooking ever since. When she was 16 years old her parents died in a car accident, after their death she trained even harder then before to vent out her sorrow and anger, she's lived on her own ever since her parents died, and she doesn't trust people easily. She was born in Canada, but now lives in Oklahoma. She has an aunt and uncle that live in New York but she doesn't talk to them, because they don't like her for some reason unknown to her.
Stone of Power:The Diamond
Stone of Weakness:The Emerald(it makes her sick to her stomach, and it makes her faint if she's exposed to it for more than 2 minutes.)

Username: [Pnelma Tirian]
Name: Solomon Ash
Age: 43
Description: Solomon stands 6'3", not counting his hat, with deeply flawed grey-green eyes resting under dark, expressive eyebrows. He isn't an unattractive man, but there is little to him that is particularly alluring. His brown hair is slicked back under his hat, and though he shaves every morning, a five o-clock shadow persists on scratching his cheeks. He dresses as smartly as his budget allows in a dark, tailored pinstripe suit and shiny black shoes. He wears a large tan overcoat and wears a red tie underneath his vest and a pocket watch in its pocket. He's well built, but not a large man, and his posture reflects a quiet disposition.
Weapons: He can hold his own in a bar brawl, but he prefers the straightforward nature of a revolver.
Abilities: He can vanish from sight with a thought, disappearing from the senses both physical and incorporeal. He also has a deep-seated connection with the Catholic church, and can withstand ridiculous amounts of pain and physical damage as long as his soul and his mind are pure and calm. When he is near a church or amongst innocent or religious souls, his powers are amplified, including his physical well-being.
Personality: Solomon is a quiet man with simple tastes. Unfortunately, his simple tastes include a fondness for whiskey, which tend to transform him from a mild-mannered, brutally frank detective into a violent, blubbering idiot. When he's not drowning himself, he is a man whose boyish ideals have been shattered, but the effects of those ideals on his personality remain intact.
History: Solomon was born and raised in Chicago to a former barnstormer and his eternally frazzled Irish wife. He was 19 when Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese. His experience with his father's planes motivated him to join the Air Force, fighting in WWII as a fighter pilot. He moved out to California when he returned, hoping to find a new life. He joined the local law enforcement, but was dishonorably discharged from the force for a crime he did not commit. Left with nothing but a shabby Los Angeles apartment, he opened a detective agency with an old friend downtown. His friend had ties with the mafia, and after bailing him out one too many times, Solomon moved out on his own, opening his own office in Hollywood.
Stone of Power: The Bloodstone
Stone of Weakness: The Garnet muddles his senses and leaves him in a drunken, discombobulated state before sending him to sleep.

Username: [Chel.]
Name: Divya Meejiti
Age: 35
Time Period: VERY distant future (2510)
Description: Divya is from Indian descent, something that is definitely clear from looking at her. She has higher cheekbones and a strong bridge on her nose, a usual trait for the people of India. Her eyes are a lime green, like her power stone. Her skin is olive and her hair is a dark brown. Her hair is long but she keeps it tied up.
On her forehead she wears a red bindi. Her boots are equipped with jets on the sides that allow her to fly. Over her eyes, she wears a visor with adjustable settings. It is adjustable for aiming and location hostiles.
Personality: She is feisty and believes in the true justice system. Divya is loud and a bit bossy but she believes that it's the only way to get things done. Her rambunctious personality has gotten her into a few fist fights, but she has never had a problem winning them due to her power. Under her thick skin she is quite kind and girly. She never shows anyone this persona however. Divya keeps that trait hidden dormant in fear that it might allow her to loose her title as Galactic Police Chief.
Weapons: She has two small, pistol-like guns that use heat seeking lasers and locating devices. Around her belt, she is equipped with small explosives, similar to a classic grenade but smaller and more deadly.
Abilities: Divya is undeniably strong. Though she uses her guns a lot, she is unbeatable in physical strength. She was nicknamed 'Tank' in her Police Academy and for good reason. Divya can bend metal and snap trees in half...if she so pleases.
History: Divya grew up on a small plantation on a slow moving meteor that orbits Mercury. Her Father was a police officer and when she was quite young, he was killed by a horde of rioters during a protest that had spun out of control. It was the events of the fateful say that pushed Divya to become an upholder of peace. Divya was schooled on the prestigious police academy on the Moon and graduated 1st in her grade.
She is currently Chief of the Galactic Police Force(or the GPF). Although she is rebellious when she is on the job, she ultimately always reaches in one way or another. However there is always a hefty bill of repair damages after the fact.
Stone of Power: Peridot
Stone of Weakness: Opal (uncontrollable and extreme nose bleeds that result in her passing out from blood loss)

