Page name: Treaty and attack [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-11-10 04:58:15
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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Apparently all the villans(from all the animes and video game) Have formed together tonight for a meeting. They were all in a large group talking in a deserted field. Conversations of confusion, exitment, lust, thrill, and many other feeling and thouts filled the air. Then a sorcerer in a black robe, holding a black staff and it had a black jewel in it, stood on the small cliff above them. His eyes were narrow and gold and the rims were think and black. His hair was long and dark.


He looked out at the noisy crowd in annoyance,


and everything became silent. "I can no doubt know that you are wondering what your all doing here tonight." The crowed then began to say things like, 'Yeah!, what's going on?, why are we here?, Who the hell are you!, what's the meaning of this!?' "You were gathered here tonight for a plan of treaty and attack on Lady Tamika's home and all her little friends. I have reason to belive you all hate someone there." The sorcer said, "If we ban together under my leadership, we can finally bring them to their knees!" "Who says you should be the one in charge anyway!?" Eggman shouted from his little legged, egg ship, thingy...... "He's right!" someone yelled, then the crowd began to talk again. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!!!!!" Suddenly, Atamis rose from the ground. "Who dares call me out so late!?" Lord Kairu walked out from the woods. Then Naraku also walked from the opposite side of the woods, glaring, "Why have you called us here?" The sorcer at the top of the cliff glared, "To attack the home of Tamika. Form a treaty with me and we can finally kill them all!" the sorcerus shouted over the gient crowd. After a short moment they went into a cheering roar. The thought of being able to make the heroes suffer, to see thier blood, or take control of them filled the villans with excitment and lust. "A chance to capture Rika amd take her power for my own, once and for all? Why not? I'll join wth you then." Atamis said. "I'm in. As long as I can finally get the jewel of Atlantis." Lord Kairu grinned evily. Eggman minaicly laughed, "As long as I can destroy that blue hedghog I'm in!" The black sorcerer grinned in evil satusfaction.

Back at the house, Tamika had fallen asleep on the porch when the sunlight woke her up a few hours later. She winced from the light then looked around, "Ah! I fell asleep!? Out here!? Op-" Then she covered her mouth, remebering that most of the others must still be asleep. She looked around and spotted Rika who stired in the tree above. Rika looked down at Tamika in her night gown on her sitting position. Tamika blushed with embaracment and zipped inside. Rika shook her head, then nudged Hiei to wake him.

Tamika took her shower, to avoid the morning rush, even with all the showers in the house it was still hard to get a turn. When she went back down stairs, Rena, Yuniko, and Tea were in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. Tamika blinked then smiled and joined them.
Upstairs, Yusuke and Ed pushed each other, shoulder to shoulder, in a race, through the halls to get to the bathroom. Ed shoved Yusuke into the wall, "GET OUT OF THE WAY! It's my turn to get it first! You got it yesterday!" "Yeah right, like I'm gonna let a shrimp like you get it!" Yusuke pushed ahead.


and Ed ragged on with his funny mad face on as he chased Yusuke down the hall. Yusuke reached the bathroom first and closed the door as Ed slammed into it and fell down. "OPEN THE DOOR!" "Fat chance of that happening!" Yusuke yelled back. Ed mumbled to himself as he trudged down the hall. He was thinking of using alchemy to boobie trap Yusuke, but it wasn't alowed in the house. He ran down the hall level to the second bathroom in the second story part of the house, but just as he got there, Echa ran in and took it. He moaned and ran to the first level, but Leigh was in that one. He rushed to the thrid level to those two bathrooms, but they were taken. Then he ran to the underground level, but all the ones there were taken too. Now all he could do was wait till one opened as he sighed and drooped his head.

Once everyone was done showering and changing, they went to the large dinning room to eat breakfast. There was always large descusion when everyone was eating. For example, Echa and Amy were talking about going down to the mall later that day. Knuckles, Tails, and Sonic were talking about the emeralds and Eggman. Leigh, Yami, Yugi, Joey, Trisin, Duke, Talim, and Tea were just goofing amoung themselves with Leigh hanging all over Yami of cource. Mayumi, Miyuki, Sango, Kagome, Shippo, Miroku, Koga, and Inuyasha were talking mostly about different things. Mayumi and Koga talked all lovely dovey. Miyuki, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo talked about randome things. Inuyasha and Kagome just talked about the two eras. Ed talked with Tamika and Kass, Al listen in and talked with Robin, Cyborg, and Beastboy. Starfire and Raven talked about meditation. Vivian, Bobbery, Koops, Kooper, Mario, Luigi, and Maddam Flurrie talked about different things. Yusuke and Kuwabara argued about something and friendly elbowed each other. Rena, Kurama, and Yuniko talked about taking EVERYONE to Atlantic. Keiko and Yukina chatted and laughed about things like shopping and the boys. FINALLY, Hiei and Rika had went off somewhere, as usuale.

