Page name: Trinity - Miles [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-05-05 20:44:25
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Trinity - Miles Story Bond

Good Bond


She spotted him, a hunched over, miserable looking thing among all the blankets he had wrapped around himself as he sat silently, staring out the window. The white shock of his hair was about all she could make out, but even so she knew it was her little brother, Miles. She could hear his thoughts, jumbled, hurt and upset echoing through his mind. She felt his tortured emotions, his confusion. It was painful.

Trinity glided over to the little mound, and from far away she looked like some haunting image—pale as snow, her white dress trailing behind her in a ghostly manner. She eased herself down beside the drow, gently reaching her arms around him and pulling him into an embrace. He did not resist her, but his blood-shot auburn eyes did break their gaze with the outside world.

“Miles, dear, please don’t cry.” She said softly, nuzzling into his hair. The drow fought his tears a moment longer before his arms shot out around her and he cried shamelessly into her chest. She began to hum softly, rocking the boy and letting her fingers caress his hair gently.

She didn’t have to ask why he was so upset—she knew. Her gift made it possible… though cursed as it may be it was sometimes comforting to others that they needn’t explain their distress. Poor Miles… his very first pet, an adorable little kitten he had adopted twelve years earlier had passed away the night before. It had been the first thing he had learned to care for. It had been by his side practically the entirety of its life.

“Why do things have to die?” Miles sniffed, brushing at his eyes as he pulled away. He was an emotional young man and was not at all ashamed that at twenty-two years old he still would shed tears for an animal that had been his closest companion for many years. Miles was gentle like that and Trinity was envious. His emotions made him stronger, likeable and gentle. She sometimes wished she could cry when something made her sad, or laugh uncontrollably when something was truly funny… No, she was not like that. She was plain, bland… His opposite.

“Oh, Miles…” Trinity reached up with both hands and with soft and delicate fingers she wiped away the tears from her little brothers face. “I know it is painful, but death is only natural. Everything dies.”

Miles looked at her with wounded eyes and her gentle smile faded. He could never understand her lack of sympathy—try as she could, being assaulted with emotions all day made her numb. She spoke facts, moved with practiced sweetness, but try as hard as she could, she would never be able to truly grasp real emotion.

Shuddering the drow looked away and his head dropped. Trinity probably wasn’t the person to ask, but he asked anyways, ”Do you think she’s in a better place?”

Trinity pursed her lips. She wasn’t sure how she felt about life after death—especially not for animals. Did they go where they went when they died? Or did they simply rot away in the ground, become nutrients in the soil and become part of the life cycle again? It was an interesting question.

Miles looked away, resting his chin on his upraised knees. Maybe it was because he was so gentle that he wasn’t upset she didn’t answered. Or maybe it was because he was afraid to know what she would say... Or maybe it was because he truly believed that his little friend was somewhere chasing butterflies, drinking warm milk every night and playing with a big ball of yarn. It was something he desperately wished was true, despite the silliness.

Trinity couldn’t help but smile as Miles’ train of thought fed into her mind. The images was cute and so like him. Of course the young drow would fabricate something so positive for something so tragic for him. Miles would be all right. He would cry, but he would be all right.

“Would you like me to sit here a little longer with you?” the young woman asked and her fingers reached out again to stroke her brothers white locks. Miles nodded quietly, but did not look at her. Gently she reached one arm around him and rested her head against his shoulder. She began to hum softly, and it was a soothing hum, a gentle lullaby she remembered her mother had sung when she was very young. The words had since been lost to her, but the melody had stuck. She used the melody to calm her siblings, and it usually did.

After what seemed like an hour, Miles finally stirred so Trinity raised her head from the other. The drow was smiling sincerely and a glisten of tears was still present in his eyes. “Thank you, Trinity. I think that Puddles would have enjoyed it too…”

Her smile crept into a grin and she leaned forward to nuzzle her nose against his forehead.

Miles was such a cute and silly little boy.


A/N: 7/81 bonds complete for my project to get to know my characters.

I had NO IDEA what to write for these two. I was going through their character sheets and I was trying really hard to think of some scenario that would place them together... Sadly this was what I came up with.

Trinity's character is still building, even after her third bond I'm still a little shaky with her personality... but I like where it's heading.

Miles... Miles is so freaking cute he makes me die of laughter. Seriously... He's... so weird.

And...yes...I laughed obnoxiously when the name "Puddles" came to my head for the cat... Like... obnoxiously. It's so Miles that I had to do it. The name Puddles isn't as random as you'd friend Kyle and I were walking back to the dorms and I walked through a puddle and commented on how stupid the word 'Puddle' sounded, and then proclaimed if I had any children I would name them Puddles... so I guess I've kind of stayed true to that--Miles' kitties name is Puddles...

Man, that shouldn't be so funny, but it really is to me.

I WISH desperately that this story was longer, but I think it had to stay short and sweet to keep me focused.


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