Username: [Hiarhu]
Name: Alden
Age: 28
Description: A tall, pale, almost thin man with jet black hair. His eyes are dark green and very sensitive to bright light, because of this he often wears a black hood when he is out in the daytime but prefers the night because of his sensitivity.
Once a more jovial and good spirited man events within the last two years have changed him. His humor is now cynical and cold. He is a logical man and enjoys outthinking those he considers fools and often making them question themselves for shear amusement. He is often stubborn in his old ways and is known to become obsessed with a single cause, more often for the greater good, against his better judgment. He harbors great anger inside after the events that robbed him of his friends and damaged his sight. He has always only killed when he has to, but he finds the line between want and necessity blurring a little more each day.
Weapons: Carries a short light weight sword he likes to call Ora which he uses with speed and skill, also has small sharp throwing daggers concealed in his clothing that he can throw with great accuracy and little warning. He relies more on speed and stealth rather than strength. Fast and agile he is lethal against a larger slower foe.
Abilities: Having always possessed excellent eyesight he is nearly blind in bright sunlight without protection now but can see unaided in the night better than any man alive. It is unknown how but he has recently come into the ability to move at speeds beyond human perception for an extremely short time. He can appear to vanish and reappear instantly a distance away however he has not yet harnessed this power to its full potential and can only move within a set distance; beginning to slow down the longer he tries to use this power. He is constantly training and pushing his limits in the hopes of mastering his gift.
History: Alden has worked hard to conceal his past, and his true name. For much of his life he worked as a thief for hire, procuring rare and valuable objects for anyone that could pay. After being hired to procure and object believed to have great power he found himself in the middle of a war to acquire his prize. It is unknown if he ever attained his goal but it was this war and this object that changed him. After he recovered he returned to his employer empty handed and wordlessly beheaded him with Ora, disappearing to the few that knew him after leaving his promised payment on the chest of the corpse.
Stone of Power: The Ruby.
Stone of Weakness: Sapphire, it clouds his mind and makes him irrational. This state progressing into near madness the longer he is exposed. He will begin to rapidly make mistakes in judgment and combat. The grace and focus needed to move at his advanced speeds will be lost endangering him if he makes a false step at high velocity it could kill him.
[DECEASED!!!] -- eaten by sabertooths...

Username: [loonygirl2005]
Name: Carlita Serinato
Age: 26
Description: She has short dark blond hair, with green/brown eyes. She is about 5’4 and can stare down any threat. She is lightly tan with a scar in the shape of a star on her forehead. Her eyes are big and round shaped with thick eyelashes. She is curvy and is mistaken for a girl of beginning twenties. Her face is oval shaped and she has a little bit of a double chin. Most people tend to overlook her because her appearance is not that striking.
Weapons: She has a staff and a set of throwing daggers.
Abilities: She can read people’s mind and move objects with her mind. She knows how to attack with stealth. She is also a healer. She can create amulets for protection and enhancement of natural skills.
History: Carlita was born in a family full of several abilities. It was no surprise she ended up with the gifts she did. However the different abilities divided the family, and ended up in a feud. The feud began over the idea of good verses evil. .. She was the middle child, her siblings were; Arenia (oldest) Zorpho (second) Carlita (middle) Sakura (fourth) Zelrick (Youngest). The introduction of power seemed to blind her father and brothers. They went too far and a clan killed the brothers, father, mother and Sakura. Areina and Carlita were the only two left alive of the family. She had heard about the stones all of her life but didn’t think much of it. The stones didn’t become a reality until her mother passed down the Agate Stone to her the night before the murder. Areina and Carlita were the only two left alive of the family. Areina went into hiding and changed her name to start a new life while Carlita was left alone to fend for herself. The division cost her family everything so she has grown to hate her gifts and herself.
Stone of Power: The Agate
Stone of Weakness: Amethyst (negates healing capabilities and steals focus from Carlita)

