Page name: Urmando's Pictures [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-07 23:04:36
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Welcome at:


[Here you will find some pictures of me:
a mix of Recent Picture's and Old Picture's!!!
So have fun, and Enjoy....



Yup, I can be a little baby, or a BIG Baby,
at my BabyParty in August 2000

Look Mama, I haven't changed a bit after 40 years...


1995, with Long Hair


1995 BodyPainting (NOT Tattoo) at an Erotic event with
my ex (she was also the Model for "Aricia" Urmando's 2D Art)


1988, when I was doing my Dance teacher examination


1992, Preparing my Dance act for Dutch television


1997, With the Dutch Airforce, on Exercise in Portugal,
Having fun on my Rollerblades


1997, I was not allowed to skate on the flight line,
But hey..... It's Fun, some pilot's were not so happy with me...


2002, Having fun at the Frankenstein cafe in Aberdeen, Scotland


2003, Hawaiian Party, with the Airforce in Kyrgyzstan


2003, At the beach at Issyk Kull Lake in Kyrgyzstan


X-mas 2004, Look, even my family is supporting my Goofyness! Amazing hah?


After a Yoghurt fight with Alexandra, we wanted to sit
on a garden chair, for a picture. And just before the
self-timer took the pic... the chair broke down..!!!


This one was taken before the "Chair Picture"


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2006-06-27 [dayah]: you with long hair..don't know what to say...hehehe..sorry, love you in your airforce uniform, I always think a man in uniform is sexy and oh this last one is nice.too heheh...*huggles*

2006-06-27 [Cia_mar]: ditto!

2006-06-27 [Dark Side of the Moon]: *dies* Oh my gosh!! hee-hee! I just love the long hair pics! Gorgeous! I'll bet you cried when you had to have it cut off. >.> Well I would have... And that last picture *checks to see if husband is around* is pretty yummy! *embarrassed* Now, what that jet actually coming down the runway while you were skating on it? Just kidding. 8P

2006-06-27 [Dark Side of the Moon]: Ooh, and I forgot to're one of the cutest babies I've ever seen!

2006-06-27 [Urmando The Elfling]: Yup, about my long hair: My Airforce buddies were calling me a "Girl with a moustache" ........

2006-06-27 [Urmando The Elfling]: Well, [Dark Side of the Moon] If you think I'm the cutest babie, you have ever seen, Then it means; I haven't changed a bit since the day I was Born.....!

2006-06-27 [Dark Side of the Moon]: Not a bit...! :P

2006-06-27 [Lady of Lore]: lol, the shorter hair does look much better on you ^^

2006-06-27 [Urmando The Elfling]: [Dark Side of the Moon].....ts,ts,ts....You've done it again hah? Look.... you have made me Blush again <img:> Now I can make my own advertising for Tomato juice!....DUUH!!!

2006-06-27 [dayah]: Cute kid, strange but good looking none the less young man, and a handsome elf...though I still can't stop looking at you in you uniform..heheh

2006-06-27 [Urmando The Elfling]: Help the Blush squat is here, no place to run....

2006-06-27 [dayah]: hehe....yes gonna corner you heheh

2006-06-29 [BinaryPhoenix]: Yip...  that uniform does suit you quite well....

2006-07-02 [Viperess]: Great pictures. Looks like you know how to enjoy life to the fullest. ^_^

2006-08-07 [Lothuriel]: Hot as usual, lol!!! Oh, and what an adorable tot you were!!! 

2006-08-14 [Wunjo*]: ooh Finally a Picture of Infamous Alexandra ^^ You two seem to get along just fine!

2006-08-14 [Urmando The Elfling]: Yes thanx, in about 3 weeks, we will be roomates...!

2007-10-09 [kittykittykitty]: I LOVE these photos ^__^ Great choices!

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