Page name: Tweeters-For-Elftown [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2011-05-23 12:59:54
Last author: Artsieladie
Owner: Artsieladie
# of watchers: 1
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An Elftown Fantasy Wiki!

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Welcome to the "Tweeters For Elftown" wiki-page!

This wiki-page is an acknowledgment page for those Elftowners whom have Twitter accounts and
"Tweet for Elftown", which means they tweet about Elftown. Tweeting about and for Elftown can
be in reference to just about anything having to do with Elftown, like: the news, a wiki-page, or a
contest on Elftown, to mention a few examples.

If you "Tweet for Elftown" and wish to be recognised as a "Tweeter for Elftown", add your Elftown
username, along with the link to your Twitter account url below in the area designated: "We proudly
tweet for Elftown", number your posting, and whalah, you will then be one! It's this simple and easy.


                                                               Related Links:                                                              
<img:> ~ TwitterscapesDesign
<img:> ~
<img:> ~ TwitterscapesDesign_Elftown-Contest
<img:> ~ Twytterscapes


"We proudly tweet for Elftown"

Posting format:
0) - (username) - Twitter url

Begin posting here:
1) - [Artsieladie] -
2) -
3) -
4) -
5) -

Username (or number or email):


Your name: Write AT here:

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