Username: [.Anti-Juliet.]
Name: Lydia Black
Age: 23
Description: : Lydia is 5'2" tall and weighs about 105 lbs. She is thin, but not delicate. Her heart shaped face is framed by long, luscious waves of dark auburn hair. Her glistening eyes are a deep shade of violet-blue and are framed by long auburn lashes, making them her most striking feature. Her skin is a creamy, pale white and is naturally smooth and relatively unflawed. Her smile is dazzling but she doesn’t smile often. Her usual attire is plain for a woman of her station but fits her well. Her bodice is a plain white peasant shirt with flowing sleeves, over which she wears a tight black corset with a some-what intricate lace pattern at the neck. Her wool skirt is dyed a deep purple and she has a beautiful midnight blue sash. Her shoes are black, sturdy, walking boots. When she has to dress according to her station, her dress is much more elegant consisting of a deep plum purple brocade gown with silver embroidery and black lace trimming at the neck and ends of the sleeves. She wears matching plum slippers. The only jewelry she ever wears is a delicate silver circlet, which is only worn with her more elaborate gown and a beautiful amethyst pendant with intricate silver filigree around the edges. The back of the setting in which the stone sits reads, “Là où jamais vous allez mon coeur sera également.” Translated it reads, “Where ever you go my heart will be also.” It is a very valuable family heir loom, which has been passed from mother to daughter for at least 10 generations.
Weapons: Lydia’s main weapons are a beautiful cedar bow and an intricately designed dagger that she has no idea how she came to own. The dagger has beautiful silver filigree that somehow matches her pendant exactly and is adorned with a rather large amethyst at the hilt. On the blade, though the writing is now faint, the same French motto is engraved. She knows how to use the long sword and has a relatively simple, but faithful blade that she has named Venin-Coeur, or Venom-Heart. She also has some knowledge of herbs and poisons.
Abilities: Lydia is an empath. She can sense another’s emotions from a distance up to a mile away if she knows who she is looking for and has been around them enough to single in on their aura. She also has some telekinesis but it is a very weak ability and she does not use it often.
History: Born in 1466, Lydia is the bastard daughter of a French noble woman, but has always been raised as a legitimate daughter. She has no clue as to who her father is and her mother refuses to speak on the subject. Growing up, Lydia has always felt like a part of her was missing. The gowns, embroidery, dancing, hours of kneeling pious on the chapel floor that is expected of a young woman of her station bores her and makes her feel like a pretender, a dancer in a masquerade, playing a part, longing for the stroke of midnight so that she can tear off her mask and act as she was meant to. The only time Lydia feels like she is truly herself is when she is out riding horseback or practicing her weaponry. Because of her unusual tomboyish nature no suitor has been found for her, and honestly she doesn’t care. She doesn’t want to hide behind cosmetics and a half embroidered altar cloth for the rest of her life. She longs for a man who will let her be her adventurous self. Besides she has had one lover and it was the worst mistake of her young life. After leaving her, innocence lost, for a younger, more attractive woman, Lydia swore off all men until she found the one who will let her be herself, love her beautiful or not, and respect her in every way. She tends to be cold and cruel when it comes to men and is very jealous of any man she expresses any interest in. For now she continues on with her almost double life, pleasing mother when the need arrives and spending as much time out of doors as possible. Also, since childhood, Lydia has been extremely fond of the dark. Her favorite hours are the hours between midnight and three a.m. somehow she senses the power that resides in this time frame and has been enchanted with it since about the age of four.
Stone of Power: Amethyst
Stone of Weakness: Peridot is Lydia’s weakness stone. Instead of rendering her abilities useless or causing her some sort of physical sickness, peridot reverses Lydia’s ability, sending all of her emotions out of her and confusing her senses. If the stone is large enough or touching her skin, the confusion can be so great that she will actually collapse into a fetal position and black out for hours at a time. The only way she can stand this terrible effect is if a stone with the power to heal or protect is near such as Ruby, Agate or Emerald. However, the proximity of these stones can not completely negate the effects, they only allow her some time to run or fight off an attacker.
[MIA-Status unknown] -- At this point it is assumed that Lydia is simply gone...

