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2008-12-21 [Linderel]: Did you know that, read in RP, that last rhyme doesn't work? :P
2008-12-21 [Triola]: Yes, obviously :P But read in the way I would read it, it rhymes perfectly. And I actually did think about it, but I think it works in RP as well. It's like in In The Artist's Studio by Christina Rossetti, the not-rhyme leaves the reader a bit unsatisfied, which opens room for reflection. And with the assonance of "mark" and "vase", it doesn't sound half bad.
2008-12-21 [Jitter]: I used to read it this way as well. Now I read it as vase, rhymes with spaz
2008-12-21 [Triola]: I hope you mean spas (as in one spa, many spas), and not spaz (rhymes with jazz) :P
2008-12-21 [Jitter]: I did mean the Jazz one. I was always taught to pronounce that s as z oO
2008-12-21 [Triola]: Well, the Canadians do, they pronounce it so that it rhymes with "maze", while the Americans have it rhymed with "trace" and the British with "spas" :)
2008-12-21 [Jitter]: My teacher was Australian and rhymed it with maze. Then I heard it on a British show rhyming with Jazz oO
2008-12-21 [Triola]: I've never heard of that o.O But of course, that doesn't necessarily mean anything :P I think we need the Lami-expert on this one! :P
2008-12-22 [Linderel]: Nope, never heard of it rhyming with 'jazz' either. All news to me xD But it depends on where the speaker's from I suppose. There's lots of different accents even inside England, let alone the whole of Britain.
2008-12-22 [Jitter]: I think Squee would be more appropriate to pinpoint this :P
2008-12-22 [Linderel]: Indeed :P
2009-02-11 [windowframe]: very late 'wtf?' No way it rhymes with Jazz. :P And I've never heard anyone from anywhere here say it in a way that would make it rhyme with jazz. <.<
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