[I think that's everyone. -.-' *wipes forehead then goes back to front page to check*]

By noon, everyone was doing......something on their own. Kass and Ed spared outside. Tamika, Echa, Amy, Rena, Yuniko, Keiko, Kagome, Vivian, Madam Flurrie, Mayumi, Miyuki, Sango, Tea, Talim, Leigh, Starfire, and basicly all the girls except Rika and Raven, [who were talkng about spells back on the roof of the house], were shopping at town. Yusuke had gone to the park and was lieing down under a tree. Kuwabara had taken Yukina to the Spirit World so she could return home. Kurama and Al went to the library. Mario, Luigi, Bobbary, Koops, and Kooper had went to manage their new Italian restarant, which was in town where the girls were shopping. Inuyasha, Shippo, Miroku, Koga, Sonic, and Beastboy had went off in different directions in the woods. Talis and Cyborg showed Yami, Trisin, and Talim how to work something while Joey and Duke duled and Yugi spectated. Knuckles and Robin trained in the backyard.

After shopping, the girls decided to pop in on Mario and his restarant. The door swung open and Tamika stood in the doorway frist, "Hellooooooo!" "AH! Looky what wes got her'! My favorit peoples! How' it goin', eh?" Mario asked as the girls walked in and took seats. Which happened to be almost all the seats in the little area, since there were so many of them. "Hey' Luigi! We gottsa BIG crowd here'! Give 'em the specilites." Mario shouted to Luigi over his shoulder and through a small serving window. "Right Mario! Comin' up!" Luigi said and went to go cook up some things. Everyone was soon served and they were talking and laughing and having fun. Untill Tamika stepped outside for a moment, she was hit by a big energy blast from above and screamed as she was knocked back onto the pavment, unconcious. The first ones to run out were Mayumi, Sango, Leigh, and Starfire. Mayumi went to Tamika's side as the others saw something in the sky that make them stiff. Then the other girls along with Mario and his gang ran out, "WHAT" Kagome looked at the demons and villans that flooed the sky as the towns people flead in fear. Naraku swooped down and picked up Kagome, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! LET GO OF ME!" she yelled and tried to punch him. "HIRIKOTS!" Sango whipped it right at him and chopped off his teneical thingy that held Kagome. Vivian rose from the ground just in time to drag her into the shadows so she didn't fall. Then Leigh brought out her staff and shot a Power Bubble at him and his demons by him. It hit him and sent him down as Miyuki ran for him to attack. She thrust her claw just as she reached him and made a direct hit. Then he seemed to dissapeare, but one of his dolls fell to the ground, cut in two. "DAMNIT!" She cursed then turned to see the others fighting demons as Mayumi tried her best to keep them away from Tamika when Miyuki ran to help. Kagome and Vivian arose from the shadows and Kagome shot an arrow into the demon army, killing most of them. Mayumi thrust her claw to amy of them. Echa made a number of powerful hits to them while Amy used her piko piko hammer. Yuniko and Rean used element combo attacks. Madam Flurri used her wind powers, Talim used her swords, Tea and Keiko stayed back. Mario and Luigi used their fire attacks. Koops and Kooper used their shell attacks. Finally, Starfire used her star bolts. They seemed to have the upper hand, but more demons came, and more, and more. It seemed endless. That is, untill out of on where, "SPIRIT GUN!!!" a huge energy blast blew ALL the demons away. When the girls turned, "YUSUKE!" Keiko shouted. He stood pointing and with a agroveated frown, "GEEZE! Can't a guy relax in peace for once!?" the girls looked on with confused faces and sweat drops. "I mean really! Everytime I get a chance to rest, someone or something comes along to ruin it!" He continued. "Shut up Yusuke and help us!" Keiko shouted to him as she and some other girls went to Tamika's side. Yusuke and the other girls came over to her as well, "She's out cold..." Mayumi said. "We'd better take her home." Keiko said. "Good idea. I want some of you to stay here incase anymore demons decide to show up. Tea and Keiko, you come with me." Mayumi said as she picked up Tamika. The three went off, back to the house. "Whata we gonna do now? My restaranta door is GONE!" Mario complined, showing the front of his restarant destoryed from the battle. Imediantly Vivian, Bobbary, Madam Flurrie, Echa, Amy, Sango, and Leigh began to fix it. "Amy, can you hand me that hammer?" Echa pointed to one on the ground. "Sure, Echa." Amy handed it to her. Madam Flurrie used her wind powers to blow back some debrie. Vivian extended her purple ghost body up to higher parts, to fix them, that the others couldn't reach. Then the other joined in as well to work on the outside, as others went to fix the interior.

>> Sunset couples

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2005-04-05 [Lady Alaina]: lol

2005-04-06 [Kiristo]: ^^

2005-04-20 [Lady Alaina]: LOL Its Piko Piko Hammmer! PIKO not Poka! XD LOL Funny,though...Poka Poka Hammer. XD rofl.

2005-04-20 [Lady Alaina]: ..........O_O Sunset couples? ...................COUPLES?! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COUPLES!!!!!!!!! XD One of my favorite subjects! LOL

2005-04-22 [Kiristo]: lol^^

2005-04-22 [Kiristo]: Knucles and Echa are in it.

2005-04-23 [Lady Alaina]: I figured taht! XD

2005-04-24 [Kiristo]: lol^XD

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