(made for me by a friend, used with permission)
Username: [Nite_Owl]
Name: Fianna "Anna" Ruth Dag'nir
Age: 30
Description: Like many others, Anna has very little clothing and normally only wears the tattered remains of a blouse and long skirt along with a pair of battered leather boots--a lucky article and the most important to her. The rags conceal a beauty in her despite many long harsh years, and truthfully she tends to deliberately hide the long red curls and thin but surprisingly muscular build beneath the tattered fabric in order to raise her chances of finding a man's work in the city. However, though admittedly beautiful in her own way, Anna is by no means weak or feminine. She is not afraid to turn a gun on a man or to speak out in public rebellion and is often very argumentative and uncompromising when it comes to the views of others, aspects that tend to frighten people away from her rather than attract. Because of this, Anna has very few close friends, and secretly leads a very lonely life. Although she tries to seem comfortable and optimistic for the sake of others and always attempts to carry more than her fair share of the workload, alone she knows only sadness and pessimism and frustration.
Weapons: Anna is well-handed with blades mostly (particularly the scythe and shearing blades) and can shoot very accurately and quickly with a rifle after years of practice hunting and farming. Also, though not knowing any particular style, she's surprisingly good at hand-to-hand combat, particularly in boxing. She always keeps a scythe on her back from the fields and often a pistol at her side or a rifle over her shoulder for hunting.
Abilities: She is surprisingly logical and tactful and is often called upon to solve problems. As a young girl, she enjoyed learning what little math and puzzles were available, and quickly developed them later on in life to serve her purposes as the leader of a rebel group. Despite very little actual knowledge of mathematics, she can solve nearly any problem with very little thought. Sometimes, when her mind is especially calm and clear, she has intuitions about people and places that can guide her in her decisions, much like mind reading but through feeling rather than thought.
History: Anna was born in 1818, the third of five children. She didn't know her parents well, especially her mother, who died in childbirth the night of her final son's birth. Her father and grandfather both played significant roles as part of the Society of United Irishmen in the late 1700's, but her father was hanged when she was still very young after being found out. As a child growing up in the drastic and widespread poverty of the lands surrounding Belfast, Anna made many acquaintances (many of whom would die shortly afterward) and got to know the towns and cities well. In the evenings, faced with constant hunger, crime, and poverty, she quickly learned how to pickpocket rich English travelers in the city and steal from the busy vendors, while at home for hours a day she worked in the crops and fields to harvest what little there was. Two of her siblings died of hunger before reaching age 20. She, the oldest of the three remaining siblings, demanded they head for anywhere but Britain, as far away from it as possible, and although her sister obeyed, her brother Seamus stayed behind with her. As the true Great Famine began to spread through the country, sparking peasant wars with landlords and crime like never before, Anna decided to take action. Outraged at the dividing of their nation, she began a local revolution with her younger brother as part of a movement called Young Ireland and, after gaining a fair number of followers, rallied violently against the local landlords where she lost most of her left hand and badly scarred her arm and part of her face. Her brother was one of many to be imprisoned and executed afterward, and although Anna's anger and need for revenge grew, she went into hiding to the west to avoid the entire group falling apart. She continues to keep close in touch with those left behind and plans from afar the the destruction of the Kingdom.
Stone of Power: Sapphire
Stone of Weakness: Agate (makes her giddy and confused and dizzy, as if suddenly drunk, and, depending on the size of the stone and its proximity, makes her tremble and shiver, drastically affecting her fighting ability. It also causes her mild telepathy to increase into hallucinations and the mixed voices of several thoughts at once)

Username: [The Black Cat in Your Path]
Name: Enzeru "Angel" Gomoshi
Age: 21 years old
Description: Has short, jet-black hair that reaches his earlobes in length, and sort of just spikes out everywhere. His skin is naturally tanned, his body toned and muscular, but covered in scars all over his body. He stands at 6'1" and is thin with a charming smile and deep blue eyes that have a hint of yellow around the pupil. He usually wears his custom robes and sandals, but prefers to go barefoot.
Weapons: A hand-crafted steel katana that his grandfather made him when he was still young and learning. He also carries poison darts with him, just in case.
Abilities: Aside from being naturally quick and strong, he's a healer, but at a cost. Enzeru can heal any superficial wound (i.e. a broken arm or a burn) but in turn it is brought unto himself. So, for example, if a little girl cuts her knee, when he touches it, the cut on the girl will vanish, but reopen on his matching knee. He cannot, however, heal any chronic or terminal illnesses such as cancer, or internal bleeding. He also has enhanced healing abilities in himself, so he never has a fresh wound for long.
History: Enzeru was born and raised in an orphanage run by several priestesses in his home village in Japan in 794 A.D., just as the capitol of Heijō-kyō was being moved to Kyoto. He was very smart, and the priestesses managed to teach him things like basic algebra, reading, writing, mapping and astrology. He spent some time on the Emperor's army, serving as a guard where he learned most of his trade fighting skills and even a few gambling games. He loves to gamble, but isn't really ever good at it. He is called Angel by everyone he knows simply because of his good, friendly nature. He has healed many people, and because of it, his body is covered in scars, including a large gash down the middle of his back that almost killed him, which he took from a dying priestess in a fire after a beam had fallen on her. He's very self conscious about his scars, but he doesn't regret them. He's very charitable, forgiving, and is very friend and family oriented. He loves to laugh and smile, and sometimes has been known to make jokes of even the most serious occasions. He also has a great love and respect for women, even though they are treated like second-class citizens in his time. He will never hit a woman, speak foully in front of one, and he always tries to show them respect.
Stone of Power: Garnet
Stone of Weakness: Diamond - it blurs his vision and makes him weak, as well as causes all of his scars to reopen and bleed. If too much time is spent around it, he could die of blood loss.

Username:[Silver Moon]
NameTynan (The dark one)
Age: 20
Hair:He has long black hair that comes to his waist. It is tied back and has natural red streaks.
Eyes: His eyes are green with red flecks in them and have a slant to them that is exotic and elvish. His eyes are a dark color and seem to darken when upset and sparkle when happy. But under the surface they seem to have sadness in their depths.
Body build: He has a tall skinny structure that looks deceivingly frail but under his clothes he is well muscled.
He has a silver crescent moon birthmark in the center of his forehead that causes unwanted attention where he goes, and is the target of superstitious bias in some villages he travels through and thus he wears a headband to conceal it.
Face: His facial structure is elvish looking with high narrow cheekbones. He is beautiful and exotic.
Weapons: An enchanted sword. Throwing knives.
Abilities: Fire magic and manipulation spells. His strength is any spell dealing with fire but he is able to influence an opponents actions if they have a weak will power.
History: Tynan was born under a rare blood moon with the prophecy that he would kill his father, the leader of his tribe. His father couldn't bear the thought of having him killed so he had him sent away and placed on the steps of a temple. There he was raised by the priests under the assumption that he was an orphan.
When he was young the priests discovered he had a fiery temper, when he nearly killed another child that had hit him, by accidentally retaliating with fire. He was sent away to live in an orphanage due to them not knowing how to handle him. He felt betrayed and got the feeling he wasn't wanted or loved.
He was abused by one of the workers in the orphanage and accidentally killed him when he was 14, he feared he would be punished and so he ran away.
He stole his weapons from a knight when he was 15 who was resting in the woods he came to call home. He soon discovered the sword contained protective properties and kept it close.
When he was 16 he was found by a fire mage and taken in. He was trained carefully in how to use magic, particularly fire. He came to rely on his master as a father and grew close to him.
When he was 18 he came home from doing his chores to discover his home was on fire and his master's throat had been slit. He managed to put out the fire with his magic but was unable to save his master. He left the village and has been on the road sinse.
He aids those he can but has developed a cold impassive facade when he isn't helping others. He believes his facade will help protect others from getting too close and being hurt because he believes he is cursed.
Stone of Power: Ruby
Stone of Weakness: Peridot, it makes him lust for blood and he loses his sanity temporarily. In essence it causes him to become a berserker.

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